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Dwarf Fortress now on Steam with a graphical overhaul

Hace El Oso

Jan 5, 2020
EDIT: Heh, whoops, I was just skimming and thought they changed the ingame relationship between dwarves and elves.
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Sep 5, 2019
Now we know, why they needed time to "update" the Wiki.

Disgusting Elf lovers!

(remove elf racism as per kitfox policy, mention new animal products restriction)
(Readded jokes, readded several bits of removed useful information as well as adding a note on their token that makes animals neutral to their civ. There is NO reason to remove the part that both they and goblins are immortal, it a fact worthy of note that of the civilized races only the two of them are biologically immortal.)

Ongoing edit war. Looks like some want to use a policy from Kitfox's Discord to remove some "D for Dwarf" bits. We'll see who wins: the old guard or the casuals and trannies.


Aug 20, 2022
Not only is racism bad, but also it can't exist anymore? So how do you know whether a thing that can't exist is bad?


Nov 9, 2022
Not only is racism bad, but also it can't exist anymore? So how do you know whether a thing that can't exist is bad?
SJWScum Logic is simple: If you close eyes on something, purge information on subject and forbid others from thinking and talking about it, it stops to exist. :smug:

You guys still playin this? How's it goin? Show your fortresses!

I’m working on it, my de-homosexualization mod is now breaking the sprites of a bunch of animals and I have to either fix it or only apply it to Dwarves/Elves/Humans/Goblins.
That happened in my tests too with my usual Bash script.
I just use the fixed creature_standard.txt from here https://ghostbin.me/63912d7a176f4 atm.

Not really feeling the mouse UI, except for digging designations. Building anything is so much slower.
I can only guess, but maybe there is some measure agaist people trying to purge faggotry from game?


Aug 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
You guys still playin this? How's it goin? Show your fortresses!

I’m working on it, my de-homosexualization mod is now breaking the sprites of a bunch of animals and I have to either fix it or only apply it to Dwarves/Elves/Humans/Goblins.
That happened in my tests too with my usual Bash script.
I just use the fixed creature_standard.txt from here https://ghostbin.me/63912d7a176f4 atm.

Not really feeling the mouse UI, except for digging designations. Building anything is so much slower.

This remove trannies too?


Sep 1, 2007
Racism against elves is not in any way, shape or form irrational. They're fucking cannibals!
Speaking of accursed tree-shaggers here's some snippets from my current fort:

I'm allied to the nearby humans, and at peace with the nearby goblins(a lot of nearby dark dwarven and human pits, so I assume they got pacified somewhat). But it seems we're currently being invaded by goblins, elves and humans from the west. I haven't noticed them though except a single elven raid and the occasional human that drops by looking for my legendary glumprong bow(?!).

The bow in question, I've embarked in a muddy jungle, where a good and evil biome intersect, so I'm good on trees, coal and clay, but lacking pretty much everything else.

Human adventurers(?) seem to be a decent source of bronze though, and I have enough coal and trees to make all the cannibal gretas cry.
Other than that I've had a titan come visit, sadly I fucked up burrows and the corpse rotted before butchering :( it was soloed by a speardwarf, but managed to inject some visiting poet.

And had a wereporcupine turn inside my tavern, luckily my baron managed to bring it down, before it mangled too many bards, I've started walling up some sections of my hospital...

I'm playing on 'easy' and I'm playing quite careless, my fortress is basically a damp open mudhole and I've spent most of my time playing around with aquifers, with predictable losses, probably why my dwarves are getting a bit moody. Most seem to be angry naked children, crawling around in the mud. I've had a few go berserk, but it's a problem that quickly takes care of it self, we'll see how it goes.

my entrance I guess. The cheetah statues are also of Rato as on the bow, these dwarves really love that cheetah for some reason. I'm guessing foundational myth. The central trench is kept empty, while the bottom resovoir is for fishing. Wanted easy access to water for bathing, since it's raining dwarf blood outside, and I need that glumprong and sliverbarb, the trench has done a good job of keeping blood out of the fort, but mud is everywhere.

my main living area, squished in below a dripping aquifer and noisy workshop, should've allowed myself a couple more z-levels, but these new light aquifers drain slowly enough that they're easy to dig out, so I might just do that instead. aquifer fishing has been surprisingly useful.

I've picked up quite the selection of bards(one of which will probably turn werebeast soon), which have worked quite well at intercepting enemies that make it past my wardog pasture, so I'm currently in the process of making some glumprong instruments for them, to see if they can dish out some damage as well.
Edit: looks like I'm nearing the end, about a third of my remaining dwarves are wereporcupines, never managed to make those glumprong instruments, not sure how difficulty affected things, probably combat as were creatures and titans were ended quickly, they just always managed to bite some random poet/baby bystander. Next fort needs more focus on daycare!

Just spotted that elven wereporcupine dancer, this is actually a quite decent start to a "Dusk til Dawn" fort, but I'll probably need something more than clay cheetah statues, to keep spirits up, vampires are a lot easier to maintain...
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Nov 12, 2006
Here's the first Classic release! There's a lot left to do, but this version is playable and will give you an idea of where things are at. Zooming the interface with the mouse wheel is currently disabled because some of the menus don't react well to being small in width. We'll need to work through those - you can still use the settings to scale it up if you like. A few other indicators need to come back, and some tiles are working a little oddly (brooks for example). Also, because of how the graphical release is set up, we're currently stuck with one font size, which will impact some tile sets of course. We're going to get through all of this (and more keyboard support as well of course). But I wanted everybody to see what progress has been made and get a chance to try it out. We should have simultaneous releases from now on, between Steam, itch, and here.


Jan 9, 2012
You guys still playin this? How's it goin? Show your fortresses!

I’m working on it, my de-homosexualization mod is now breaking the sprites of a bunch of animals and I have to either fix it or only apply it to Dwarves/Elves/Humans/Goblins.
That happened in my tests too with my usual Bash script.
I just use the fixed creature_standard.txt from here https://ghostbin.me/63912d7a176f4 atm.

Not really feeling the mouse UI, except for digging designations. Building anything is so much slower.

This remove trannies too?
They're announced but not in the game yet.


Feb 22, 2021
Fucking hell, they actually hired someone to help work on the game.

The team grows

With the success of the Steam launch, we are now able to bring on some more help for future updates and events.

Firstly, Putnam is a very prominent, long-time member of the Dwarf Fortress community and will be helping Toady with programming. This is a historic moment, as never before have non-Adams eyes seen the Dwarf Fortress code. Welcome, Putnam! We wish you luck and courage.
I thought the code would be for Tarn's eyes only until the day he died.

They also hired a 'content creator' to host Twitch Streams but who cares.
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Nov 9, 2022
Fucking hell, they actually hired someone to help work on the game.

The team grows

With the success of the Steam launch, we are now able to bring on some more help for future updates and events.

Firstly, Putnam is a very prominent, long-time member of the Dwarf Fortress community and will be helping Toady with programming. This is a historic moment, as never before have non-Adams eyes seen the Dwarf Fortress code. Welcome, Putnam! We wish you luck and courage.
I thought the code would be for Tarn's eyes only until the day he died.

They also hired a 'content creator' to host Twitch Streams but who cares.
Codding help will be a good thing, if Tarn won't be a bitch about it... That reminds me, what the hell KitFox done then? And there is plenty more people around DF modding, why won't hire more then?

CC anyway will be some random trans-minority-elven-person (with horn ofc) who will educate people how to play DF and not be racist or smt.


Feb 22, 2021
Fucking hell, they actually hired someone to help work on the game.

The team grows

With the success of the Steam launch, we are now able to bring on some more help for future updates and events.

Firstly, Putnam is a very prominent, long-time member of the Dwarf Fortress community and will be helping Toady with programming. This is a historic moment, as never before have non-Adams eyes seen the Dwarf Fortress code. Welcome, Putnam! We wish you luck and courage.
I thought the code would be for Tarn's eyes only until the day he died.

They also hired a 'content creator' to host Twitch Streams but who cares.
Codding help will be a good thing, if Tarn won't be a bitch about it... That reminds me, what the hell KitFox done then? And there is plenty more people around DF modding, why won't hire more then?

CC anyway will be some random trans-minority-elven-person (with horn ofc) who will educate people how to play DF and not be racist or smt.
All Kitfox has done is handle publishing and marketing the game as it releases on Steam, telling normal people that DF exists and has graphics now I guess. There was a dev post a little while ago about how Putnam pointed something out to Toady that helped him make world generation 25% faster (lol), must've made a good impression. It'll be good to have someone around that might actually fix bugs and develop features while Toady prepares to add more legends mode/background autism.


Sep 3, 2006
Yeah, apparently Putnam is an interesting figure - she has also pointed out the main issue with FPS death (it seems that it is not related to pathfinding), she was an internal tester, a damn good one as QA team claims, she worked on DFhack and some mods. A pretty good portfolio to be honest.

Some time ago they've also said that there is someone 'trusted' working on Linux port. I guess that person also has an access to source codes.


Nov 9, 2022
She or "she" ?
Wait... Putnam is a female?
I had a quick look and the Kitfox discord asks you for pronouns whenever you join it, first time I ever saw functionality like that in a discord server. Anyways supposedly they are female according to what it says over there.
Put a wild guess what will happen if you choose he/him pronoun and proclame that you are white male
On Topic: Interesting to know if Putnam also have some SJW interests that can destroy the game? I Really wish that she is not one of them


Feb 22, 2021
She or "she" ?
Wait... Putnam is a female?
I had a quick look and the Kitfox discord asks you for pronouns whenever you join it, first time I ever saw functionality like that in a discord server. Anyways supposedly they are female according to what it says over there.
Put a wild guess what will happen if you choose he/him pronoun and proclame that you are white male
On Topic: Interesting to know if Putnam also have some SJW interests that can destroy the game? I Really wish that she is not one of them
I did do some word searches and sad to say they're entirely eager for tranny inclusion so long as it doesn't drive ordinary players towards treating them in a problematic way, that is expelling/killing trans dwarfs because they're more mopey than other dwarfs and suchlike. So maybe not destroy the game bad but they are indeed one of them.
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Nov 5, 2007
Yeah, apparently Putnam is an interesting figure - she has also pointed out the main issue with FPS death (it seems that it is not related to pathfinding), she was an internal tester, a damn good one as QA team claims, she worked on DFhack and some mods. A pretty good portfolio to be honest.


Feb 26, 2021
She or "she" ?
Wait... Putnam is a female?
I had a quick look and the Kitfox discord asks you for pronouns whenever you join it, first time I ever saw functionality like that in a discord server. Anyways supposedly they are female according to what it says over there.
Put a wild guess what will happen if you choose he/him pronoun and proclame that you are white male
On Topic: Interesting to know if Putnam also have some SJW interests that can destroy the game? I Really wish that she is not one of them
Isn't Threetoe married to an SJW whackjob?


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
sending in the army because i messed up the crossbow training room design and have to renovate, undead are kinda immune to arrows

Umm... Just make a square (I usually use a 5x5) chamber with a trapdoor entry from the top. Have ramps going up the wall on either side of the wall going through that trapdoor into the chamber. Have a 1 tile walkway around that chamber burrowed. Make the walls of the chamber into fortifications.

That's your marksman training arena done and dusted. How can you stuff that up?


Jun 15, 2009
Broken unplayable poorly though and as user unfriendly possible piece of shit , just corrupted my save.. Codex game of the year i guess


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
Broken unplayable poorly though and as user unfriendly possible piece of shit , just corrupted my save.. Codex game of the year i guess
That happens even in the base game. Save often and duplicate your saves is your only hope.

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