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The Witcher The Switcher 3 Experience


The Real Fanboy
Nov 3, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Its been more than a year since I had to leave my gaming PC and one of the games I miss the most was definitely Witcher 3, having never been able to finish it I really had an itch to maybe get the PS4 version but since I don’t spend much time nowadays at home I just didn’t think it was worth it
But then the Witcher 3 got announced for the Nintendo Switch
I had not bought a proper Nintendo console in almost 15 years (Gamecube being the last) and while the prospect of playing games like Breath of the Wild, Dark Souls and Dragons Dogma on the go seemed appealing they didn’t push me over the edge to get the new console

But between the Switch Lite and the Witcher 3 I just had to go for it and bought both the game and the Console on the 15th

Now, keeping expectations on check for the graphic compromises for this version I have to say it is simply astounding what has happened with this game giving a 100% comparable experience to the original release... but beign able to play this on my commute or in bed has been so fantastic that I had to tear myself tp write this and go to sleep

And of the angst non Witcher 3 fans; nothing here will change your mind since the combat is as flippy as ever, the itemized system as flawed as before and the game is as open worldy as can be expected... but to fans such as myself it is amazing and a dream come true


Oct 19, 2018
I can actually appreciate the point of this post, since I sort of had the same reaction when Skyrim (of all things) was announced for the Switch. It just blew my mind in a way. The idea that a full-length, open world western RPG could ever be played on a portable console just seemed outside the realm of possibility, especially when I think back to playing Pokemon on the Gameboy Colour and Gameboy Advance. Those games were constant companions during car trips up and down the east coast of Australia, and I would have loved to have had a portable version of Morrowind, for instance, back in 2003 or something.

Having said all this, if you own a Switch you are a manchild.


Feb 15, 2018
I own a switch and play on my 1 hour breaks BOTW and DS:R. Both really fine games.
Be very carefull if you consider bying the switch. Some cultured fine gentlemen in this forum could call you a popamoler or manchild or maybe even a numale. So beware....!


Jan 26, 2014
On the handheld screen it looks somewhat passable, on TV it looks disgusting. But tbh as cool a technical achievement as this is, personally I would never play immersive games like this on handheld. Big ass TV with great sound and 4K/60fps is where it's at.
Nov 28, 2011
Digger Nick
Like I will ever believe any person that says “I play or even start up, a 150h long game on a commute” :lol:


Still, not hating or anything, thanks for insight, would love to try it for a couple of minutes just for the sake of it.

It also kinda make me furious about a state of “mobile gaming”; I think new iPhones have specs 3x better than Switch and all there is, is a shitty Fortnite (and PUBG I guess, which is impressive in its own right and probably the only great mobile game I know, that isn’t a port and anyway Torment doesn’t count on this screen).
Nov 28, 2011
Digger Nick
I can actually appreciate the point of this post, since I sort of had the same reaction when Skyrim (of all things) was announced for the Switch. It just blew my mind in a way. The idea that a full-length, open world western RPG could ever be played on a portable console just seemed outside the realm of possibility, especially when I think back to playing

For me too for a few minutes, but then you recall that vanilla Skyrim is pretty barebones, not in the least in terms of assets so it’s way less mindblowing than, yeah, TW3.

But apparently Skyrim Switch can be modded, that really made me go “wtf”. There’s even a Nexus page there.

I would have loved to have had a portable version of Morrowind, for instance, back in 2003 or something.

It’s 17 years too late, but now you can play Morrowind on a decent Android phone. And yes, I did google it specifically out of wonder (I have an iFag so I can’t confirm how playable it is).

Having said all this, if you own a Switch you are a manchild.


Dec 17, 2013
I absolutely love Witcher 3, and it is an experience, but I found it hard to get back into it after completing it the first time, because it's much more about the writing and dialogues and storylines and lore, rather than gameplay, so after you already know what happens and have experienced it once (in a massive 300 hour run), it's hard to go back.
Nov 28, 2011
Digger Nick
I absolutely love Witcher 3, and it is an experience, but I found it hard to get back into it after completing it the first time, because it's much more about the writing and dialogues and storylines and lore, rather than gameplay, so after you already know what happens and have experienced it once (in a massive 300 hour run), it's hard to go back.

Well, I respectfully disagree with this line of reasoning since if that would be case, then no person in history would have an interest in i.e. re-reading any book. I’m sure many people who already read, say, Crime and Punishment would gladly do it again despite knowing the “spoilers” (which are overrated imo anyway, depending on the quality of the story).

I’d also say in principle that unlike a book, you have the C&C factor, although objectively here it’s very little of it and rather insignificant (Triss vs Yen and, what else, Cerys or Hjalmar and whether you go to Emhyr or not? Anything else?)

Me, I blame it on the fact that it is not exactly easy or motivating to muster, not 20 or 40, but fucking 150 or so hours for a second playthrough. Especially for a game with such a slow curve.


The Real Fanboy
Nov 3, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
I have been playing the game and enjoying it tremendously so far and yeah, the C&C make a huge difference; one of the starter quests that dealt with the “Magic Pigs” I did something different there and opened a brand new quest line which was pretty nice in a game where even the smallest of side quests have some great dialogue and interesting setup rather than the usual fetch quest
As for the portability of Switch, I think RPGs like Witcher 3, Dragons Dogma and Dragon Quest 11 (probably my next purchase) fit the concept of “pick up and play for 30 minutes” fantastically since you can do a couple of quests, sort out your inventory or do some ingredient picking and be ready to go
So far I am really loving the game and beign able to play it portably has made my down time so much enjoyable that I really look forward to more gaming on my switch and especially for Outer Worlds next year

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