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Why the fuck is Witcher 3 #15 on the Codex top 101?


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Lets pretend I'm retarded for a New York minute here. Explain to me why the fuck is Witcher 3 number fucking 15 on the list? How the fuck did that happen? What the fuck guys... it's fucking above Underrail... WITCHER 3... ABOVE UNDERRAIL!
HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT HAPPEN?! Is this reddit? Am I on reddit right now? Why the fuck's it called RPG Codex when it's reddit?
Gothic? Yeah, nah fam, worse than Witcher 3.
Baldur's Gate? More like Baldur's shit compared to the Witcher 3.
Wizardry 8? Nigga what century you living in? Blobbers are so last millennium.
Grimoire? Cleveland Mark Blakemore Well there you have it Cleve, reddit... I'm sorry, the Codex has rated Witcher 3 more highly than Grimoire.
Might and Magic VI? Pfffft, go to bed gramps.
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands? One of the greatest RPGs ever created right? Nah, just playin', Witcher 3 is clearly superior.
Elex? A return to form for Piranha Bytes? Sorry, the Codex prefers the soullessness of the Witcher.

And I'm supposed to discuss RPGs with you niggers? I have no words. My disappointment could not be greater. This is one of the worst things to happen in human history. I bet Infinitron did this.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Lets pretend I'm retarded for a New York minute here. Explain to me why the fuck is Witcher 3 number fucking 15 on the list? How the fuck did that happen? What the fuck guys... it's fucking above Underrail... WITCHER 3... ABOVE UNDERRAIL!
HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT HAPPEN?! Is this reddit? Am I on reddit right now? Why the fuck's it called RPG Codex when it's reddit?
Gothic? Yeah, nah fam, worse than Witcher 3.
Baldur's Gate? More like Baldur's shit compared to the Witcher 3.
Wizardry 8? Nigga what century you living in? Blobbers are so last millennium.
Grimoire? Cleveland Mark Blakemore Well there you have it Cleve, reddit... I'm sorry, the Codex has rated Witcher 3 more highly than Grimoire.
Might and Magic VI? Pfffft, go to bed gramps.
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands? One of the greatest RPGs ever created right? Nah, just playin', Witcher 3 is clearly superior.
Elex? A return to form for Piranha Bytes? Sorry, the Codex prefers the soullessness of the Witcher.

And I'm supposed to discuss RPGs with you niggers? I have no words. My disappointment could not be greater. This is one of the worst things to happen in human history. I bet Infinitron did this.

Hahahahaha boomer loser poser.


Nov 24, 2019
Never mind all the other games it outranked. The Witcher 3 shouldn't even outrank Witcher 1 and 2.


If you think Elex is better than the Witcher -- no matter how bad you think the Witcher is -- we are no longer pretending that you're retarded. You're actually retarded.
I'm a special boy.


a lot of people played witcher 3 simple as
If more people played Witcher 3 than Gothic, Baldur's Gate, Might and Magic VI on this forum, then I only have one question for them.
What the fuck are you doing here?
You need to go back.


Oct 24, 2021
If you took out the witcher contracts TW3 would be virtually indistinguishable from a mediocre HBO fantasy television series


Aug 8, 2022
ITT: lots of people who like to think they are elitist but are really just hipsters with a narrow focus. Depth of rpg mechanics is not the only criterion for what makes a good rpg, Witcher 3 beats all the listed competiton in terms of atmosphere, presentation and quality of writing.


Jul 5, 2022
The Void
It did the bare minimum to be considered an "RPG" and was popular enough that more people were likely to play it and therefore vote on it.
It really didn't help that Shitout 4 was released the same year and made W3 look like Gothic II in comparison.
Mar 18, 2009
There are loads of storyfags with shit taste in games here. And as a storyfag game you could do a lot worse than Witcher 3, no wonder it's rated highly here.
Aug 27, 2021
The witcher games wouldn't have received a second look if they weren't eurojank incarnate. That allowed the illusion that they were decent games, when actually, they were just shittier third person wannabe skyrim clones. Also, of course, they had tits in them. That's at least 69% of the reason.


Single handedly funding SMTVI
Nov 6, 2011
The issue codexers have with W3 is that it lacks the autism you need in your games. The game's presentation and writing are next to flawless, but systems and gameplay are only serviceable and you can't really sperg out like you need to and like you're used to from your favorite games.

Sure, it's a lot more "casual", but it's still an excellent experience that makes up for its shallower systems with astonishing writing, characters, detail, visuals and sense of place.

It's an excellent experience if you're into story/exploring. That's exactly why it is "highly" ranked (Top 15 is still high). It has some serious flaws in the gameplay department though, and this is why it would never be even in my TOP 30, imo.


Nov 24, 2019
Witcher 3's story and writing are completely middle of the road. Not terrible, just totally generic. I don't understand how people use them as the sole selling point of the game. "Yeah it's pretty shit, but has great writing and plot" - Like WTF no it doesn't.

Exploration is very pleasant but not particularly satisfying from a gameplay point.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017

lol old losers

Ibn Sina

Jul 12, 2017
Strap Yourselves In
For all those complaining about the Witcher 3... Don't worry, you will never ever see AAA game like it ever again. Not from CDPR not from anyone.

A game that has a coherent setting that does not cause you cognitive dissonance by having a black person in the middle of an all white village, or vice versa for that matter. When it introduced other ethnic groups, there were part of the narrative and weaved from a believable setting, traders and mercenaries arriving from far away lands seeking a lost prince. They were "not" simply dropped into the cities.

Other points in favor of W3. Nearly all the women in the game are easy on the eyes, non of the women were made ugly for the sake of "including people with different beauty". There were no fat dykes, no fucking obnoxious Peaky Blinders haircut everywhere, no trannies, no sodomites hitting on you. The game is peak male kino.

But of course, some trannies in this forum would rather play autistic build fag simulators like cuckfinder, and engage in quests from trannies ordering you and weird la creatura's giving you magical estrogen to deliver to NPCs in order to transition them.

The W3 is not perfect, but compared to fucking rainbow diarrhea nowadays, it should be in top pedestals.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
For all those complaining about the Witcher 3... Don't worry, you will never ever see AAA game like it ever again. Not from CDPR not from anyone.

A game that has a coherent setting that does not cause you cognitive dissonance by having a black person in the middle of an all white village, or vice versa for that matter. When it introduced other ethnic groups, there were part of the narrative and weaved from a believable setting, traders and mercenaries arriving from far away lands seeking a lost prince. They were "not" simply dropped into the cities.

Other points in favor of W3. Nearly all the women in the game are easy on the eyes, non of the women were made ugly for the sake of "including people with different beauty". There were no fat dykes, no fucking obnoxious Peaky Blinders haircut everywhere, not trannies, no sodomites hitting on you. The game is peak male kino.

But of course, some trannies in this forum would rather play autistic build fag simulators like cuckfinder, and engage in quests from trannies ordering you and weird la creatura's giving you magical estrogen to deliver to NPCs in order to transition them.

The W3 is not perfect, but compared to fucking rainbow diarrhea nowadays, it should be in top pedestals.
witcher 3 literally had a tranny in it
you get a quest to find him a dress

Ibn Sina

Jul 12, 2017
Strap Yourselves In
For all those complaining about the Witcher 3... Don't worry, you will never ever see AAA game like it ever again. Not from CDPR not from anyone.

A game that has a coherent setting that does not cause you cognitive dissonance by having a black person in the middle of an all white village, or vice versa for that matter. When it introduced other ethnic groups, there were part of the narrative and weaved from a believable setting, traders and mercenaries arriving from far away lands seeking a lost prince. They were "not" simply dropped into the cities.

Other points in favor of W3. Nearly all the women in the game are easy on the eyes, non of the women were made ugly for the sake of "including people with different beauty". There were no fat dykes, no fucking obnoxious Peaky Blinders haircut everywhere, not trannies, no sodomites hitting on you. The game is peak male kino.

But of course, some trannies in this forum would rather play autistic build fag simulators like cuckfinder, and engage in quests from trannies ordering you and weird la creatura's giving you magical estrogen to deliver to NPCs in order to transition them.

The W3 is not perfect, but compared to fucking rainbow diarrhea nowadays, it should be in top pedestals.
witcher 3 literally had a tranny in it
you get a quest to find him a dress

one throw away cross dresser who is made fun off is nothing compared to trannies present nowdays

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Gothic? Yeah, nah fam, worse than Witcher 3.
Baldur's Gate? More like Baldur's shit compared to the Witcher 3.
Wizardry 8? Nigga what century you living in? Blobbers are so last millennium.
Grimoire? @Cleveland Mark Blakemore Well there you have it Cleve, reddit... I'm sorry, the Codex has rated Witcher 3 more highly than Grimoire.
Might and Magic VI? Pfffft, go to bed gramps.
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands? One of the greatest RPGs ever created right? Nah, just playin', Witcher 3 is clearly superior.
Elex? A return to form for Piranha Bytes? Sorry, the Codex prefers the soullessness of the Witcher.
This but unironically. :M

Also, Elex is hot garbage.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
For all those complaining about the Witcher 3... Don't worry, you will never ever see AAA game like it ever again. Not from CDPR not from anyone.

A game that has a coherent setting that does not cause you cognitive dissonance by having a black person in the middle of an all white village, or vice versa for that matter. When it introduced other ethnic groups, there were part of the narrative and weaved from a believable setting, traders and mercenaries arriving from far away lands seeking a lost prince. They were "not" simply dropped into the cities.

Other points in favor of W3. Nearly all the women in the game are easy on the eyes, non of the women were made ugly for the sake of "including people with different beauty". There were no fat dykes, no fucking obnoxious Peaky Blinders haircut everywhere, not trannies, no sodomites hitting on you. The game is peak male kino.

But of course, some trannies in this forum would rather play autistic build fag simulators like cuckfinder, and engage in quests from trannies ordering you and weird la creatura's giving you magical estrogen to deliver to NPCs in order to transition them.

The W3 is not perfect, but compared to fucking rainbow diarrhea nowadays, it should be in top pedestals.
witcher 3 literally had a tranny in it
you get a quest to find him a dress

one throw away cross dresser who is made fun off is nothing compared to trannies present nowdays
"haha I got that tranny a dress as a JOKE! It was just ironic bro!"
what's next, going to give him an ironic brojob?

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
witcher 3 literally had a tranny in it
you get a quest to find him a dress
"haha I got that tranny a dress as a JOKE! It was just ironic bro!"
He's a crossdresser, not a tranny. He just likes dressing up as different people, and he explains this in his dialog. He also says he likes to dress up as a thug sometimes. Still a degenerate though.

As far as degeneracy goes, Witcher 3 is extremely light on it. Extremely light on the Diversity as well. The dialog with one gay guy in the game gives you the option to disapprove of his faggotry.

Makes you wonder just how many trannies they hired for Cyberpunk.
Last edited:


Dec 9, 2011
1 thing I like about Witcher 3: without companions, aka bg/obsidian whatever formula, world doesn't revolve around small single group, and all writing goes into NPCs that act in the world. This leads to some real memorable quests and feeling of meeting new people and doing new things and adventure, because most of writing and quests in whole world doesn't rotate around a group of sentimental children you have to take care of whos all writing is slowly opening to your their very important dramatic past.
i mean it's true for any kind of that a game, but Witcha 3 strongly played that NPCs are most interesting part of the world card.


May 1, 2020
witcher 3 literally had a tranny in it
you get a quest to find him a dress
"haha I got that tranny a dress as a JOKE! It was just ironic bro!"
He's a crossdresser, not a tranny. He just likes dressing up as different people, and he explains this in his dialog. He also says he likes to dress up as a thug sometimes.

As far as degeneracy goes, Witcher 3 is extremely light on it. Extremely light on the Diversity as well. The dialog with one gay guy in the game gives you the option to disapprove of his faggotry.

Makes you wonder just how many trannies they hired for Cyberpunk.

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