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CD Projekt RED has been hacked, hacker threatens to release CP2077 and Witcher 3 source code

Dec 5, 2010
What will be actually fun to watch in here, if the hackers release the source code, is to see, first hand, how embarassing CDPR coding practices must be. I will surely enjoy savoring all that tasty spaghetti.
TW3's gameplay scripts are public.
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May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Mr. Hacker says he will expose their "shitty practices" that will deservedly sent their reputation "down the shitter", so it's probably not fake. It generates sympathy for the employees but makes the company look bad. It really does sound like a disgruntled employee who nabbed some things on the way out.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Mr. Hacker says he will expose their "shitty practices" that will deservedly sent their reputation "down the shitter", so it's probably not fake. It generates sympathy for the employees but makes the company look bad. It really does sound like a disgruntled employee who nabbed some things on the way out.
why is he trying to make me like CDPR?


Feb 22, 2020
So Below
Feels like there's been a trend of high-profile security breaches for games corps over the last year in particular. Both from opportunists and former-employees with no career left to lose.


Jun 6, 2020
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In
your have been epically pwned!!
how old is this hacker, 70?
The more I think about it, the more this sounds like a false flag operation by CD-Project. "Oh no we've been hacked. Looks like we won't be able to fix Cyberpunk this year after all..."
This message reads like how Karen from HR thinks a hacker sounds like.
There's no way this is fake. The damage this is already doing to CDPR is way worse then giving up on Cyberpunk would be.
the damage in question being what exactly

So, you assume that everything is fake? Meaning that they are lying about being hacked and lying about having contacted the police? Even in that case, we still have the drop of stock which damages the shareholders (and the bigwig executives of the company) as well as the opportunity costs of managing this deceit. There will be ton of inquiries coming into CDPR about the hack right now (from employees, partners, customers, media etc.) who all want to know what has happend and whether they are affected. Even if just PR / legal and the top CEOs are affected by this, it will cause a lot of chaos in the company and regular work will suffer. Also, this is another huge blow to CDPR's reputation. They have demonstrated already that they cannot be trusted to deliver a working product and cannot be trusted to fix it up quickly afterwards. Now they have also demonstrated that they can't keep their data safe. Investors will think twice of investing in CDPR in the future as a result. In fact, this whole business might lead to CDPR being bought (maybe by Microsoft) if their stock continues to fall.

I grant that all of these damages are hard to quantify and are more midterm, but my point is just that faking such a hack isn't free. And what do you gain by faking it? They already had their shitstorm about Cyberpunk and a lot of refunds. Who really cares whether they will be able to fix it this year or next year? Remember you still have the COVID card you can play to explain almost any delay in any industry. It would be much easier to use that excuse instead of making up a hack. Also, remember Hanlon's razor: It is much easier to believe that CDPR got hacked because their security sucks instead of believing in some sophisticated false flag operation.
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Mebrilia the Viera Queen

Well that is well deserved!

They had some security issues in the game and also attempted to blame a modder for it. The modders answered exposing their lies further.

Now this hack.. This is getting better and better but make no mistake they deserve this.



Possibly Retarded
Jan 11, 2021
Also, remember Hanlon's razor: It is much easier to believe that CDPR got hacked because their security sucks instead of believing in some sophisticated false flag operation.
The series of troubles with the Poles resembles a planned sabotage.
They burst into game development like the Tunguska meteorite, breaking the usual status quo. I'm a huge fan of cinema and I know how companies punished filmmakers who decided to step out of their specialization to become screenwriters, directors and producers (against the wishes of the media moogals). This was how the careers of Charles Chaplin, Kevin Costner and Bruce Willis were destroyed. Although King in the City, Waterworld and Hudson Hawk are great films.


Thread Incliner
Apr 5, 2008
Your ignore list.



Possibly Retarded
Jan 11, 2021
Said the man from a country that haven't released a good game in 20 years lol.
The series of troubles with the Poles resemble
polish incompetence
Said the man from a country that haven't released a good game in 20 years lol.
We had Sea Dogs and Space Rangers.
These games influenced Assassins Creed: Black Flag. Space Rangers is still a fun game, if you are expecting a game from Chris then you must play Space Rangers. They embodied all his ideas.
There is also a great game Planet Alcatraz (Dungeon orderlies), where a special group of space marines fights against the Nazis from the Fourth Reich and Satanists. In the very first mission, a "black man without pants" creeps up to the player, who was raped by black voodooists and asks him to kill him to save his male honor. This is a very funny and harsh game created under the ideological influence of Dmitry Puchkov (aka Goblin), the communist media guru space.
I'm not talking about other games being developed in Russia, like that strategy about the Gods, I'm not talking about the Fifth Heroes, I'm not talking about other games.

I'm not even talking about Canadians, who took the plots of Nikolai Perumov's books and based on his world created Dragon Age, replacing Black Rain with Mor


Sep 4, 2013
This thread shows which moral values are prevalent in the codex.
CD Project has turned towards marxist postmodernist cultural degeneration and that is their main problem and not that they fucked up one game release. In one year they will fix most of the game function bugs while hypocrites will remain hypocrites.

Miner 2049er

Apr 27, 2016
Come on, give them a break, they just released the game a few...years too early. Just don't do early accesses. Be it games, women or vaccines.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
who would win:
the most highly anticipated video game of all time that cost half a billion dollars to develop and took 10 years to make
an RPG thrown together in Brian Fargo's garage over a weekend by a team of 4 people with a negative budget


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
who would win:
the most highly anticipated video game of all time that cost half a billion dollars to develop and took 10 years to make
an RPG thrown together in Brian Fargo's garage over a weekend by a team of 4 people with a negative budget
None,both are shit lol. The only decent rpg from the last year was from france lol.


Jun 25, 2020
They could use the CP77 source code in programming lessons as bad example. How to NOT code.

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