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Game News Jagged Alliance 3 Released


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
Do you know the essence of Jagged Alliance 2? DO YOU?

It is sitting on the roof of the highest building in map, shelling red locations with mortar rounds, and finishing off stragglers with LAW, hearing their screams wafting out from afar.

If they hid in deep woods and mortar cant destroy it all, just have beta team shelling that location some more. Shrapnel should do it.

If that STILL not kill them all, sending in delta team who is sitting on their ass chatting up. They will use rocket guns to boom them to heaven.


Most trustworthy slavic man
Aug 17, 2016
don't identify with EU-NPC land
Strap Yourselves In
View attachment 38928

^^Considering this, is JA3 good?

After tutorial island you can go anywhere you want afaik, and the enemies sometimes send attacks on your settlements, so its like JA2. You also have some nice side quests to be found, so again like JA2. Overall the game feels like modernized JA2 with some slight downgrades to combat and simulation that should be expected since modern audiences are broader than the niche nerds of the 90s. If only they made combat maps bigger imho and enemies smarter and ditch the pod mechanics/alert radius/enemies knowing where you are instantly. Right now it looks like that, there are enemies clustered together, you engage them, they alert other enemies in certain radius[like enemies on the other side of map are blissfuly ignorant]. The alerted enemies know where your hidden soldiers are[at least thats my observation, i might be wrong since ive tried this once], after you deal with that group, no other enemies investigate the area or join the fight as it goes, unless they have a patrol route that cross your combat area. This is not really a complaint vis a vis JA2, where this problem also existed, not all enemies investigated your position, but i think we should expect newer installments of the series to have IMPROVEMENTS over older ones, and not be a carbon copy mechanically. If something is sound, realistic and increase enjoyment why not to introduce it?

Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
The game is good, JA 2 is better what else is there to tell, I am happy to have a game like this again which is a statement I would easily make but it's close enough to be a real jagged alliance.

Is it perfect? Nah, but what is?

Classics are not done on purpose they just happen it is like catching lightning in a bottle, hence I think expecting it to reach JA2 is just unreasonable. I think it's incline I have played it most of my free time and am half done by now, couldn't stop.

Crescent Hawk

Jul 10, 2014
Fuck the haters. Jagged Alliance 3 is good. Not perfect, but good - and a good new JA game is a fucking miracle.

And I don't want to hear any shit from anyone who thinks Gus Tarballs is "Oh some old man from Unfinished Business right?"
Yeha my opinion changed after hours in. Its not how I wanted it to look visually, buts its a good game, with some cool merc management and moments.


Most trustworthy slavic man
Aug 17, 2016
don't identify with EU-NPC land
Strap Yourselves In
Overall its a little more complex than nuxcom, though its really unbalanced now, with rifles doing headshots all the time.
Sounds like the authentic JA2 experience. Unless you can do that without a scope.

This happened but later in the game where you bought mercs like raven and gave them fully pimped rifles. I use like lvl 3 hitman with scoped gewehr and he scores headshots after headshots. It doesn't help that the joggers are running around without using cover and are oblivious that snipers in this game exist, though hitman has no problem shooting against cover and scoring hits. It's too OP. In 1.13 with NCTH+SDO+SevenFM AI you would have hard time scoring headshots even with best weapons and best mercs.


Feb 7, 2016
If a true grognard JA were to be made today, what would it look like and play? Something like Kenshi?
The fuck Kenshi has to do with JA? They're nothing alike - different genre, different combat system(real time vs turn-based), different everything. Why would a modern JA look and play even remotely like it?


Nov 16, 2006
Garbage game. Everything is janky, underdeveloped shit. Overpriced as fuck, maybe if it was 1/5th the price this trash could be excused. Anyone who likes it is afflicted with stupidness of the head

thank you


Sep 26, 2015
The rich part of Europe
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture
Finished the game after some sessions that ran until 5 in the morning. So, I guess I liked it.
It's way better than the recent nu-X-com games, that's for sure. Comes closed to JA2, closer than I'd have expected this day and age.

Some gripes:
Some things dumbed down compared to JA2 (eg. exhaustion, wounds affecting combat usefulness)
Minor bugs but nothing unplayable. I think the quest involving a hospital and an epidemic is bugged so it can't be completed if you talk to some npc's too soon, which was a bummer.
Final combat is very anti-climactic if you find the back entrance; which isn't really well hidden. That kinda sucked because the combats against two earlier bosses were very good, so I was hoping for something better.
Never got an option to take Biff's diamond, which sucked.
Grenade accuracy (even when fired from underslung launcher) being tied to explosives skill doesn't make sense. Actually, the whole explosives thing makes little sense. A cross-eyed merc with high explosives skills will launch grenades or rpg's more accurately and over double the distance than your best snipers.


Jan 9, 2007
Finished the game after some sessions that ran until 5 in the morning. So, I guess I liked it.
It's way better than the recent nu-X-com games, that's for sure. Comes closed to JA2, closer than I'd have expected this day and age.

Some gripes:
Some things dumbed down compared to JA2 (eg. exhaustion, wounds affecting combat usefulness)
Minor bugs but nothing unplayable. I think the quest involving a hospital and an epidemic is bugged so it can't be completed if you talk to some npc's too soon, which was a bummer.
Final combat is very anti-climactic if you find the back entrance; which isn't really well hidden. That kinda sucked because the combats against two earlier bosses were very good, so I was hoping for something better.
Never got an option to take Biff's diamond, which sucked.
Grenade accuracy (even when fired from underslung launcher) being tied to explosives skill doesn't make sense. Actually, the whole explosives thing makes little sense. A cross-eyed merc with high explosives skills will launch grenades or rpg's more accurately and over double the distance than your best snipers.
I think you need to let him get enriched. Not sure since I saved his sorry ass. Should've just stayed back and watched the fireworks.


Jan 10, 2007
Searching for my kidnapped sister
Grenade accuracy (even when fired from underslung launcher) being tied to explosives skill doesn't make sense. Actually, the whole explosives thing makes little sense. A cross-eyed merc with high explosives skills will launch grenades or rpg's more accurately and over double the distance than your best snipers.
In term of realistic, it actually make sense. There's people suck at gun (pistol or rifle) but magical with rocket launcher or grenade launcher. it something to do with delayed contact timing with rockets and grenades, recoil absorbtion, steady hands...

in game, you can think of FNV grenade guns, from launcher to machinegun and the way the arc of grenades keep throwing off your aim. I generally have to use grenade machinegun, plasma ammo, and walk the fire into target, using AoE effect to do the work. With missile launcher, the damn rocket fly too slow it could miss target being mobile. I usually use hyper velocity rounds, and only HE rounds when I really want to.

Grenade launcher/MG in the hands of enemies is very annoying to near deadly, but in my hand it's just soso unless I expend ammo like crazy and walk the fire all over the battlefield.


Mar 22, 2015
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
So, I made the investment.

The turn based combat is excellent.

Very... balanced, extremely punishing if you don't use sneak to position before combat *perfectly*.

The overworld is also implemented excellently. It's not unbearable, there aren't multiple laggy menus to click through to do anything, the transitions are crisp and wonderful.

I do feel like they, deliberately, nerfed stealth into the ground in beta.

My impression is that stealth was overpowered so they changed the mechanics so that essentially you can *never* Metal Gear Solid a level.


Nov 7, 2014
My impression is that stealth was overpowered
Well it kind of still is.
Before the battle I run around the map with a single merc to stealth kill anyone who is alone or small groups.
Also when the main battle starts, I still get a lot of stealth kills with my silenced snipers.


Mar 16, 2015
Do you know the essence of Jagged Alliance 2? DO YOU?

It is sitting on the roof of the highest building in map, shelling red locations with mortar rounds, and finishing off stragglers with LAW, hearing their screams wafting out from afar.

If they hid in deep woods and mortar cant destroy it all, just have beta team shelling that location some more. Shrapnel should do it.

If that STILL not kill them all, sending in delta team who is sitting on their ass chatting up. They will use rocket guns to boom them to heaven.
Sounds like RL, like how Ukranians and Russians are sitting in their bunkers and attacking each other with Artillery and drones. One that runs out of those first (read Ukranians) get the "honor" of being live flesh drones and go die.


Jul 10, 2014
The loot system is shit though. I just downed 12 enemies and only thing they dropped was one pair of pants. No guns, not a single bullet. And there is no Bobby Rays shop so you're stuck with whatever the 0.3% drop chance decides to give you.


An iron rock in the river of blood and evil
Jan 12, 2004
Black Goat Woods !@#*%&^
Make the Codex Great Again! RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
The loot system is shit though. I just downed 12 enemies and only thing they dropped was one pair of pants. No guns, not a single bullet. And there is no Bobby Rays shop so you're stuck with whatever the 0.3% drop chance decides to give you.
It's shit for a simulation, but not for a game. JA3 would definitely NOT be improved by getting 20 new guns every sector to haul back to the store. Scarcity builds character, figure it out.


Jul 10, 2014
The loot system is shit though. I just downed 12 enemies and only thing they dropped was one pair of pants. No guns, not a single bullet. And there is no Bobby Rays shop so you're stuck with whatever the 0.3% drop chance decides to give you.
It's shit for a simulation, but not for a game. JA3 would definitely NOT be improved by getting 20 new guns every sector to haul back to the store. Scarcity builds character, figure it out.
I've never said anything about 20 new guns, or that the game should shower you with shit to make it easy. I just think that finding a couple of bullets or scrap parts would be a welcome nod in that direction. Still doing well to the point of having a half a million dollars and nothing to do with them, since I can't really buy anything except mercs, who are limited to 15 hires. Scarcity my ass.

Also what the hell do you mean by "haul back to store"? You can't sell guns in the game, just break them down for scrap. Did you even play it?

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