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Fallout Fallout: Sonora - new Fallout mod from the Fallout: Nevada team

Mar 14, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath

Deama’s ChatGPT Spanish flavored version:

RadMurav Team’s Yandex + hand translation English version:
Last edited:

Kyl Von Kull

The Night Tripper
Jun 15, 2017
Jamrock District
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
It seems that the same team is working on a new one.






Schwing! Sonora is in Mexico, so it’ll be interesting to see what that looks like through the prism of these Russkis.

I wish some deep pocketed developer would just hire these guys and give them a pile of money to make something amazing. Nevada was so damn good, even with the incomplete translation near the end (what the hell does the lead ghoul in Vegas say anyway?).

Anyone know if Olympus 2207 is still being translated?
Mar 14, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath
It seems that the same team is working on a new one.
I bet this one will be smaller project, given the name. Developer was burned out during F:N 1.0 development, so having something similar to Nevada would be miracle.
I am not a native speaker of Russian, but as far as I understand the developer has quite ambitious goals.
Fallout: Sonora is going to have 11 big and 5 small locations. It is comparable with Fallout 2. Among these locations are Tucson, Parker Dam and Phoenix. It means that the world map would include not only Sonora, but also at least some parts of Arizona.

The developer also says that it is going to have alot of new scripts, prefabs and macros that are going to have a noticable influence on the gameplay. In particular, he mentions that the way of getting experience in the combat will change. Now the amount of experience you get will depend on the amount of damage you've inflicted.

On the other hand, I've also found a post where this guy says that he is not satisfied with how F:N ended up. He thinks that F:N is incoherrent, inconsistent and lacks a focus. He also says that if he was making it now, it would be much closer to the first Fallout. Perhaps, that's his plan for Fallout: Sonora - to make it more similar to Fallout 1 in scope and style.


Jul 18, 2015
Russia atchoum!
Yeah, exactly as honorable Sordid MCA/Prosper Hybryd said (thanks for links btw :)).
BlackDesigner is working on a project already a year, don't want to communicate much because he is busy and even hour of communicating mean an hour less scripts, dialogs or new pic for a game, and he already lost 4 months of devtime because of personal circumstances whatever it is, while he could manage to do the job for the anniversary of Fallout.
Also for now he want to use only OST of Fallout 1.
He did some research work - watched handreds of OLD Hollywood films, miles of articles about USA and Mexica, so arsenal and cultural connotations were revised.
About gaining experience - will be taken into account quality of armor, if charater is in your party, mechanics of some perks.

Kyl Von Kull

The Night Tripper
Jun 15, 2017
Jamrock District
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Yeah, exactly as honorable Sordid MCA/Prosper Hybryd said (thanks for links btw :)).
BlackDesigner is working on a project already a year, don't want to communicate much because he is busy and even hour of communicating mean an hour less scripts, dialogs or new pic for a game, and he already lost 4 months of devtime because of personal circumstances whatever it is, while he could manage to do the job for the anniversary of Fallout.
Also for now he want to use only OST of Fallout 1.
He did some research work - watched handreds of OLD Hollywood films, miles of articles about USA and Mexica, so arsenal and cultural connotations were revised.
About gaining experience - will be taken into account quality of armor, if charater is in your party, mechanics of some perks.

Oh man, now I’m really hyped. Does anyone have any idea what it would cost to hire a professional translator to do this when it’s done so that we don’t need to wait five years for the new one? Maybe we could pass around the collection plate if it’s not too crazy. Presumably it wouldn’t be that bad if we can pay in rubles.


Dec 27, 2017
Aw, goddammit man, couldn't you wait until it was done to tell us? Now it's not only enduring the wait until it's done, but afterwards until a rune-speaker translates it.



Mar 22, 2017
[Infinitroning intensifies]

The work goes on but gets stuck sometimes.

Some interesting stuff - randomization of locations (mostly on random encounters). Specifically, there'll be these billboards as part of the scenery on tracks, there'll be 20 unique pictures for them, chosen randomly. There'll be randomized clutter on the road, at coastline, objects in desert, monsters in caves (In F2 monsters were generated by a map script, here they'll be generated by a special token, which is far easier and more convenient).


Another example - vehicle art is expanded a bit and now builds from two halves like a lego set. It enhances visual variety in two locations in the game with alot of car scenery.


Kyl Von Kull

The Night Tripper
Jun 15, 2017
Jamrock District
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Wow, reorganizing threads is not my idea of a fun weekend. Poor bro-bot.

Guy on NMA said the Russian version is coming out later this year. I’ll throw in a lot for a translator if other people are interested in picking up part of the tab.


Dec 27, 2017
You know, I wouldn't mind throwing a couple of bucks into that. Count me in.

I'd love to see a FO without the automobile or power-armor though.


Mar 22, 2017
Some time after Fallout: Nevada and F1. What, it's still in development, no press release published, the only info we have were given because of one reckless user who happened to be too eager to tease the crowd with "exclusive" info.


Jan 12, 2019
Some news.

Feb 8, 2019. Translated by Dozen on NMA.
Hola, amigos! Let's sit in the shade of this giant cactus. We've got half a bottle of tart wasteland tequila and some pre-war "Frito Bandito" chips. Now let's turn on the Los Panchos trio and share our griefs.

- When is the release?
We cannot provide a certain date so you shouldn't be hyped up about this, development can go not as planned in many ways. The same amount of work can be done either within a week or in a couple of months. Let's just say that currently out of 17 planned locations (5 small and 12 large ones) there are only 4 left to finish, besides the world map and in-game videos. And all this also needs a thorough testing and editing.

- What's up with the strange name of the project?
Sonora is the name of the desert around which the game takes place. The original name was Fallout: Terra Sonora, but we thought it was too long.

- When does the game take place?
Can't say. This is a closely guarded secret, almost a spoiler.

- Is there a car in the game? Power armor? NCR, Legion, Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel?
Let it be a surprise, you'll see in the release. Do you really want to know the game before you played it, remember Fallout 4?

- Will there be partners?
We make some story-bound partners limted by their individual quests (like it was in New Vegas). There are also characters ready to share your company for certain quests.

- Will there be crafting?
Only a few unique upgrades, as in Fallout 2. But each of them is really important for the respective weapon.

- Will there be familiar characters or locations from other parts of the series?
Not yet. Although we have a couple of ideas in mind. But there are some references and allusions.

- Will there be references to Fallout: Nevada?
All that's left of Nevada are just a few lucky sprites, and that's it.

- Will there be support for large monitors and modern operating systems?
We will try to make an adaptation before the release. In the meantime, we develop the project with the original resolution, small monitors and Windows XP in mind.

- Can we sponsor this project?
No, it would be illegal for us.

- Do you need help?
For now, we need a concept artist who knows how to depict locations and loading screens with the right atmosphere, we also need a 3D artist to create in-game videos.

- Will there be an English translation?
Several people have already volunteered to do the translation, but for now it's premature. We will solve the issue after the release.

- What mistakes did you take into account from the previous project?
Thank you for the good question, amigo [truth is, no one really asked].
Fallout: Nevada was an immature project with all the problems of newbie game developers (disunity and redundancy of content, imbalance, text mistakes, etc.). Now our goal is to make the right project in every sense, where all the content is needed, important and done for purpose. So don't expect Sonora to be like Nevada. It won't.

Thanks for the company, compañeros, but it's time to depart - the sun is high, soon this desert will be hell...

Mar 29, 2019
Meanwhile, Alexander Berezin, who joined us in September, continues to redo early graphics and create a new one for Fallout Sonora. With it, the game gets better, and the development time is getting closer!

(In the screenshot the updated main entrance to downtown Phoenix)

Mar 16, 2019

Fallout Sonora. Peaceful Follower of the Apocalypse - one of the possible companions.

May 1, 2019. Translated by Dozen on NMA.

"While some people are celebrating May Day, I have something to celebrate, too. I finished another location and assembled a new build of Sonora, the 20th in a row. Three more locations ahead, one of them is half-ready. Now I just have to finish the project for Fallout birthday!"


Glory to Ukraine
Nov 24, 2017
Free City of Warsaw
Great news! Fallout of Nevada is an excellent addition to the franchise, it almost makes you forget the atrocities committed by Bethesda.

I am confident that in some months (hopefully not years) we will be able to say the same about Sonora.

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