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Decline Is Divinity: Original Sin the single most annoying RPG ever?

Is D:OS EE the most annoying RPG ever?

  • Yes, I want to murder the Cheese Vendor, Charla, and the cats!

  • No, I've played worse (how though?)

  • kingcomrade

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Fabulous Optimist
Mar 25, 2016
Temple of Alvilmelkedic
Porky, but in the end of the day when all your feelings settle down, would you recommend Divnity original sin?
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Nov 2, 2021
Holy shit, yes! Couldn't stand how drawn out every conversation got. The druid Arhu in the first town was the single biggest fagout I've ever seen in a game. Wanted to put a bullet through my head every time I had to talk to him.

How many times does a man have to hear "One man's trash is another man's .. trash ..". It wasn't funny the first time and won't get funnier the more times I hear it. My 8 year old nephew could come up with funnier stuff and that's saying something. The kid can't make a joke to save his life.

The whole game felt like "Hey, let's stuff it with downright retarded humor so when it flops, we can always say 'But it's not meant to be taken seriously!'".

Uninstalled the game after the first act and never got back to it which is a shame because I loved the gameplay but couldn't tolerate the rest.
Dec 17, 2013
Exactly! The only reason I was able to complete this game is because:

1. I turned the NPC voice over dialogue down to very low, so I could barely hear it.
2. I skipped most dialogue.

99.5% of dialogue was suicide inducing. Just absolute retardation going on and on and on.

Lady Error

█▓▒░ ░▒▓█
Jan 21, 2021
Strap Yourselves In
Edgelordism reaching critical levels in this thread.

Does that mean you enjoyed D:OS writing and other annoying aspects?

If you expect a grimdark 2serious4u game, then D:OS is not for you obviously. But if you take it for what it is, D:OS is an excellent game actually. The combat in particular was almost revolutionary with its use of various surfaces - it's easy to forget that.

It's an exploration and combat game for the most part, certainly not a storyfag game.
Dec 17, 2013
I enjoyed the combat up until the last map (at that point, enemy stats on Tactician got ridiculous), and if D:OS had just average writing, it would be a good RPG. But it doesn't. The writing is so actively and aggressively bad that it just kills any motivation for the player to engage in combat/exploration/progression. Did you care in the least bit about Arhu, Time Weaver, Leandra, Icara, Void Dragon, anyone? I know I sure as hell didn't.

Lady Error

█▓▒░ ░▒▓█
Jan 21, 2021
Strap Yourselves In
I enjoyed the combat up until the last map (at that point, enemy stats on Tactician got ridiculous), and if D:OS had just average writing, it would be a good RPG. But it doesn't. The writing is so actively and aggressively bad that it just kills any motivation for the player to engage in combat/exploration/progression. Did you care in the least bit about Arhu, Time Weaver, Leandra, Icara, Void Dragon, anyone? I know I sure as hell didn't.

I don't remember anything about the story, but remember several of the memorable fights.

Bigg Boss

Sep 23, 2012
Edgelordism reaching critical levels in this thread.

Does that mean you enjoyed D:OS writing and other annoying aspects?

If you expect a grimdark 2serious4u game, then D:OS is not for you obviously. But if you take it for what it is, D:OS is an excellent game actually. The combat in particular was almost revolutionary with its use of various surfaces - it's easy to forget that.

It's an exploration and combat game for the most part, certainly not a storyfag game.

I might be D:OS's biggest hidden defender, but it isn't being edgy to say the story is horrible shit that would be great for teenagers. That makes what could have been excellent turn into just good.

Holy shit, yes!
I thought Lyric Suite wrote this but saw the join date. Change your avatar, newbro.
Don't worry, I might not exist for long, considering my posts have a 50% approval rate so far.

In any case, would you kindly direct me to a list of taken avatars?

Be a bro like me and upload some that get approved and then call dibs. Or just pick one.
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Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
I enjoyed the combat up until the last map (at that point, enemy stats on Tactician got ridiculous), and if D:OS had just average writing, it would be a good RPG. But it doesn't. The writing is so actively and aggressively bad that it just kills any motivation for the player to engage in combat/exploration/progression. Did you care in the least bit about Arhu, Time Weaver, Leandra, Icara, Void Dragon, anyone? I know I sure as hell didn't.

You're not really supposed to care about anyone. Divinity was developed from the notion you are playing with someone else and that you're going to mutually ruin each other's immersion. The appeal is pretty much that you have a lot of crazy powers and environmental manipulation effects so you can run around butchering what is essentially a world of helpless cartoons. You do this while mocking shit with your buddy about how stupid everything is.

Alternatively, you can role play it, but anyone whose playful and imaginative to do that isn't going to be off put by the writing style -- they have their own imaginations and sense of fun to make up for where the writers fell short. They're too busy playing their own roles to consider whether the NPCs are well written in theirs.

It's soooo not funny that it's funny, like a bad B-movie. You wouldn't want to watch one alone, but sharing in each other's nonplussed reactions to the stupidity unfolding on the screen can be an amusing way to pass an afternoon.

Alternatively, as a role player, you are too immersed in your own role to scrutinize the exact grade of ridiculousness in the story and dialogue. You're not reading a novel, you are playing a character in improvisational theater. You roll with the punches and go with the flow.

There's also a meta element where various scenarios of the game are set up so it is difficult (even quasi-impossible) to succeed at a task (stealing something from an NPC"s room, etc), so you are in a challenge with the game designer to see if you can push the system to overcome his scenario in a way he says you can't.
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Feb 19, 2008
While the voices had to be turned off, I didn't really mind the goofy plot or graphics or characters or setting. Those things can get a lot worse. Still, D:OS EE still seems to be almost intentionally unpleasant.

The vast majority my time was spent on tedious inventory management, looting barrels, dumb "click the tiny object" puzzles that encourage reloading or clicking through dialog that I was mostly indifferent towards.

Occasionally there was a fun and not overly gimmicky fight or a chance to explore an environment that wasn't full of puzzles or barrels, but that was only a small percentage of the time I spent on the game. That stuff was over quickly.

In terms of time spent it was probably 80% unpleasant or tedious work, 20% actual fun stuff. Or worse. And yes, sometimes there actually are quest items in the barrels and similar lootable objects.

Admittedly, you probably could skip a lot of this tedium if you knew what you were doing in advance, but it really punishes the typical "explore / loot everything" playstyle.

I suppose this makes sense for the developer as a way to pad out a game's length but it's taken to an extreme where it almost feels like a parody.


Oct 24, 2021
Alternatively, you can role play it, but anyone whose playful and imaginative to do that isn't going to be off put by the writing style -- they have their own imaginations and sense of fun to make up for where the writers fell short. They're too busy playing their own roles to consider whether the NPCs are well written in theirs.

I think that would be a lot more feasible for me if my character(s) didn't make goofy remarks about everything like the mc from the gothic remake demo
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
It's soooo not funny that it's funny, like a bad B-movie.

Massive fucking cope.

Whose coping?

If you don't give a fuck about anything, Divinity: Original Sin is the perfect game. Critics shouldn't disagree with that because by their own assertions, the writing of the game utterly fails to make the player care about anything and that's why it sucks.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
Super annoying but so is Fable and weeb games or and pretty much everything. Games are all made for 13 year old boys, that's the target audience of 99% of games.


Feb 3, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, 1936
I only cared about the oyster and the cheese vendor then I realized all characters in the game were as serious as what I initially thought was comedy relief. Then I stopped playing it.

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