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Dwarf Fortress now on Steam with a graphical overhaul


Oct 27, 2004
Lulea, Sweden
embarked near the ocean and found a weird cavern with no vegetation only mud

If the cavern has no water, it won't have vegetation, IIRC.
You cant have mud without water either (IRL).


Mar 16, 2007
Tampere, Finland
Codex 2012 Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
embarked near the ocean and found a weird cavern with no vegetation only mud
Imagine how happy the piggies will be.

If you are worried about vegetation, dig through to the caverns.
Once they are reached, their spores will spread and you'll get fungi growing on all kinds of soil and mud. Great for pastures.


Feb 9, 2021
I know I'm lamer than Timur the Lame but I prefer Going Medieval.

Not that I don't dream of playing Dwarf Fortress in 3D, with animations.


Feb 12, 2012
Pure text descriptions will always be the best graphics because it directly speaks to your imagination.

What I find inspiring about DF is you assign someone to a task like tailoring a cloak or making wine and he does it regardless of being unskilled and learns the craft as he goes. That's kind of motivating for real life where we think some vocations are beyond our reach forever since it requires expertise so we never begin doing them.
Also when they get an artifact fey mood and cant do what they are supposed to do in life for reasons then go insane or become suicidally depressed I think that maps to real life situations as well...

Space Satan

May 13, 2013
Space Hell
I am a bit disappointed, expected much more after winter break and expanding dev team. The pachlog is like 4 items long, mostly minor stuff + pathfinding upgrade, while there are dozens of critical bugs, effectively making the game unplayable in the long term which is more than couple of hours.
Really? Only now you are disappointed? After a decade of oathes which fixed - finger anatomy, number of chikden bones, coloration of leaves, amount of dirt dwarves dwarves generate and other useless stuff like simulating each eye colour.
All while having entire branches of industries defunct of useless\disbalanced. We had problems with beekeeping for YEARS. And books\libraries are still a mess. That's why I hate autists like Toady - he can spend absurd amount of time designing mechanics nobody ever will care...yet always find ffanboys screeching when this negligable shit is announced in upcoming patch. Such idiots are literally like the ones who infested bioware forums.


Sep 3, 2006
I am a bit disappointed, expected much more after winter break and expanding dev team. The pachlog is like 4 items long, mostly minor stuff + pathfinding upgrade, while there are dozens of critical bugs, effectively making the game unplayable in the long term which is more than couple of hours.
Really? Only now you are disappointed? After a decade of oathes which fixed - finger anatomy, number of chikden bones, coloration of leaves, amount of dirt dwarves dwarves generate and other useless stuff like simulating each eye colour.
All while having entire branches of industries defunct of useless\disbalanced. We had problems with beekeeping for YEARS. And books\libraries are still a mess. That's why I hate autists like Toady - he can spend absurd amount of time designing mechanics nobody ever will care...yet always find ffanboys screeching when this negligable shit is announced in upcoming patch. Such idiots are literally like the ones who infested bioware forums.
Lol, you are right. They have released another update, took them about a month. What a crappy patch! Almost no critical fixes, they have added some fucking stupid arena mode no one used in classic version.

I have wanted them to succeed, now I don't give a shit.

Need to get back to Song of Syx to calm down.


Sep 5, 2019
Haven't bought the Steam version and most likely never will if it remains a glorified tileset, but I loaded up 47.05 and forgot how easy it is. Toady would do well to hire someone who is solely committed to balancing the game. Probably not, considering $7,000,000+ in sales amounted to the addition of a single developer.

The only real hopeium I can cling to is hearing Putnam say he wishes to support and integrate DFHack into the main game. If that can happen, as well as the dehardcoding of all reactions, buildings, etc, then there can be a reasonable effort to develop the game in ways Toady wont.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
I found v47 to be full of unwanted stuff that adds nothing to the game but more frustration. I have an entire fortress of necromancers, I have randoms coming in and walking off with artifacts, I have bigger FPS issues, I have elves and humans turning on me for no reason at all randomly without me doing anything to them (literally watched all my contacts go from peace to war one by one, some from all the way on the other side of the map from my civilisation), etc.

v44 was much better and was a much more stable playthrough.


Mar 28, 2014
I found v47 to be full of unwanted stuff that adds nothing to the game but more frustration. I have an entire fortress of necromancers, I have randoms coming in and walking off with artifacts, I have bigger FPS issues, I have elves and humans turning on me for no reason at all randomly without me doing anything to them (literally watched all my contacts go from peace to war one by one, some from all the way on the other side of the map from my civilisation), etc.

v44 was much better and was a much more stable playthrough.

v47 looks like proper df to me.

v44 seems like buggy shit
Dec 17, 2013
Once Adventurer Mode is out, damnnnnnnnnn....

I feel like AM has a lot more potential within their vision than DF mode. Building fortresses is fun, but traveling around a massive world with the kind of history, mythology, geography, geology, depth this has, as an adventurer, within a roguelike context, wow.

Mebrilia the Viera Queen

I was playing adventurer mode a decade ago. How it is suddenly something breathlessly being awaited?
They are about to introduce a lot of development on that. They spoke about it before in an interview.

Mebrilia the Viera Queen

I was playing adventurer mode a decade ago. How it is suddenly something breathlessly being awaited?
Because the dumbed down GUI version people paid for on Steam doesn't have it.
Dumbed down Gui version? Dude to play DF first you had to bind hotkeys to muscle memory how is it not an improvement? Lol some people! We will just have to wait some more for adventure mode but is the same game.
Last edited by a moderator:


Sep 10, 2014
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Codex Year of the Donut Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I was playing adventurer mode a decade ago. How it is suddenly something breathlessly being awaited?
Because the dumbed down GUI version people paid for on Steam doesn't have it.
Dumbed down Gui version? Dude to play DF first you had to bind hotkeys to muscle memory how is it not an improvement? Lol some people! We will just have to wait some more for adventure mode but is the same game.
It's nice to be able to use mouse, but it is dumbed down. There are certain stuff you don't have access to anymore, like logs. Which ruins one important aspect of the game - roleplaying and forming stories.

Non-Edgy Gamer

Grand Dragon
Glory to Ukraine
Nov 6, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
Dumbed down Gui version? Dude to play DF first you had to bind hotkeys to muscle memory how is it not an improvement? Lol some people! We will just have to wait some more for adventure mode but is the same game.
Oh no! Not hotkeys! What website do you think you're on?

You just got through saying how Adventure mode isn't in the game and you're asking how it's dumbed down? :lol:
There are certain stuff you don't have access to anymore, like logs.
They STILL haven't fixed logs? Lol. People were mad about that on day one.

I also recall seeing reports that they messed with the spawn settings for certain metals, but tbh hearing that they cut out a bunch of features killed my interest in looking into it much further.

Mebrilia the Viera Queen

Dumbed down Gui version? Dude to play DF first you had to bind hotkeys to muscle memory how is it not an improvement? Lol some people! We will just have to wait some more for adventure mode but is the same game.
Oh no! Not hotkeys! What website do you think you're on?

You just got through saying how Adventure mode isn't in the game and you're asking how it's dumbed down? :lol:
There are certain stuff you don't have access to anymore, like logs.
They STILL haven't fixed logs? Lol. People were mad about that on day one.

I also recall seeing reports that they messed with the spawn settings for certain metals, but tbh hearing that they cut out a bunch of features killed my interest in looking into it much further.
Imagine thinking for the game to have finally a functional Ui to be dumbed down. Seriously lol. For real?

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