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Anime Cyberpunk 2077 thread for people who are playing the game

Nov 13, 2020
Konoha - Village Hidden in the Herb
This thread's for discussion between people who are actually playing the game. The other threads can be used for discussing reviews/console bugs/crying about how one of the devs is a girl with purple hair/hate circlejerk/etc..
Anyway the real reason I made the thread:

1) HAS ANYONE FIGURED OUT HOW TO DEAL WITH EXPLOSIVE DAMAGE???? My dude literally eats bullets for breakfast, can get shot like thousands of times and take no damage, but ONE explosive round from a turret or something similar will bring me from **400** health to DEAD instantly?

There's a perk in engineering that decreases explosive damage by 30% but I still get one shot by explosives somehow?

2) How the hell do I level up athletics?

3) Do you realize how overpowered cold blood is? It's NUTS!!


Time Mage
Apr 30, 2020
I'm very into cock and ball torture
1) HAS ANYONE FIGURED OUT HOW TO DEAL WITH EXPLOSIVE DAMAGE???? My dude literally eats bullets for breakfast, can get shot like thousands of times and take no damage, but ONE explosive round from a turret or something similar will bring me from **400** health to DEAD instantly?

Explode the enemies first.
I play a crafting based techno character and literally no enemy, not even bosses, has survived one of my homemade laser grenades. And I can craft 200+ of them as they only take common and uncommon materials.
Game is a mess balance wise.
Nov 13, 2020
Konoha - Village Hidden in the Herb
1) HAS ANYONE FIGURED OUT HOW TO DEAL WITH EXPLOSIVE DAMAGE???? My dude literally eats bullets for breakfast, can get shot like thousands of times and take no damage, but ONE explosive round from a turret or something similar will bring me from **400** health to DEAD instantly?

Explode the enemies first.
I play a crafting based techno character and literally no enemy, not even bosses, has survived one of my homemade laser grenades. And I can craft 200+ of them as they only take common and uncommon materials.
Game is a mess balance wise.

Yeah I try to take the turrets and explosives dudes out first but it's kinda hard to distinguish them between like 10 other dudes in a room before it's too late. Then they hit me once and it does like 300 damage instantly wtf???
On the other hand, I have a rocket launcher arm that doesn't seem to do any damage to anything unless it hits directly in the face, but at the same time it does enough splash damage to kill me instantly if I'm within a few feet of where it hits??
Just doesn't make sense.

also how the hell do I level athletics? I've been using a katana all game you'd think my athletics would be high level but I'm like stuck at level 2


Time Mage
Apr 30, 2020
I'm very into cock and ball torture
1) HAS ANYONE FIGURED OUT HOW TO DEAL WITH EXPLOSIVE DAMAGE???? My dude literally eats bullets for breakfast, can get shot like thousands of times and take no damage, but ONE explosive round from a turret or something similar will bring me from **400** health to DEAD instantly?

Explode the enemies first.
I play a crafting based techno character and literally no enemy, not even bosses, has survived one of my homemade laser grenades. And I can craft 200+ of them as they only take common and uncommon materials.
Game is a mess balance wise.

Yeah I try to take the turrets and explosives dudes out first but it's kinda hard to distinguish them between like 10 other dudes in a room before it's too late. Then they hit me once and it does like 300 damage instantly wtf???
On the other hand, I have a rocket launcher arm that doesn't seem to do any damage to anything unless it hits directly in the face, but at the same time it does enough splash damage to kill me instantly if I'm within a few feet of where it hits??
Just doesn't make sense.

also how the hell do I level athletics? I've been using a katana all game you'd think my athletics would be high level but I'm like stuck at level 2

I just tested some dumb stuff, and it seems to be tied to stamina consumption. Running while punching until the bar is empty gives 20 xp every few minutes. Seems to be a slow stat in general.


Poland Stronk
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2014
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
In either thread no one wants to analyze the story, characters, or the lore. I've tried posting several times but the only activity is agents of decline whining about balance, glitches and the shitstorm.

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