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Management / Sim Warsim: The Realm of Aslona - procedurally generated kingdom management game with ASCII graphics

  • Thread starter Robert Jarzebina
  • Start date


Aug 14, 2008
Make the Codex Great Again!
Wastelander404 Is there any way to get slaves to work in the mines?
Feb 19, 2019
udm It's on my list of stuff to do, I've had it suggested by a few people and it's a very logical feature. I just haven't gotten around it.

Aemar, Haha, after that I'll do a voice command DLC for another 5.99 euros


Zionist Agent
Mar 9, 2019
Insert Title Here

let's gooooo


Zionist Agent
Mar 9, 2019
Insert Title Here
yeah, but then some turns later a vassal gifted me this dude

as funny as anointing a weird cave cheburashka is, it made me wish I'd saved up the starmetal shot
Feb 19, 2019

Yeah I love the foreign champion random event. I'm playing a game at the moment with deatheater races and their battlescores go insane.

I got one of the highest battlescore champions I've ever seen due to it.
Feb 19, 2019
Warsim (Combat Additions and More, 52 features)

Hey everyone, so following up from the recent combat update I've been fixing and expanding some of the pre-existing features while working on the next part of the update. Still in a lot of work to go but I'm glad that the new progress can be easily shared thanks to the combat updates Alpha release!

NO ARMY REACTION (8 features)

Sometimes an enemy force that has been well and truly battered, will have 0 defenders by the time you launch an invasion or a raid. Now the game with recognise this and skip the majority of the battle screens to immediately show you a new alternate set of victory screens. The same is true if you are attacked and have no troops to defend.

* Added new system to skip battle majority of combat if no defenders
* Added new screen for player invading empty enemy land
* Added new screen for enemy invading empty player land
* Added new screen for player raiding empty enemy land
* Added new screen for enemy raiding empty player land
* Added new screen for player skirmishing empty enemy land
* Added new screen for enemy skirmishing empty player land

No defenders - https://i.imgur.com/UinGwqz.png


In the old combat system your forts and friends could provide reinforcements to you when being attacked or attacking, but it was not present in the new combat system. Well now it is!

* Added reinforcement system for attacking
* Added new pop up for attacking reinforcement showing how many soldiers are gained
* Added reinforcement system for defending
* Added new pop ups showing troops gained by defending reinforcements

STONE SKIPPING (2 features)

There's already one location you can skip stones in thanks to a player suggestion, but in a recent playthrough I made it to swamps end and wished I could do the same. Well now you can!

* Reworked the graphic for swamps end in the west
* Added the ability to skip a stone in swamps end

Skip those stones - https://i.imgur.com/JW9ZmxP.png


Came across the fruit farm in a recent playthrough and saw that it wasn't quite up to scratch with the rest of the game, now it is!

* Reworked gold indicators in magical fruit farm
* Added new screen with sfx for planting fruit in magic fruit farm
* Added new screen for not having the room to plant fruit
* Added new screen for not having the gold to pay to plant fruit
* Fixed 5 text bugs with fruit farm texts


In the combat update you have the option to watch enemy battles if your spymaster is skilled enough, however I noticed that without the end of battle reports like the player gets at the end of their own battles, the enemy battles just abruptly end and the game moves on. I've added little reports that should help explain and breakdown how the battle went before you choose to move on so it's not so jarring and abrupt!

* Added new battle report for enemy fights you've watched
* Added battle report for draw battle
* Added battle report for defender victory
* Added battle report for attacker victory

The Report - https://i.imgur.com/ddoytN6.png


A rare racial trait in Warsim is Deatheater or Souleater, these races gain +1 battlescore per unit for every 25 kills they get. After some testing I realised this system wasn't in the new combat so I've now added it in and created some new pop up screens you get to show off the battlescore gain as it happens.

* Added deatheater battlescore growth system to the new combat
* Added notification screen when troops gain battlescore from deatheating (with sfx)
* Added notification for it both attacker and defender are deatheaters and both gain battlescore

A screen from both fighters being deatheaters - https://i.imgur.com/ELcmYIo.png


When you're attacked in Warsim, the game divides your total troops by your total lands. There's nothing in the game that explains this to you so it can seem quite arbitrary. I've added a new screen that pops up when you're attacked that shows you how many defenders you'll have and explains exactly why you have them.

* Added defender breakdown screen when player is attacked

Defender Breakdown - https://i.imgur.com/LPekaso.png


It occured to me that before every battle I was using bluetrii, and using the max I could order to be eated each time. I realized I could just add an option on the first screen where you choose if you want to use bluetrii at all, to say 'Use max' and have the game use the most you could use to streamline this. It's a simple little change but it saves a bit of time, and time is money!

* Added new option to choose to eat max bluetrii before battle

The new option - https://i.imgur.com/g4qlJGJ.png


In the last update a new feature was added to post battle screens, Eggheads. Now they've been fleshed out into the world a bit more, to be more than just a random thing in the reports.

* Added new building in Artifact Market 'Egghead Building'
* Added alt screen for Egghead Building if player has killed battle report Egghead
* Added 6 dialogues with Head Egghead

It's the head Egghead - https://i.imgur.com/IpZ2weP.png


While working on this update I figured it's never a bad time to add new random events that can happen during battle. So here's a new one that only happens if you allow goblin slavery, with 5 alternate versions for certain weather!

* Added new random battle event 'Goblin pebble barrage' (only if you allow goblin slavery)
* Added new weather alt 'Goblin pebble barrage on fire' (only in flaming rain)
* Added new weather alt 'Goblin pebble barrage combust' (only in extreme heat)
* Added new weather alt 'Goblin pebble barrage mostly blown away (in windy weather/storm)
* Added new weather alt 'Goblin pebble barrage blown away' (in windy weather/storm)
* Added new weather alt 'Goblin pebble barrage melts' (only in acid rain)

BUGFIXES (9 features)

A handful of fixes thanks mostly to player reports so thanks guys!

* Fixed ability to give dumblestaff even if you don't own it if you have a dumble champion (credit TJ)
* Fixed ability to infinitely give dumblestaff to a dumble champion (credit TJ)
* Fixed sid the bridge troll companions graphic bug
* Fixed useless screen for house of art and tapestries lack of gold
* Fixed battle report disabled text bug (credit Omer@Audiogames)
* Fixed text bug with assault against us text
* Fixed text bug in tutorial (credit u/Overlordopa)
* Fixed 6 text bugs in Arena intro text (credit u/Overlordopa)
* Fixed text bug with spymaster options (credit u/Overlordopa)


A bunch of loose things that couldn't fit anywhere else.

* Added new goblin name 'Boongort'
* Added new screen with sfx for paying pest group to disband and they disband
* Added new screen with sfx for paying pest group to disband and they rob you
* Made cat punishment public opinion loss 5x more likely (credit TJ)
* Added new indicator of gold to celebration pay screen
* Added notification of gold spent when paying to start a celebration


There's still much more combat update work to be done, I'm hoping to start soon on multiple attacks per year but have a few things to iron out before I can.


Feb 19, 2019
I've been working on some background stuff for Warsim and also went on a roadtrip so I've not spent much time working on stuff I can release, but I have accumulated this little bundle of new features and fixes so I figured I'd release them now before I start working on another chunk of combat update stuff! I hope you enjoy :)


Once an old ruin with little worth doing, now the source of strange screeches and cries! What's going on?

* Added new location within old prison ruins in Blackrow
* Added new character Sirc to the game with 7 dialogues
* Added ability to watch monster fights in the old prison ruins
* Added 5 reactions to the monster fights from Sirc

The new character - https://i.imgur.com/4dpz71d.png

LEAVE THE LEAGUE (3 features)

I once had a game where a league formed, and my vassal joined. Now whenever I fought an enemy who was in the league my vassal hated me for it. I had no recourse... Well now you can request your vassal quit a league.

* Added ability to force your vassal to quit league of evil/good
* Added ability to force your vassal to shut down league of evil/good if they lead it
* Added -45 relation drop between vassal and league members if they leave/shut it down

TROVE OF BAIAA (2 features)

The ancient vampire city holds a lot of interesting stuff, but when destroyed it doesn't reward you even a single gold coin. Good point Felcaster, now it does!

* Added new screen and loot gained when destroying Baiaa (15000-50000 gold) (credit Felcaster)
* Added sfx for Baiaa slave freeing event

The new trove of Baiaa - https://i.imgur.com/Y2iOyQI.png


This one slipped under my radar but I've finally got it fixed and got them working!

* Changed text for champion housing to show the exact strength bonus that will be added (credit u/theGamingDictator)
* Fixed housing champions in palace/big house/small house not giving strength bonuses (credit u/theGamingDictator)

BUGFIXES (20 features)

A handful of fixes thanks mostly to player reports so thanks guys!

* Fixed infinitely destroyable Goblinwood (credit AnAustralianGamer and u/thebestroll)
* Fixed refugee camps not collapsing when you discover new kingdoms
* Fixed scorpion max bet screen kick bug (Credit Tingcat)
* Fixed bug with slumfolk battle joiners being misreported (Credit Danwar)
* Fixed text bug in woman brings sword battle event (Credit Danwar)
* Fixed issue with incorrect reign time shown in game over screen (Credit Danwar)
* Fixed prison misreporting total number of prisoners (Credit AEGIS)
* Fixed arena showing number of fights remaining when arena is destroyed (credit Average Gnome Whistler Enjoyer)
* Fixed text bug with boy turns into mage (credit JimmyL)
* Fixed infinite digging terraforming sound (Credit Barack Obama)
* Fixed text bug in champion trap door replacement champion
* Fixed throwing grand champion in dungeon doesn't remove him from his position (Credit Doctor Pulsar)
* Fixed two dialogues referencing guildmaster in musicians guild that has no guildmaster (credit TheGamingDictator)
* Fixed merc leader jailed throne room reaction text bug
* Fixed peasants flee to join bandit horde when bandit horde doesn't exist (credit VineFynn)
* Fixed grand champion vs monster showing dead grand champion as a monster (credit Steve Killbane)
* Fixed incorrect sound effects for grand champion killed by monster (credit Steve Killbane)
* Fixed arena fan death reaction happening even if you decide not to execute arena champion (credit Doctor Pulsar)
* Fixed arena champion execution screen killing arena champion even if you decide not to execute (credit Doctor Pulsar)
* Fixed dropping rebel nervous man through trap door doesn't show -1 rebel (Credit TJ)

EVERYTHING ELSE (13 feature)

A bunch of loose things that couldn't fit anywhere else.

* Added new special event and system if both arena fighters are pacifists to prevent eternal battle of nothingness (credit Babipoki)
* Added the option to have a celebration that is just a one off this year (credit Davadin)
* Added the ability to auto-train in the unowned combat academy (credit Ranger)
* Reworked krut dead diplomacy screen layout
* Reworked Erak dead diplomacy screen layout
* Reworked Rebels dead diplomacy screen layout
* Made bet option blocked if you have no gold in scorp pit betting
* Added screen for betting higher than the max in scorp pit
* Added screen for betting more than you have in scorp pit
* Added alt text for asking how many prisoners there are when it's empty
* Added new screen for sending foreign emissary through a trap door (credit TJ)
* Made arresting or trap dooring a vampire hunter who brings the head of a gnome instead of a vampire, no public op loss (credit Doctor Pulsar)
* Added ability to view milita in diplomacy screen even if all units are bought (credit Helloo)


I've reviewing my combat update plans going forward and making some expansions on it, then planning to get stuck in and start working on a new combat update.


Feb 19, 2019
Warsim (Battleheroes and Spyreports Update, 99 features)

Hey everyone, I hope you're all well. This is an update made up of several smaller updates to the combat system which I'm glad to be finally getting out. It adds spyreports back to the combat but with improvements, and it adds champions and heroes to the battle but with a huge new system with many encounters to make things more interesting.

There's still mountains more stuff to come with the combat but I'm glad to complete this and get closer to having combat complete, I hope you guys enjoy! :)


Prior to this update champions could not be sent to battle as they could in the old combat. Now however they won't just be units that fight and die in battle, now they will have their own events and phases that can take place.

* Added ability to send champions to battle
* Added new type of battle phase 'Champion event'
* Added ability to send all champions at once instead of choosing yes for each champion
* Added 1 in 6 chance of champion event happening if 1 champion is sent
* Added 1 in 5 chance of champion event happening if 2 or 3 champions sent
* Added 1 in 4 chance of champion event happening if 4 or 5 champions sent
* Added several new sound effects for use within this system
* Added chance that champion will shout any of 100+ insult lines before an attack
* Added last stand system if only champions survive the battle allowing them to be called back or sent to fight in a last stand
* Added special alternate system for if you only send your champion(s) to battle
* Added champion event 'Champion attempts to assault enemy lines but falls back' (50 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion attacks enemy lines and does some damage but is reppelled' (100 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion charges out and gets many good stabs and strikes' (150 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion sends enemy lines back' (200 battlescore and above)
* Added champion event 'Champion assaults enemy lines with ferocity' (generic)
* Added champion event 'Champion shoots a few arrows at the enemy, most miss' (50 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion shoots a few arrows hitting several' (100 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion shoots a pile of arrows hitting many' (150 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion shoots a full quiver hitting every target' (200 battlescore and above)
* Added champion event 'Champion charges forward and cleaves an enemy head clean off' (generic)
* Added champion event 'Champion says What's that over there and kills 1 enemy' (50 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion says What's that over there and kills 2 enemies' (100 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion says What's that over there and kills 3 enemies' (150 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion says What's that over there and kills 4 enemies' (200 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion says What's that over there and kills 6 enemies' (250 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion says What's that over there and kills 10 enemies' (251+ battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion sneaks off and catches a group of enemies offguard' (generic)
* Added champion event 'Champion Kills an enemy and says 'Yes! I did it, I actually killed one' (50 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion Kills two enemies and says 'I've killed two, two already!' (100 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion Kills three enemies and says 'There's another three kills, huzzah!' (150 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion Kills four enemies in close combat and shouts 'Another four dead, more to come!' (200 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion Kills six enemies in a quick fight and shouts 'Six more dead if anyone's counting' (250 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion kills eight enemies in a short battle and shouts 'Eight more dead by my blade' (251+ battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion duels a trio of enemies and kills all 3' (150+ battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion picks up and launches a discarded sword managing to kill an enemy' (149 or less battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion duels a trio of enemies and slices their heads off in quick succession' (150+ battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion stubs toe and then angrily swings and kills two enemies in the rage' (149 or less battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion charges forward and kills four enemies in a frenzy' (150+ battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion duels an enemy for a while an kills him' (149 or less battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion fights a band of six enemies and slays each one with a series of slashes' (150+ battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion stretches his arm out for a moment and accidentally skewers an enemy' (149 or less battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion fights a group of 5 slaying each in a tough struggle' (150+ battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion trips and falls into an enemy knocking them onto a fallen sword and killing them' (149 or less battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion swings their sword dazzlingly' (150+ battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion takes a huge swing and kills two' (149 or less battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion duels a group of three quickly killing them and another passing pair' (150+ battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion throws his sword and skewers an enemy with it' (149 or less battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion charges forward but trips over' (50 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion grabs a corse as a shield and attacks enemy lines' (100 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion grabs live enemy as a shield and attacks enemy lines' (150 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion grabs live enemy as a shield and pushes the lines back' (200+ battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion rolls into a group of enemies and leaps up to fight' (150+ battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion rolls forward and attacks before falling back' (149 or less battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion chops tree down on enemy line' (150+ battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion pushes tree down on enemy line' (149 or less battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion ducks an arrow' (50 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion dodges two arrows' (100 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion blocks an arrow with his sword' (150 battlescore or below)
* Added champion event 'Champion swats an arrow out of the air' (200+ battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion gets his sword stuck in a corpse' (150+ battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion chops an enemy to bits' (149 or less battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion attacks ferociously' (150+ battlescore)
* Added champion event 'Champion picks up discarded sword and duel wields' (149 or less battlescore)
* Added champion last stand event 'For the ruler'
* Added champion last stand event 'For the kingdom'
* Added champion last stand event 'Madman'
* Added champion last stand event 'Screaming'
* Added champion last stand event 'Fight to the death'
* Added champion last stand event 'Huge aggression'
* Added champion last stand event 'Slicing'
* Added champion last stand death event 'Cut to pieces'
* Added champion last stand death event 'arrow to the head'
* Added champion last stand death event 'hacked up'
* Added champion last stand death event 'slain and left to rot'
* Added champion last stand death event 'defeated and left as a corpse'

Send all 5 heroes at once?

Hero beheading an enemy

Hero duels a trio of enemies

Hey what's that over there?

A hero failing

Hero attacking enemy lines

Hero fires a full quiver

Hero counting kills

A champion is killed mid battle

A champion in the new death report after a battle has ended

A last stand?

For the king!

Last stand death

Last stand success


Spyreports used to be part of the old combat, well now it's back again but with the ability to ask your spymaster for advice on attacking or not and a few other features!

* Added spymaster report before attacks in the new combat system if spymaster skill is greater than 100
* Added spymaster shows total fighters if skill is greater than 150
* Added option to retreat from battle in spy report screen
* Added option to ask spymaster what they think about the situation
* Added 10 dialogues for spymasters responses to player having advantage (dynamic depending on how advantaged the player is)
* Added 10 dialogues for spymasters responses to player having disadvantage (dynamic depending on how disadvantaged the player is)
* Added dialogue for spymaster if forces are similar in strength

An encouraging spy report

A not so encouraging spy report

NEW CONTENT (2 features)

Some loose new content for the game! I can't wait to find a champion called Bork the Childslayer in game.

* Added new name suffix 'the Childslayer' (+3 Battlescore) (Can also be further randomised)
* Added 10 new possible kingdom names (Argonia, Argalan, Untaar, Vorkfel, Yor, Ut, Vorfel, Vorgelhold, Vogonia, Varkfold)

BUGFIXES (7 features)

More bugs fixed! Always more bugs to fix... why...

* Fixed Mans the Dictator fighting himself in the Arena
* Fixed bug with having auto explore on at the end of a turn causing weird diplomat screen
* Fixed 2 text bugs in arena fight move
* Fixed text bug in response to 'I want to know more before I attack' option if you have no spymaster or general
* Fixed blackmarket leader text bug 'Beward my rage'
* Fixed 2 text bugs with Blackmarket leader dialogue (credit u/BeauGrandBateau)
* Fixed militia not correctly reported battlescore in troop count screen (credit Defiant1)


A bunch of loose things that couldn't fit anywhere else.

* Reworked text for knights trial to tell you the knights name
* Reworked text for choosing a trial
* Reworked text prior to all 3 trials
* Reworked the spymaster/general response layout on the 'I want to know more before I attack' option
* Added end of turn report event notification for merc group formed from militia
* Added end of turn report event notification for merc group formed from demon horde units
* Reworked visual display of main staff screen to grey out slots not filled
* Added new pop up event when arena is upgraded by independent owner

New display on staff screen

And new display with a more full roster of staff


I've got a few things to sort out and then I plan on hitting the multiple attacks per year system and figuring out how exactly I'll be doing it as it requires a few fundemental changes of the way the game works. I'm excited for it though!


Feb 19, 2019
This update has been focused on addressing some issues players have been having with bandit raids so I'll continue more on it below!


The points raised by players have been logical so I've sought to address them in a way that keeps the threat there but has it at least make more sense. Now instead of freely being able to pillage every penny you earn, bandits will have reduced capacity for raiding and can end up fighting with your troops and killing some as well as losing some of their own.

* Added new system for handling bandit raids
* Buffed weak independent kingdom bandit raids
* Made Horde and Minor bandit raiders be divided by their total lands instead of their full population
* Added 50% chance of raid failing if player has 3x the defenders on the land than the raiders send
* Added 30% chance of raid failing if player has 2x the defenders on the land than the raiders send
* Added 25% chance of raid failing if player has 1.5x the defenders on the land than the raiders send
* Added 20% chance of raid failing if player has less than 1.5x defenders but more than the raiders sent
* Added 50% chance of raid success if player has 3x less defenders on the land than the raiders send
* Added 30% chance of raid success if player has 2x less defenders on the land than the raiders send
* Added 25% chance of raid success if player has 1.5x less defenders on the land than the raiders send
* Added 20% chance of raid success if raiders have less than 1.5x but more than the player
* Made each separate bandit raid be reported by itself instead of using merged system just saying minor bandits robbed you
* Added big success raids with double the income
* Added weak success raids with half the income
* Added system that tracks how many raids have been blocked by your palisades and lets you know at the end of the turn
* Added curfew law being active makes bandit raids twice as less likely to succeed
* Added new notification of bandit raid changes when enabling and disabling curfew law
* Added 1 in 20 chance a failed raid will destroy defence palisades
* Added 1 in 40 chance a failed raid will downgrade heavy defence palisades
* Added 1 in 60 chance a failed raid will downgrade thorn-laced defence palisades
* Added new pop up screen with sfx if palisades are destroyed/damaged
* Added event for failed raid killing a lone bandit
* Added event for failed raid killing a random number of bandits
* Added event for failed raid killing a random number of bandits and your soldiers
* Added event for failed raid killing a random number of your soldiers
* Added event for failed raid killing a lone one of your soldiers
* Added event for failed raid with raiders captured and killed (if prison closed)
* Added event for failed raid with raiders improsoned (if prison open)
* Added event for failed raid where bandits are caight and flee
* Added event for failed raid where bandits can't find a way in
* Added event for failed raid where bandits are chased off by angry peasants
* Made players bandit pillaging 50% less effective (out of fairness)

A comparison of old and new raid systems - https://i.imgur.com/xBD4XMd.png

INSTRMENT OF FATE (9 features)

Some players recently complained that they wished they could choose the fate of the independent leaders of enemy kingdoms when they defeat them, I have now made that possible with a number of options!

* Added new screen when invading the last land of an independent kingdom (credit Anarcho-raoism and CristianCam)
* Added 6 variant texts for ruler captured depending on their personality
* Added option to execute the leader
* Added option to force them to drink poison (6 variant reactions)
* Added option to toss them from the highest cliff
* Added option to exile them (6 variant reactions)
* Added option to set them free (6 variant reactions)
* Added option to ask them to become your champion (if champion slots are free)
* Added alternate outcome for champion request if their leader is hostile personality

The new options after defeating a kingdom - https://i.imgur.com/vOFVNhO.png

Poison it is - https://i.imgur.com/x9Ogs7y.png

You can join me - https://i.imgur.com/NjTB2Pr.png


In game unless you have the artifact that prevents them, sometimes little bandit groups spawn within your own lands and swear to destroy you. I found their destruction to be quite boring as you are told the leader is executed in some end of turn text but you don't see it happen. I've expanded things now!

* Added pop up bandit groups to the new combat system
* Added new screen for defeating pop up bandit group showing leader execution
* Added +3 public opinion gain for defeating pop up bandit group

Take that, bandit scum - https://i.imgur.com/FDhy1Lp.png

BUGFIXES (4 features)

A few bug fixes, cheers for the reports guys!

* Fixed destroyed arena text bug (credit Aegis)
* Fixed annexation text bug (credit Danwar)
* Fixed bug with last 5 bandits from 5th bandit gang not being sent to battle
* Fixed an issue with skirmish victories being incorrectly reported in end of turn reports


This contains an actually pretty big change, the new non human champions thing is quite exciting for me!

* Blocked egghead reports for last stand only battles as they show nothing
* Added new system that allows for non human champions to be hired from the champions choice of 16 (credit Helloo)
* Added 9989 code to spawn pest group

A golem champion being hired - https://i.imgur.com/dxOfU6j.png

and a giant - https://i.imgur.com/i7I3YNf.png


Now that the bandit stuff is out of the way I'm finishing coming up with some new combat system concepts before I move on and start creating them, lots of work to do but it's good to see it all come together!


Feb 19, 2019
Warsim (Halloween Treat, 51 features) (And Warsim 40% off Sale Announcement)

Hey guys,

It's Halloween again so here's a little Halloween gift for those enjoying Warsim at the moment or those who are diving back in!

A new halloween mod to play and a small update with 50 new halloween themed items!

I'm still working on the multi attack system (allowing players and enemies to launch more than one attack per year) and it's going well but there's a lot I wish to add and improve so it's going to take a little while longer.

But in the meantime I'm happy to be able to at least put out something for you guys!

To those who have been active in the community at all over the last year or so, thank you all so much. No matter what has happened this year, good or bad, there has always been daily comments across steam, reddit, youtube, twitter, discord, and the forums for Warsim and they are pretty much entirely positive and kind comments that mean so much. Such a lovely connection to the community and those who clearly love the game is so wholesome and is one of the strongest fuels that keeps this passion project in development full time for so many years now!

Beyond that, if anyone here doesn't own Warsim (or does and knows anyone who might enjoy it)

Warsim is on sale at 40% off for Steam Halloween sale so it'll be a lot cheaper to pick up ($4.79) - https://store.steampowered.com/app/659540/Warsim_The_Realm_of_Aslona/?beta=0

Anyway, without further ado... The changelogs

The legend of Spooktaria

The game takes place in a save filed called 'Spooktaria' which pits you in the shoes of Ween the Hallowed One, ruler of Spooktaria in a fight against a world of spooky creatures.

* Load the Save 'Spooktaria' to start the game
* Start with 3 custom champions 'Dracula (800 Battlescore), Hoggo the Demonic (666 Battlescore), and Patchwork Monster (450 Battlescore)'
* Start with Decrepit Croll as your diplomat
* Start with 5 custom kingdoms 'Mad Ghosts, Disfigured Hobgoblins, Void Necromancers, Garden Vampires, and Dire Witches


For those who want to make their own custom spooky world don't forget you can start a new game using the Halloween race pack to get randomly generated spooky races!

Halloween Items Pack (50 features)

Alongside the new game I've also added a pack of 50 new spooky halloween themed items that will appear all over the game as random loot.

* Added 'a cursed book bound by skin (worth 5 gold)
* Added 'a solid gold statue of a skull (worth 200 gold)
* Added 'a solid silver statue of a skull (worth 110 gold)
* Added 'a fine stone statue of a skull (worth 20 gold)
* Added 'a crude stone statue of a skull (worth 3 gold)
* Added 'a crudely made wicker skull (worth 2 gold)
* Added 'a finely crafted wicker skull (worth 10 gold)
* Added 'a finely carved wooden skull (worth 15 gold)
* Added 'a finely carved diamond encrused wooden skull (worth 250 gold)
* Added 'a crudely carved wooden skull (worth 2 gold)
* Added 'an obsidian statue of a skull (worth 190 gold)
* Added 'a solid gold statue of a horned skull (worth 210 gold)
* Added 'a solid silver statue of a horned skull (worth 115 gold)
* Added 'a fine stone statue of a horned skull (worth 22 gold)
* Added 'a crude stone statue of a horned skull (worth 4 gold)
* Added 'a crudely made wicker horned skull (worth 3 gold)
* Added 'a finely crafter wicker horned skull (worth 11 gold)
* Added 'a finely carved wooden horned skull (worth 16 gold)
* Added 'a finely carved diamond encrused wooden horned skull (worth 260 gold)
* Added 'a crudely carved wooden horned skull (worth 3 gold)
* Added 'an obsidian statue of a horned skull (worth 200 gold)
* Added 'a dragon tooth with a carving of a great battle on it (worth 450 gold)
* Added 'an obsidian dragon tooth (worth 250 gold)
* Added 'a fossilized dragon tooth (worth 550 gold)
* Added 'a rusty cauldron (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'a blood stained cauldron (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'an iron shield with a cobweb painted on it (worth 15 gold)
* Added 'a solid gold shield with a cobweb painted on it (worth 260 gold)
* Added 'a carved pumpkin (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'a solid gold pumpkin (worth 210 gold)
* Added 'a finely crafted cauldron (worth 15 gold)
* Added 'a cursed broom (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'a poison coated cauldron (worth 3 gold)
* Added 'a cauldron carved out of bones (worth 25 gold)
* Added 'a fork made of bone (worth 5 gold)
* Added 'a knife made of bone (worth 5 gold)
* Added 'a bowl made of bone (worth 4 gold)
* Added 'a dagger made of bone (worth 20 gold)
* Added 'a dragon bone spear (worth 670 gold)
* Added 'a carved dragon egg (worth 940 gold)
* Added 'a severed hand (worth 1 gold)
* Added 'a jar with a single eyeball in it (worth 3 gold)
* Added 'a tri pointed pitchfork (worth 66 gold)
* Added 'a painting of a haunted house (worth 44 gold)
* Added 'a painting of a horrifying scene (worth 50 gold)
* Added 'a painting of a burning pumpkin (worth 62 gold)
* Added 'a painting of a hulking vampire (worth 90 gold)

Thank you and I hope you guys enjoy



Glory to Ukraine
Nov 14, 2009
The bandit changes will be effective, hopefully. They seem like the real final boss of the game and once you beat them the other kingdoms are a cakewalk in comparison.
Feb 19, 2019
Warsim (Champions Tournament Update, 14 features)

Hey guys so I wasn't planning on releasing another update yet but a ton of people have been reporting an issue with the Arena and infinite fights against pacifists so I'm releasing this to patch that! (Sorry to anyone who's had the bug!)


While playing Warsim the idea popped into my head and I had to make it possible, now for 8000 gold and as long as the Arena is big enough to host 16 man tournaments, you can make all of the champions for hire fight, and hire the winner!

* Added the ability to launch a tournament from the champion for hire screen using all the fighters present with the winner becoming your champion

The new option - https://i.imgur.com/LrBlELy.png

The tournament is on - https://i.imgur.com/J0HPKvl.png

And the winner is - https://i.imgur.com/PCDDDvx.png

A new batch of fighters - https://i.imgur.com/n8VPbnj.png

BUGFIXES (12 features)

A dozen bugfixes including the dreaded infini-pacifist fight...

* Fixed issue with palisade destruction end of turn text breaking
* Fixed issue with super strong pacifists not dying in arena causing infinite fight (credit Starcliff)
* Fixed Blackmarket money collector collecting money even when the Blackmarket is destroyed, the sneaky bugger (credit Defender)
* Fixed new bandit outposts spawning in Blackmarket even when it's ruined (credit Defender)
* Fixed Bandit groups still able to buy bandits even when Blackmarket is destroyed (credit Defender)
* Fixed doomstone fragment death doesn't send you to gameover screen but just closes the game (credit TJ)
* Fixed Arena no entry fee paid event still takes entry fee gold (credit TorbenBeta)
* Fixed Arena half price entry free event still takes full gold (credit TorbenBeta)
* Fixed issue with pacifist event text bug in the Arena
* Fixed double line bug in goblinwood merc post
* Fixed issue with Goblin Berserkers not working in the new combat system
* Fixed text bug with champion event (credit u/demontits)


Just a little improvement

* Added new screen and sfx when rubbing doomstone fragment in your artifact hall


I'm still working on the multi attack system and have made some decent progress so I'll be keeping up my work and hopefully finding a good balanced system, I hope everyone had a great halloween!


Feb 19, 2019
Warsim (THE 30K CELEBRATION UPDATE, 333 features)

Hello everyone, I've been working a while on this content update as a big thank you to everyone for their support in helping Warsim reach 30'000 copies sold online! For a text based kingdom management game in 2021, that is surreal to me and it means I can work on this passion project for as long as I need!

I set out to do a number of things to celebrate this fantastic milestone and one of those was to make a 300 piece update, unfortunately I overshot it a little, so I added a few more things to push it to 333!

* Here's a video announcement about the 30k - https://youtu.be/iErWH8hmt1o
* And Warsim is currently 30% off for the 30k milestone. Though I will say, don't get your hopes up for 100% off if we make it to the 100k milestone, hahaha

Without further ado, here is the first section of the update, a new interesting character that will occupy and explore the realm.

ELYK THE MADMAN (32 features)

Elyk the Madman is a new character you may encounter in Warsim. He's a perpetual drunk and a wildcard that once befriended can pop up on occasion all over the game and help you out. Once met you can go and get drunk with him at the Three Blades inn at the Artifact Market anytime using the new 'Drinking with a friend' system I've added to the game.

* Added new character to the game 'Elyk the Madman'
* Added ability to encounter Elyk in the Skullfields
* Added ability to encounter Elyk in the Blackmarket Dark Alley
* Added ability to encounter Elyk after buying a drink at the Dragon's Kneecap
* Added ability to encounter Elyk next to the guard gate in Darkdale
* Added ability to encounter Elyk after buying all of the boxes at Gohran's Artifacts
* Added Elyk appears randomly at the above locations each year
* Added Elyk to the Three Blades in after you meet him in one of the other locations
* Added ability to tell Elyk to begone (never see him again)
* Added ability to accept invite to drink with Elyk
* Added special screen if you try to drink with Elyk while already at max drunk level
* Added 7 random pre drink dialogues to Elyk
* Added random toast event to drinking with Elyk
* Added ability to suggest toasting with Elyk
* Added 10 random toast dialogues to Elyk
* Added 10 random drink buying events to Elyk
* Added rare random event 'Puke glass' to Elyk
* Added rare random event 'Dagger Scrawling' to Elyk
* Added rare random event 'Slap' to Elyk
* Added chance Elyk tells you a random story while drinking
* Added chance Elyk says a random dialogue while drinking
* Added special screen if you get too drunk while drinking with Elyk
* Added 5 random dialogues to Elyk for when you ask to stop drinking
* Added ability to ask Elyk to tell you a story
* Added 22 random Elyk dialogues
* Added 10 random Elyk stories
* Added ability to ask 7 different questions to Elyk
* Added Elyk entry fee event to Arena once you've met him
* Added Elyk riding a bear into battle random battle event once you've met him
* Added Elyk tapestry incident end of turn event
* Added Elyk life debt knight end of turn event
* Added Elyk goblin bet end of turn event

- Hangover cures - https://i.imgur.com/9CDICZX.png
- A slumbering oaf - https://i.imgur.com/HV4a3Fv.png
- A new friend - https://i.imgur.com/a5WEykp.png
- Hmm - https://i.imgur.com/HdcW7Uu.png
- That's one mysterious way to get ale - https://i.imgur.com/ZyxiIkY.png
- Biggleroll you say? - https://i.imgur.com/ziAchYS.png


Can never have too many of these, especially if you're the kind of person who deals with everyone in the throne room...*Shudders*

* Added throne room encounter 'Urine Bucket Crime'
* Added throne room encounter 'Fake Healing Potions'
* Added throne room encounter 'Egg the Castle'
* Added throne room encounter 'Dead Cult'
* Added throne room encounter 'I doth shout loudly'
* Added throne room encounter 'Makeshift watchtower'
* Added throne room encounter 'Trolls toll'


I saw a talk on game design recently that opened my eyes to instances where a generic number is used to convey something and it made me think, so I've added a new section to champion stat screens to show with extra text what sort of strength a champion is, there are now 13 different ratings a champion can be based on their total battlescore from Absurdly weak, puny and weak, up to Elite and Absurdly Powerful.

* Added 13 different strength indicator texts 'As strong as a soldier / Elite / Absurdly Weak' etc

- A weak hero - https://i.imgur.com/ZT3dx45.png
- A stronger one - https://i.imgur.com/fUPX1ts.png
- One of the best I found - https://i.imgur.com/aVbVf8t.png


It occured to me while watching a Warsim stream, that executing bandits in the throne room didn't have the effect it could, reducing bandit level. If you heard the king was giving the chop to every bandit in the throne room you might reconsider your ways!

* Fixed text bug with bandit execution event
* Added -1 bandit level drop if you select execute in 'Road robber' throne room encounter
* Added -1 bandit level drop if you select execute in 'Banditry' throne room encounter
* Added -1 bandit level drop if you select execute in 'Egg Stealer' throne room encounter
* Added -1 bandit level drop if you select execute in 'Guard killer' throne room encounter
* Added -1 bandit level drop if you select execute in 'Anarchist' throne room encounter
* Added -1 bandit level drop if you select execute in 'Peasant Killer' throne room encounter
* Added -1 bandit level drop if you select execute in 'Jester Killer' throne room encounter
* Added -1 bandit level drop if you select execute in 'Weapon Robber' throne room encounter
* Added -1 bandit level drop if you select execute in 'Caravan Robber' throne room encounter
* Added -1 bandit level drop if you select execute in 'Joker' throne room encounter
* Added -1 bandit level drop if you select execute in 'Farm Burner' throne room encounter
* Added -1 bandit level drop if you select execute in 'Bandit Revolt' throne room encounter
* Added -1 bandit level drop if you select execute in 'New gang' throne room encounter
* Added -1 bandit level drop if you select execute in 'Bandit Rebel' throne room encounter

THE WORDS OF HEROES (5 features)

Added some more words that can be said in the arena or in battle by heroes and champions!

* Added new champion insult 'I'll break your skull and drink the juice within!'
* Added new champion insult 'I'm gonna eat your fingers!'
* Added new champion insult 'I'll burp on your corpse!'
* Added new champion insult 'My sword is named death, and soon you shall meet it!'
* Added new champion insult 'And so we dance with death!'

NEW ITEMS (17 features)

A heap more items to discover in the world!

* Added 'a silver skull ring with black diamonds for eyes' (Worth 610 gold)
* Added 'a gold skull ring with emeralds for eyes' (Worth 350 gold)
* Added 'a steel skull ring with amber for eyes' (Worth 60 gold)
* Added 'a silver snake ring with emeralds for eyes' (Worth 350 gold)
* Added 'a silver snake ring with diamonds for eyes' (Worth 510 gold)
* Added 'a gold snake ring with emeralds for eyes' (Worth 390 gold)
* Added 'a gold snake ring with diamonds for eyes' (Worth 690 gold)
* Added 'a large black diamond' (Worth 650 gold)
* Added 'a strange floppy sword that is soft to touch' (Worth 110 gold)
* Added 'a small golden duck statue' (Worth 110 gold)
* Added 'a cactus made of gold' (Worth 256 gold)
* Added 'a cactus of tiny swords' (Worth 145 gold)
* Added 'a crude wooden statue of a rattlesnake' (Worth 7 gold)
* Added 'a frozen dragons tongue' (Worth 156 gold)
* Added 'a cursed gold nugget' (Worth 25 gold)
* Added 'a pair of lace stockings' (worth 10 gold) (credit Cat)
* Added 'a rabbit's foot' (worth 4 gold) (credit Cat)

HERO NAMES EXPANDED (246 features)

Name suffix additions are thing that can be added to random name suffixes. For example a character could be called Jorg the Ugly, but the suffix 'The Ugly' itself can be further randomised so it could be Jorg the Ugly Staffmaster, etc. With 100s of new additions to the many pre-existing name suffixes there are now 1000s more possibilities!

There were too many to include directly in the changelog so I've had to remove them, to see the full list of all 246 of them see this new wiki entry - https://warsim-the-realm-of-aslona....ixes_added_in_Warsim_0.8.4.8?venotify=created

* Added 246 new hero name suffixes

BUGFIXES (3 features)

* Fixed issue with some drinking events being overwritten by Nairolfs Party drinking text
* Fixed raid system crash bug (credit u/ThusSniffedZizek42)
* Fixed champion banner bug

EVERYTHING ELSE (5 features)

* Removed two awful name suffixes (credit Leechgirl)
* Added 5 new arena insults
* Added 5 new kingdom names (Hyrkhan, Hyrkania, Losaria, Pridar, Trevara)
* Removed redundant screen in Blackmarket alley
* Added new reworked option for sending a soldier through the alley


A lot more to work on after this little bout of celebrating, it was just too good a milestone to pass up! And again, thank you all who contributed to that figure, every single copy in that 30k is a chunk of this dream come true scenario for me so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Viva Warsim
Feb 19, 2019
Hey guys, just a follow up to say to any of the 100s of people who've picked up Warsim over the last few days in the 30% sale welcome!

And to everyone commenting, dming, emailing, and so on, thank you! It's been a pleasure and it's been very lovely to get such kind comments <3

The AMA on /r/gamedev has gone fantastically too with over 150 comments and nearly 1000 upvotes so far.

AMA - https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/comments/reu6em/my_singleplayer_textbased_kingdom_management_game/

Thank you everyone :)
Feb 19, 2019
Posting this a bit late but

Hey guys, it's that lovely time of year again and I wanted to do something nice
for the homeless in my city. I used to do it every christmas and would spend
some of xmas night in my city giving out gift bags I'd bundled together.
The last Christmas I was able to do this in 2018 was with a friend and it was difficult but definitely worth it.

Having recently hit 30k copies sold with Warsim, while I'm not living the champagne
hot tub lifestyle I'm able to support myself well enough and am saving up for the
future, but now and especially in the age of covid I do wish I could do more.

I had planned to take every penny earned by Warsim over the 5 days leading up to
christmas to buy loads of gifts and essentials and go and give them out again but
hopefully on a bigger scale than before, but unfortunately covid cases are skyrocketing
and my girlfriend and I were recently directly exposed and are now quarantining.

I'd still like to do something of this kind though, so I am instead going to collect
all Warsim income the next 5 days and donate it all to a homeless charity called

I will record a video a day showing how I'm getting on, so stay tuned if you're interested.

Thank you all for reading, wish me luck! <3

Youtube Announcement - https://youtu.be/ukGRZZm0kvA

And the video on Tiktok too - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM83Q7jFS/
Feb 19, 2019
Hey guys!

Had a fantastic response to yesterdays video and after the days end I'm happy to announce the results of the first day.


$111 from 15 units sold, Steam takes 30% ($33.30) leaving me with $77.70 (call it $78) and then by my checking today $78 converts to £58.87 (call it £60) so now with my original £200 starting donation we're at £260 which I'm super excited by!

Video announcement of day one:

* Youtube - https://youtu.be/r6m2fGm2SYU
* Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@gamedevhuw/video/7044272739514879238?_d=secCgwIARCbDRjEF...

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