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When playing Fallout 3 a friend found himself promptly lost in Washington, -


:lol: :P:lol::lol:

what did you play where? :lol:

In an Undermountain pen and paper session a friend's elf -


(guess he couldnt find anything else to eat... like go in a tavern and order a stake, with potatoes)


Its ironic that you dont have about a ten of them, really. What a sad little futile pathetic simpleton answer... completely in line with lack of brains and personality.
Jan 6, 2014
So because some G*ys only Spam here

back to topic..

Cannibalism is the practice of eating members of one's own species as food. Cannibals appear in every Fallout game in some form.

Cannibalism is considered a crime against nature in most major Wasteland societies. Conversations with members of The Family in Fallout 3 indicate that cannibals are ostracized and often beaten by other members of society, although by implication this suggests that cannibalism alone (when not also combined with murder) is not considered a sufficient crime to warrant execution/extermination. Vance, the leader of The Family, implies that cannibals are a species mutation like ghouls or psykers; they are born with an innate craving for human flesh, as well as the ability to consume it without ill effects (as Old Ben in Freeside remarks that eating human flesh causes debilitating shakes in normal humans, which can eventually lead to death).

Cannibals often form groups in order to obtain mutual social acceptance while engaging in this taboo activity. Some, like the residents of Andale in the Capital Wasteland or the underground-dwelling tribe that would eventually become the White Glove Society in the Mojave Wasteland, are descended from a long line of individuals who have practiced the killing and consumption of fellow humans. Other groups, like The Family, consist of individuals who have banded together after being shunned or exiled from their home communities for their practice of cannibalism.

Normal wastelanders may unwittingly engage in cannibalism, as some vendors sell human flesh under the guise of regular meat, either because they are practicing cannibals themselves, or because they can obtain human flesh cheaply and engage in unethical business practices by selling it as food. Iguana Bob, a highly successful food vendor in Junktown, would obtain human flesh for cheap from the local morgue, and sell it at a premium price as "iguana-on-a-stick." Certain groups of hunters in the Capital Wasteland hunt wastelanders for their meat, and then sell it to unsuspecting travelers. Old Ben in Freeside remarks that his father's butcher shop went out of business after a local merchant began selling "strange meat" at very low cost; after the merchant died from the debilitating shakes associated with prolonged consumption of human flesh, human remains were found buried under his house.
Jan 6, 2014
Known cannibals
  • Doc Morbid and Gretch, who ship human body parts to Iguana Bob for the production of iguana-on-a-stick
  • Jackals
Fallout 2
  • The Chosen One can sometimes encounter cannibals when moving around the north-western parts of the map. They appear in groups of 3-6, armed with knives or nothing, and are completely feral.
Fallout 3
Fallout Tactics

Fallout: New Vegas


Known cannibals
Fallout 2
  • The Chosen One can sometimes encounter cannibals when moving around the north-western parts of the map. They appear in groups of 3-6, armed with knives or nothing, and are completely feral.
Facepalm spinoff 3 (fixed)
That indeed says all about whether cannibalism should be in the game. Especially as a pastime occupation for the player character. Of course, seeing retarded wormbrain scum that think that abomination is a Fallout game working on this ... can only bring a big, big grin on my face.


I think it just boggles the mind ... when you see someone taking that list as a sign on what to do with such cheap crap, (bethesda product for fuck sake...), such failure of humanity ... as that turd is.
Instead of a list of what NOT TO DO.

But as an... inspiration on what to do in a resurrection of "Van Buren" - which was an attempt at some sort of semi original Fallout game (being done by some new boys at Interplay and some folks from F2, which had a lot of new people working on that, instead of the real original creators).
Real time combat and other such crap included.

To be clear, i dont mind that people actually enjoyed that game. Ive enjoyed a lot of stupid games in one way or another.
But people that actually want to make it somehow look like its ... good? And relevant?

it just... boggles the mind.
Jan 6, 2014
Many things,Items,Perks,skills that was in Fallout 3 and New Vegas were planned for Van buren.Betesdha only have take this things and make a Oblivion with other Textures .

and Cannibalizm will not only use to survive.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
When playing Fallout 3 a friend found himself promptly lost in Washington, stepping on mines, and having a tough time of it with super mutants. He found himself drinking irradiated water out of filthy toilet bowls to survive. Regardless of what you think about that game, I loved hearing that story, because someone out there had a great wasteland survival experience in a cRPG.

Right? Love some good wasteland survival stories where you drink radiated water and... get a bonus?:retarded: Way to undermine the setting.

You mean the setting where radiation creates giant animals? The "bonus" in that story was not dying of thirst, anyway.


Jul 10, 2013
Presumably genetically mutated animals that are almost always hostile to the player character.
Jan 6, 2014
but the Player can require the Animal Friend Perk so all Animals are Friendly to him.

that with Cannibal Skill will maybe aquire a Story or Only a Bonus like Slaver Perk.
Jan 6, 2014
with the normal Animal Friend Perk no...

you can only Friend.
All Rats
All Geckos

but is possible to make two Levels in the second you can make that Deathclaws not attack,but i think make not so sense while Deathclaws are more Humaniod and not Animals..


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Deathclaws are genetically engineered chameleons tho with other animal DNA spliced in. Also Deathclaws were never affected by Animal Friend.

Overall Animal Friend is a pretty nebulous perk I'd say, and doesn't really function with anything except game logic behind it.
Jan 6, 2014
False...The Radiation have made them so,the Enclave experiments only have make them inteligent so they can talk with humans.

with Animal Perk you are Wrong.

by the Way here ...



Nov 19, 2012
People's republic of Frankistan
False...The Radiation have made them so,the Enclave experiments only have make them inteligent so they can talk with humans.

with Animal Perk you are Wrong.

by the Way here ...


"The deathclaws were originally created before the Great War by the government to replace humans during close-combat search-and-destroy missions. They were derived from mixed animal stock and then refined by the Master, using genetic manipulation. The resulting creature is almost unbelievably fast and powerful.[2]"

Also, no creatures in the Fallout-verse (Before Beth' and their retarted writing came) were made by the Radiations. They were all created from exposure to FEV.

but is possible to make two Levels in the second

Animal Friend isn't a perk in Fallout 2.


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Also, no creatures in the Fallout-verse (Before Beth' and their retarted writing came) were made by the Radiations. They were all created from exposure to FEV.
Incorrect, and Avellone himself has stated he was plain wrong when he wrote that bit in the Fallout Bible. You can go have a look-see at the very same Wiki's article about mutations and their causes (the link there is right at the start of that same Deathclaw article you know). Radscorpions, giant molerats, et al ARE caused by radiation, just as ghouls are. Note: Harold is NOT a ghoul, but an FEV mutant that LOOKS like a ghoul.
Jan 6, 2014
Vaarna Aarne said right the Radiation have made these Mutations .The Enclave have tested things to make their Soldiers more Powerful in these experiments they have make that Deathclaws can talk...and things..

The FEV was created by Vault Science and have not with the Deathclaws...


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
I think you mean it was created by WestTek as the Pan-Immunity Virion Project, before being appropriated by the US Army and renamed Forced Evolutionary Virus when the research was moved to Mariposa base.
Jan 6, 2014
in Fallout 1 the Deathclaws are only stupid Monster since Fallout 2 there are really inteligent Humaniods.


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
That blood looks too fresh. It needs to be dried out and darker.

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