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Heroes of Might & Magic III 20th anniversary

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
Him saying H5 is forgotten is just typical "posting utter bs on a topic I have no idea about, because why not". On the most popular community forum, H5 board has like 5x the number of posts versus the H4 one. Actually, separate board for H5 modding has over twice as much posts as H4 one in its entirety. Gee, I wonder why.


Aug 18, 2018
HotA: I think the Cove with its Regnan pirates and their aquatic allies is quite a worthy addition to the faction roster.

Not so sure about the upcoming Factory faction, even though it harkens back to the unreleased Forge faction.

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
Overall, it's a better thought out and executed idea than conflux, so there's that. I think it's also a smart decision that they're treating HotA as its own, separate thing so that you can play scenarios in it, but not the canon campaigns and you get two separate titles in the HD launcher. Particularly as they did start venturing into "we know better than original devs" territory with more recent updates.

Regarding factory - it seems ok so far, I'm more excited about the new desert terrain and features - they look nice and seem to fit the game really well.


Oct 18, 2021
Him saying H5 is forgotten is just typical "posting utter bs on a topic I have no idea about, because why not". On the most popular community forum, H5 board has like 5x the number of posts versus the H4 one. Actually, separate board for H5 modding has over twice as much posts as H4 one in its entirety. Gee, I wonder why.
My hypothesis is that HoMM has always been popular among rus folk, no less than Fallout. Them having strong modding communities and Nival being a rus studio creates a kind of synergy effect.
Speaking of russsian mods, HoTa looks rad. Of course it's a bit eclectic with those firearms and tech but HoMM3 is already a tomfoolery, so the more the merrier.


Jan 22, 2022
I enjoyed Homm5 a lot. The camapigns are superior to Homm3 which is a big deal for filthy casuals like me. Factions are fine in both games but I like Homm5 ones a bit more too. Homm3 has better usability due to no 3d.


Time Mage
Apr 30, 2020
I'm very into cock and ball torture
Decided to check the few HoMM forums I used to visit to gauge game popularity.



4 and 6 are clearly the unpopular kids. There was a lot more fluctuation about wether a forum preferred 3 or 5 than I expected. Also 7 was on average stronger than I thought, given how catastrophic that development went. Perhaps Ubi pulled the plug too early on that one, it is still buggy as shit to this day, if the development was properly finished it may have had a glowup thinking in decades.
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Time Mage
Apr 30, 2020
I'm very into cock and ball torture
Splitting the post and adding some more:

I often daydream about what would be the right direction to develop the series in, if it was freed from Ubisofts clutches.
I definitly think some matter of branching upgrades is important. Having 7 units is cool, but morale often gives a rather strong incentive of staying within your faction troops, and so having variability within the faction is good.

4's approach is too expensive. Sure it would be cool to have alternate units for every single tier, but more units means more of the most expensive thing in game dev, models and animations. Playtesting and Q&A also goes up a lot.

5 Tribes of the East has a neat solution with the branching upgrades, as they are basically palette swaps with new abilities. Cheap enough to not blow the budget, and adds quite a bit of customisation to each faction. System has its drawbacks aswell, often an upgrade is significantly superior to the other one, and some are plain busted, again as it increases strain on balance and testing.

6' approach is retarded. Changing it so that mobs have three different power tiers (basic, elite, level7) from the prior 7 power tiers, makes getting newer units feel much less exciting, and takes out a lot of interesting moments of strategy, like going for level 3s immediatly, waiting a bit and going for level 4 building instead, or forgo your economy and rush level 5s.

7' takes the retarded approach from 6, and makes it a tiny bit better. Now there are 5 tiers in total (basic, level3, elite, level6, level7). Still inferior to 7 tiers of power, and I think this is an overlooked reason as for why HoMM 7 feels less exciting than 3 and 5, despite being almost a carbon copy with low budget of HoMM 5 on paper. Alternating units only for tier7 units is an interesting idea however.

What I am thinking about, is wether 7's idea of having branching upgrades only for some of the tiers can be expanded or combined with the Tribes of the East system.
A system where there are 7 tiers, each with respective dual upgrades a la Tribes, and with branching units for tier 7 would only need 8 indiviudal models and 16 statblocks to be balanced, as opposed to the 7 models and 14 statblocks from Tribes.
That or make a system where there are no branching elite upgrades, but alternate units on 3, 5 and 7. Then you would have 10 unique models with 10 statblocks for a faction.

Then again, having the final unit on 7 being alternate in Homm7 was maybe a mistake aswell, since them being alternate units makes them less impactfull. I can barely even remember all the tier 7 units in HoMM7, only by the factions I played a lot. Maybe the right decision would be a 7 tier system with alternate units on 2, 4 and 6. Tier 1, 3 and 7 have always been very defining for a faction imo, and having them consistent would make for more unique factions.

Ah, daydreaming about Heroes always makes me sad. HoMM is like a Northern myth, things have been good once, but now everything has gone to shit, good is corrupted, evil reigns, and all that there is left to do is not lose hope and despair.

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
There was actually hope for the series if ubi decided to follow up on V with more budget and resources, but why not act like utter retards instead, amirite. The least they could do is somehow support the classic homm scene (and don't tell me about that RoE re-release they did, ok), but, again, why not act like utter retards instead.
System has its drawbacks aswell
If it did, they ware far outshone by the advantages. The upgrades were actually balanced very well and, even before that, V did a huge step towards minimizing the amount of obsolete units that no one would ever use outside of final battle/garrisoning (there still were some, yeah). What people very often forget is that, contrary to most such systems, the upgrades were not mutually exclusive and they were usually suited for different situations which added a nice layer of additional decision making. It's the best implementation of branching upgrades in a game of this kind, I think.


Oct 19, 2014
Campaign and gameplay aside, I have no idea how can anyone stand the shitty pseudo 3D started in V. It always was and still is a dealbreaker for me.

edit: hell, the whole UI is atrocious.


Oct 14, 2017
still decent
It was painfully mediocre
Even if, that's a yuge and objective incline over any other post-3 homm.
The developers of H5 must have disagreed with you considering they borrowed a number of features introduced by H4, like the caravan system, giving each faction their own signature mechanic, decoupling initiative from speed and a more complex character building/ability system for the heroes.


Aug 4, 2007
For me the main problem with Homm 5 was the bugginess. On some maps that AI heroes didn't move at all, for example.
On the positive side the skill system was superior to that in 3.

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
still decent
It was painfully mediocre
Even if, that's a yuge and objective incline over any other post-3 homm.
The developers of H5 must have disagreed with you considering they borrowed a number of features introduced by H4, like the caravan system, giving each faction their own signature mechanic, decoupling initiative from speed and a more complex character building/ability system for the heroes.
They also borrowed game having heroes, magic and trees. They only added game not being kinda crap.


Time Mage
Apr 30, 2020
I'm very into cock and ball torture

Looks like Ubisoft saw this thread and decided to take swift action.
It will probably end up as well as the new Settlers game. On a side note, how good is HoMM 7 ? I never gave it a try since it seems still buggy as hell.

Buggy as hell, and support is over. My last online game with DLC ended because we couldn't even engage in combat, whenever our heroes met we either got infinite loading screens or hard crashes to desktop.
While single player is marginally more stable than multiplayer, it has its fair share of bugs aswell. Particularily unorthodox builds like siege ballista heroes get extremely wonky, sometimes your ballista won't shoot at all, sometimes it does random triple shots and decimates the entire enemy army.
It is also the ugliest HoMM game to ever see the light of day, by being almost a complete asset reuse from prior HoMMs and even a few Anno games.

Apart from all of that there are a few decent things under the crust of shit, the game is overall still better than HoMM VI, but there is really no point digging for the quality with so many counter arguments.


Sep 18, 2021

Looks like Ubisoft saw this thread and decided to take swift action.
It will probably end up as well as the new Settlers game. On a side note, how good is HoMM 7 ? I never gave it a try since it seems still buggy as hell.

Buggy as hell, and support is over. My last online game with DLC ended because we couldn't even engage in combat, whenever our heroes met we either got infinite loading screens or hard crashes to desktop.
While single player is marginally more stable than multiplayer, it has its fair share of bugs aswell. Particularily unorthodox builds like siege ballista heroes get extremely wonky, sometimes your ballista won't shoot at all, sometimes it does random triple shots and decimates the entire enemy army.
It is also the ugliest HoMM game to ever see the light of day, by being almost a complete asset reuse from prior HoMMs and even a few Anno games.

Apart from all of that there are a few decent things under the crust of shit, the game is overall still better than HoMM VI, but there is really no point digging for the quality with so many counter arguments.
Thanks for the information. I'll give it a second glance if some modders dare to fix it.

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
For me the main problem with Homm 5 was the bugginess. On some maps that AI heroes didn't move at all, for example.
On the positive side the skill system was superior to that in 3.
For me, apart from the horrible art direction, the biggest problem was that maps felt really claustrophobic.

It was also a p finely tuned game compared to most others in the series, but when you played it in multi it still had a lot of silly shite in it. Like that mentoring skill that allowed for a mass production of alpha strike suicide nukers or certain heroes having starting skills that made reaching faction skills impossible. That auto poison dungeon hero was also way too cheesy, even after nerf.


Aug 26, 2010
Also 7 was on average stronger than I thought, given how catastrophic that development went. Perhaps Ubi pulled the plug too early on that one, it is still buggy as shit to this day, if the development was properly finished it may have had a glowup thinking in decades.

Maybe thats due to it being the most recent one. I'd guess that large chunk of threads/posts there are discussing shit like pre-release information and various announcements about factions/units/heroes and whatever else.


Aug 4, 2007
Motivated by user-made maps being too scripted and lacking unpredictability, I've been playing some random maps lately, which I have not done before.
It's made me realize how powerful the Tower faction must be in multi-player, at least if playing on Impossible with Strong indies, since being able to field a large force of Master Gremlins is so much easier than assembling an equivalent force with the other factions.
And being overland is also an advantage, since the openness lessens the chances of mines being blocked by stacks that are guarding some other objects.

I use random heroes, if not I guess you could choose the guys with Chain Lightning and Meteor Shower to speed things up.

Incidentally that's one thing I will never understand; people who in game after game always choose the same faction and the same hero. To me part of the fun is trying to make the best out of any hero.

Zboj Lamignat

Feb 15, 2012
I like tower, but they aren't particularly strong, definitely not on impossible. In fact, many pros consider them one of the weakest factions. Their creeping is good, but you still will get resource screwed, bad. Also, despite the newbie solmyr meme their heroes are kinda trash with all the useless skills they get. Muh armored Neela being the one standout.

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