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The Witcher 3 mods

moon knight

Matt7895's alt
Apr 7, 2015
I'm not going to trade this garbage mod for Primer.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

Ivan said:
So I havea 1070 coming in and I'm restarting the game (stopped @ Novigrad). Any mods I should look to for that first time grand playthrough.
Find one that removes the enemy health buffs and debuffs based on level. I use T and M the Fair ( https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/1774/ ).

Because nothing sucks worse than being level 9 and going up against a level 13 bandit who is suddenly made out of steel for some reason. Or the game suddenly turning into a Dark Souls boss fight when you go up against a random forktail just because it's several levels higher.

Also, the razor beard shaving mod and a mod to remove the fish eye effect on witcher sense.

edit: I realize this was posted last year, but I needed to write this out so that I could remember what mods I have anyway.
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a cut of domestic sheep prime

I'm not going to trade this garbage mod for Primer.
nice. I've missed W1 style alchemy.
Aka the most pointless thing you have ever seen since it is 3rd person game.

The Witcher 3 vanilla has a lot of ugly looking low res textures.

He also made this.

Besides, I think he is somehow sponsored by NVIDIA

Those water reflection remind me of just how much damage consoles have done to PC gaming. Can you remember when a game without reflections was an oddity for a while there?


Mar 28, 2014
Dec 5, 2010
Do the flaming background decals make the UI go faster?

Is there a mod that allows you to disable the quest compass (and probably also the quest markers) on the minimap? You could of course just disable the minimap altogether, but the game was clearly designed with it in mind, especially in the cities where it's hard to make a distinction between fluff NPCs and actual merchants or quest givers otherwise. Then again, with the above mod you could probably just track the Gwent card quest or something and rely entirely on the actual map to navigate the game world.
Looking for two mods (or maybe one mod that does both of these things): something that allows me to toggle the minimap on and off by an assigned hotkey instead of having to do it in the main game menu, and something that will collapse all items in the craft and alchemy menus (by default, they're expanded, which means much more scrolling than is necessary) when I first open them. Do these exist? I'm using the GOG 1.22 version of The Witcher 3+ DLCs/expansions. Thanks for any help.
From the same modder who made Preparations and Ghost Mode: Friendly HUD https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/365

Lets you disable the GPS minimap during normal exploration and bring it back with witcher senses.

Also offers an (IMO superior) alternative to the GPS minimap: 3d map markers during witcher senses.

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Nov 8, 2008
Governed by clowns
OK i think this is by far best overhaul mod for TW3 (currently):


It is old overhaul mod but recently it was updated to 3.0 version (and then to 3.06) and it is huge difference from initial overhaul mod.

1. redos completely economy, alchemy.
2. combat is also redone (everything cost stamina even normal swing like in DS games and combat is much more deliberate instead of mashing things).
3. leveling is completely redone (you no longer earn XP via quests but increase skills by using them like in morrowind)
4. armors/weapons completely redone and most of weapons in game have more or less similar damage but you can create various builds.
5. added new weapons to use and non sword weapons now have use.
6. World in unscalled, meaning there are no levels and much like gothic what you see is how something is hard.
7. mutagens now have completely different use like green giving you more toxicity cap.

Imo the biggest change comes to weakest part of TW3, combat. vanilla Tw3 combat is basically hack and slash with 0 thinking.
In W3EE everything is deliberate and you don't swing like idiot because you will run out very quickly out of stamina and won't be able to even swing sword, much less dodge attacks.

So it's better than the Ghost Mode ? I 've been playing GM for a while now and have found it pretty balanced and entertaining.


Mar 28, 2014
ghost mode is mostly "fixed" vanilla

W3EE is complete overhaul of every system there is
May 4, 2017
Now it's a good time for it. It seems like Reaperzz doesn't want to update it anymore because he got banned from the nexus and his cohort told that unless a critical bug arises, he won't be touching it anymore. Is it for the drama of his ban or because the mod is feature complete? Who knows
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a cut of domestic sheep prime

I'm in the middle of a playthrough. It's everything TW3 should have been. It's actually a non-linear game now.

Old Hans

Oct 10, 2011
OK i think this is by far best overhaul mod for TW3 (currently):


It is old overhaul mod but recently it was updated to 3.0 version (and then to 3.06) and it is huge difference from initial overhaul mod.

1. redos completely economy, alchemy.
2. combat is also redone (everything cost stamina even normal swing like in DS games and combat is much more deliberate instead of mashing things).
3. leveling is completely redone (you no longer earn XP via quests but increase skills by using them like in morrowind)
4. armors/weapons completely redone and most of weapons in game have more or less similar damage but you can create various builds.
5. added new weapons to use and non sword weapons now have use.
6. World in unscalled, meaning there are no levels and much like gothic what you see is how something is hard.
7. mutagens now have completely different use like green giving you more toxicity cap.

Imo the biggest change comes to weakest part of TW3, combat. vanilla Tw3 combat is basically hack and slash with 0 thinking.
In W3EE everything is deliberate and you don't swing like idiot because you will run out very quickly out of stamina and won't be able to even swing sword, much less dodge attacks.

So it's better than the Ghost Mode ? I 've been playing GM for a while now and have found it pretty balanced and entertaining.

It has some cool things. I really like the witcher 1 alchemy, but the combat felt super clunky. Witcher 3 combat just isnt designed with stamina management dictating combat and dodging. They remove the iframes from dodging & it really highlights just how bad the witcher 3 combat is. You get hit by everything.


Nov 5, 2007
There never were iframes on dodges in Witcher 3, because iframes belong in fighting games.
There's a skill that reduces damage taken while dodging.

>You get hit by everything.
Have you tried getting good?


Custom Tags Are For Fags.
Nov 18, 2011
Valley of Mines
Divinity: Original Sin Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
This mod seems interesting, it introduces stealth and sneaking mechanics.

Modder ‘SkacikPL’, the man responsible for the first-person mod for The Witcher 3 as well as the Luminous Engine Graphics Configuration Tool for Final Fantasy XV, has informed us about the upcoming version of the Devil’s Pit mod for The Witcher 3.

In case you weren’t aware of, the Devil’s Pit mod for The Witcher 3 introduces unused area of caverns located at the Devil’s Pit quarry along with numerous enhancements to the area and additional content that can be enjoyed within the base game.

The new version of this mod that is currently under development will introduce stealth and sneaking mechanics. Upon entering the new sneaking mode all enemies turn neutral (if initiated before combat). Visual detection range is based on field of view cone with up to 55 degrees to the sides (total FOV of 110) and 20 meters forward, measured from position and rotation of the head. Those parameters change depending on time of day, location and weather condition.

Regarding the mod’s stealth mechanics, the modder had this to say.

“Moving makes you easier to detect, whilst wearing Viper hood and Raven’s armor makes it a bit harder for enemies to see you. During night or in dark places both detection angle and distances decrease dramatically (unless NPC is carrying a torch). Sneak mode applies debuff to all enemies, opening them up for a one-hit backstab. Touching an enemy, being seen, throwing a bomb, using explosive bolts or casting aard/igni will also cause detection instantly. Killing an enemy will also cause surrounding enemies to turn in his direction (scripting doesn’t really support making them come to investigate).

Entering borders of their current perception range will highlight “alerted” NPC and make them look at the detected player direction for 5 seconds. In alerted state on-screen vignette will also change color to white with intensity increasing as likelihood of being detected rises.

Stealing is also limited only to enemies and only works while undetected. Each stealing attempt may blow players cover if initiated from too far (and at the same time if you touch the enemy, it will alert him as well) so you want to be as close as you can without actually touching the enemy.”

In order to showcase the stealth and sneaking mechanics of the Devil’s Pit mod, SkacikPL released the following video so be sure to give it a go!


a cut of domestic sheep prime

looks really cool, though it also looks like it makes the game even easier. probably not compatible with W3EE either.


Dec 13, 2017
Grab the Codex by the pussy
W3EE is autistic garbage as in its for people who love doing hyper tedious shit all day like collecting imaginary berries from imaginary world.
Ghost mode is a pretty good overall rework of items, combat, and abilities. Also unlike EE, its actually continuously updated to this day. Ghost does not aim to make your play-through tedious, just more deliberate and meaningful.

Also I have to warn people about "combat overhauls.". Much like skyrim no matter how much mods you install on this piece of shit game (gameplay wise), you won't fix something that requires way way more then a band aid a mod can provide. I,e you will never get anything remotely like dark souls out of combat.
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Dec 13, 2017
Grab the Codex by the pussy
ghost mode is mostly "fixed" vanilla

W3EE is complete overhaul of every system there is

They are both overhauls though. W3EE changes overall philosophy of the game on top of it (imo in a terrible way).
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a cut of domestic sheep prime

W3EE is autistic garbage
The only seriously autistic element was the stupid thing that electrocutes you for going into water with quen activated, but I removed that in the code and posted a how to for others. The function was actually called something like "kill player for lolz". Dumb, but every great modder has a bit of tism.

Other than that, it's quite decent and improves toward what I feel is the true spirit of the game - a non-linear action RPG.

I've never played Ghost Mode, but it's goal of keeping it as close to vanilla as possible is dumb. Vanilla is clearly the product of design by committee and it's multiple philosophies don't mesh. It needs to be rewritten from the ground up in order to work with the actual game.

The story and quest design was clearly made to be non-linear, but monsters are leveled in order to funnel the player down a specific quest path.

Items have a lot of variety and drop frequently in order to give the player a constant sense of reward, but that doesn't work at all with the leveled items as you will constantly be picking up junk inferior weapons and recipes or weapons that are unusable until you reach a specific level. You can pick up a recipe for a level 37 sword in the prologue that's probably one of the top 5 swords in the game. Literally every sword you pick up after that is trash by comparison and you just need to wait until you can finally use it because numbers - even though you will likely get all of the ingredients to make it by chapter 1.

Health buffs/debuffs on differently leveled enemies were just overkill and so ridiculous that I can't imagine who came up with it or why.

Also unlike EE, [Ghost Mode is] actually continuously updated to this day.
modGhostMode Date uploaded: 24 Feb 2018, 8:41AM
W3EE - 3.30 Final Date uploaded: 05 May 2018, 1:25PM
Also I have to warn people about "combat overhauls.". Much like skyrim no matter how much mods you install on this piece of shit game (gameplay wise), you won't fix something that requires way way more then a band aid a mod can provide.
I disagree and would argue that W3EE is pretty close to fixed. If you look at my post history from years ago, it's almost word for word a repair of virtually all my criticisms of vanilla. I recommended most of the changes it makes, but I never knew how to implement them, let alone had the time to do it. It even offers options to customize most of its features to your liking.

Besides, the problem with Skyrim isn't just the combat mechanics. Even if you literally cloned every ounce of Dark Souls and re-coded the engine itself, Skyrim would still have awful quests, story and characters. That's what makes it truly irreparable, not lack of Dark Souls-esque combat.


Dec 13, 2017
Grab the Codex by the pussy

The keep to vanilla shit is in name alone don't get distracted by it. It just doesn't try to do make every mob and item the same level thing W3EE does. Outside of that it changes spells, combat, items, crafting, enemies, shop, etc.. etc... the game is a massive overhaul as well (just less autistic imo).

Yes the game is meant to be non linear but there is nothing more immersion breaking then mobs leveling with me and items being exact same power level. I like the souls approach of just making levels less relevant or ghost approach of just lowering xp gained and changing values etc...

You want the sword you have in the very beginning to be exact same as sword you find by the end game? How is that "philosophy" anything better. IMO it just makes the game even more pointless in terms of exploration etc... The game is also clearly not meant to have potion ingredients constantly gathered. It's just annoying. When I played some fights in W3EE were just retarded.

The updated thing is misleading because W3EE was not developed for years until some minor shit recently while Ghost constantly released new updates through the years every few months and even tried to balanced for NG+.

Just go an read what ghost actually does. The changes are massive.

I agree about skyrim being terrible all around. I just meant that you can't really fix floaty animations in witcher. Don't get me wrong the overhauls do help a lot - I am not arguing against that. It's just the combat will still be shit in the end.

Also question: have you actually tried playing either one? I gave up on W3EE out of annoyance rather quickly. I kept up with Ghost for much longer before getting distracted by some other game and forgetting about it.
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a cut of domestic sheep prime

It just doesn't try to do make every mob and item the same level thing W3EE does.
enjoy fighting those level 25 drowners, I guess.
Yes the game is meant to be non linear but there is nothing more immersion breaking then mobs leveling with me and items being exact same power level.
Except there are no levels in W3EE...

And as for items. There's a quote in TW3 where Geralt says that it's not the sword, but the one who wields it. Nothing could be more laughable in the base game as items make your stats virtually meaningless by comparison. If that's the way you want your game to be, frankly, you like broken games that pander to a false sense of achievement.

You want the sword you have in the very beginning to be exact same as sword you find by the end game?
Except they aren't and there are some swords that are clearly better than others in W3EE. That's not its philosophy.

What I want is a game in witch swords that should be identical don't do completely different damage. Especially in an action rpg, it's silly. The starter sword might as well be a butter knife compared to a randomly dropped generic mid-game weapon. Why? Are they enchanted? No. Because numbers. Because levels were arbitrarily assigned to them. Because the devs wanted to turn their action game into an RPG and did it in one of the most hamfisted ways possible.

The game is also clearly not meant to have potion ingredients constantly gathered.
Then why can you find ingredients everywhere throughout the game?

Witcher 1 had this philosophy, but it was dumbed down for Witcher 2.

The updated thing is misleading because W3EE was not developed for years until some minor shit recently
It's been updated several times this year. It's gone through dozens of updates over its lifetime.

It's also a mod for a game that's been in its final version for some time, so I don't think update frequency matters anymore. That said, your assertion that Ghost Mod is updated to this day and W3EE isn't is clearly wrong.

Just go an read what ghost actually does. The changes are massive.
I did. It's meh. I don't see my main gripes above addressed. Adding challenge or giving a buff here and a debuff there to weapons isn't what the game needs so much as a redesign, as I said. Some of the scaling modifications are ok patches, but I don't imagine it will help the game be non-linear like its questline was written to be, which is a big thing for me.

Also question: have you actually tried playing either one?
As I've said multiple times, I play with W3EE. I also said in the post above that I haven't played Ghost Mod, but I have read its description and it isn't for me as it doesn't fix what I want it to.

I gave up on W3EE out of annoyance rather quickly. I kept up with Ghost for much longer before getting distracted by some other game and forgetting about it.
So clearly an expert on the subject, eh? :M

W3EE has a very steep learning curve at first. I'd imagine a lot of people would give up after being butchered repeatedly by the ghouls at the start.

But once you get used to the new combat system of blocking, gauging opponents attacks, etc., it's not that hard and is a lot more fun than mindlessly clicking through hordes of enemies.


Dec 13, 2017
Grab the Codex by the pussy

The update thing I don't give a shit enough to find out release dates of patches and your flat out relying on me not doing so cause you know the shit was abandoned until very recently with minor changes.

Your telling me to enjoy killing downers while recommending a mod that makes trash mobs annoying through the whole game and not just episodically? The combat is too trash in this game no thanks. If I wanted a souls game I'd just play souls with actually good combat. I totally disagree that any of the mods remotely fixes it. It makes it more challenging sure but still utterly trash. As such I would focus on a mod that fixes the actual rpg elements of the game which gets me to the next point...

This game is an open world rpg and one of the major problems in first game was that wicher gear was superior to everything else which was fixed by ghost, who also happened to make crafting relevant again. W3EE makes loot even more irrelevant then in original game which is terrible for a game as an RPG. I mean your literally defending a mod that makes progression of any type utterly irrelevant. There is even less point to fight ANYTHING and go exploring chests or sell shit/craft.

Your sarcastically calling me an expert when I played both mods while you only played one?


W3EE: "fix" combat while keeping rpg elements just as trash
Ghost: "fix" combat while actually fixing rpg elements

Edit: I haven't played the new version of either mod.
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a cut of domestic sheep prime

Your telling me to enjoy killing downers while recommending a mod that makes trash mobs annoying through the whole game and not just episodically?
Killing enemies gets easier the better your gear and skills in W3EE. A more experienced, better armed player will still win against drowners etc fairly quickly, just like in vanilla.

The difference is that a drowner will always be a drowner. You won't run into a level 35 drowner that can slay nations later on, revealing just how arbitrary the game's leveling system is. There's just no point to being level 45 if all that changes is set dressing and you are stuck fighting virtually the same trashmobs without having to think anyway. Which is not at all consistent with the universe of The Witcher, where Geralt was previously nearly killed by a nobody with a pitchfork.

You've clearly not played much of W3EE and don't understand what it does to the game. You've made several accusations that aren't true and reveal your ignorance. I suggest researching more before criticizing it.
Your sarcastically calling me an expert when I played both mods while you only played one?
I told you, I don't need to play the other one because I understand what it does from the description and it's not what I want. Just like I don't need to play the "turn Roach into a unicorn" mod to understand it's not what I want.

I never said you needed to try both, but you clearly are ignorant about W3EE and are talking out of your ass. I suggest either playing more of it or reading what it actually does. Hint: "making everything the same level" isn't it. Neither is "making everything level with you". That's what the base game does via enemy upscaling.

I'm not sure you've made one critique about something that is legitimately a part of the mod.

It's pretty clear that you really enjoy the broken combat and leveling systems of TW3 and get some sort of gratification in mopping up low level enemies and you don't like the idea of actually having to collect ingredients to craft potions (a feature which is customizable to yield one potion or a many potions, reducing the amount of time you need to spend doing them - the animation that plays when gather the potions can also be turned off) or face trashmobs that can't be mindlessly swept aside.

You enjoy the broken game that is TW3. And the idea of changing it too much scares you. And that's fine. You're a popamole causal. Embrace it. But don't come in here, lying about a mod you yourself admit you've barely played and act like I'm the bad guy for calling you on your bullshit.


Dec 13, 2017
Grab the Codex by the pussy

Why do you assume I played vanilla or ghost with level scaling on (level 35 downer????). The fuck?

You keep ignoring the central problem which is W3EE gear and levels are largely irrelevant and therefore there is absolutely no reason to play the game outside of the main quest or explore. Whose the one who hasn't played W3ee me or you? Did he change that the lastest patch? Because if that isn't change the mod remain utter trash that only makes the game more tedious.

Its incredibly ironic that you keep accusing me of being ignorant while your the only one here who hasn't tried both.

When I was referring to scaling i wasn't referring to game option. I am sure you understand that what the author actually did is something along the lines of scaling everything including items to max level and change stats from there? I meant to say that when you don't actually grow in power relative to the world, its immersion breaking. So yes in order for a mod like this to work underneath everything is in fact the exact same level.
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a cut of domestic sheep prime

Why do you assume I played vanilla or ghost with level scaling on
Upscaling. And if you would read, I didn't imply that you did.
(level 35 downer????)
In the Heart Of Stone questline they are 30+.


You keep ignoring the central problem which is W3EE gear and levels are absolutely irrelevant
I covered this. It's not a problem. Because 1) levels were a tacked on feature that serve virtually no purpose but to gate content, which is ridiculous in a non-linear game and 2) gear absolutely is relevant in W3EE, as is increasing your skills. Again, you don't understand it and are making assumptions.

Whose the one who hasn't played W3ee me or you?
*Who is. And neither? It's Ghost Mod I haven't played and you said you had played some of W3EE. Again: reading - work on it.

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