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The Witcher Analysis: How Witcher 3 could have been much better.

  • Thread starter Duralux for Durabux
  • Start date

Is Witcher 3 dissapointing?

  • Yes

    Votes: 43 35.2%
  • No

    Votes: 54 44.3%
  • Kingcomrade

    Votes: 25 20.5%

  • Total voters

Duralux for Durabux

I'm tired of everyone praising this game even on this forum for being the "MASTAPIECE 10/10 BEST STORY EVER CREATED" which is obviously untrue.
First thing off, i will try to do my best of what the ideal Witcher 3 could have been because i want this series to be on par with the best rpg series listed on the codex.I hope CDPR will stop doing the same mistakes in Witcher 4. As it's state, Witcher 3 is good at everything but excel in nothing worth playing except graphics and landscapes(which are optionals).Unfortunately, This game doesn't deserve the #15 position because all the flaws i will quote below.
I will point out all of the issues of the game and try to solve it for each domain of the game:

-Bestiary: The bestiary is really big and brings a lot a detail to each monster. Problem is monsters have too few move sets between them. It makes the feeling that the monsters(of the same categories) aren't uniques but instead reskins. For example the Werewolves and the Ulfhedinn have 2 different attacks ( claw attacks,dodge(which technically doesn't count as an attack) , and the jumping into Geralt's position). Are they different if we forget their skins?Why only such few move sets? They are supposed to be dangerous creatures, this is ridiculous. There are different types of specters (Nightwraith,Noonwraith,Penitent,The White Lady) can someone tells me what is their difference ? They act the exact same, attack with the hands,dissapear into 3 shapes. And there are so many examples like this, Wolves and Wargs aren't different they are just reskins with a bigger HP pool for the wargs.
Ekhidna,Harpy same. Water hag,Grave hag,Mourntart same. Mucknixer,Drowner,Drowned dead same. They need to take inspiration from Bloodborne in this section. Less monsters in the bestiary but each of them different or at least with bigger move-sets (Quality>Quantity).

-World Design: Why they took inspiration from Skyrim in term of world Design? Why there are so many locations that bring nothing interesting for the main quest?At least Why they didn't take inspiration from Planetscape Torment with the locations considering the fact that Geralt is old? In some locations, Geralt could remember something about his past(from the previous games) that adds additional backstory for the new players that makes the exploration worthwhile. Instead there are types of locations copy-paste everywhere(Bandits camps; Prisoner cage; free the village from beasts,bandits;clear the ruins; destroy the nest; check the treasure; kill the monster and check the treasure.). At least,why all the locations are not tied to the side-quests?
The world feels more like a Theme Park than a real World trying to be immersive.

-Main quest: Why there is absolutely no sense of urgency ? Why they didn't put an actual time limit like in Fallout 1? It would make a lot of sense because in that case you have the feeling that the Wild Hunt is actually searching Ciri instead what we got is a static world.Why the final battle against the Wild Hunt is so ridiculous? (The Wild Hunt is supposed to be an actual army minimum 5000-10000 men expected ready for battle. What we got is a bunch of hundred men).Why the final battle is that bad?Add more move sets to bosses.Also too much cinematics please stop.

-Side-quests : Why each side quests copy some parts of others side quests? . The witcher's contracts are a good example of that . They follow the exact same schematic every time (talk to npc;negotiate reward;follow footsteps or smell of something,someone;kill the monster or talk to him;get reward). CDPR come on you can make different quests because you did it with some secondary quests.. The treasure quests are awful (level MMORPG) which can be resumed into (find a corpse; loot the corpse; take the note; read the note;check the quest's compass; loot the chest; end of the quest) .In the case of witcher's sets, i can resume every quests of that type into (buy a map;trigger the quest; go to the direction location; loot) LEVEL MMORPG++.
Changing the content of a note left on a corpse doesn't make a different quest CDPR.

-Landscapes: Absolutely marvelous

-Graphics: Nothing to say

-Game play: Ablette is a chore to navigate with.Please improve the horse.Now with the Witcher, Geralt isn't the problem in the game play, he feels responsive,fast like he is called but Why did they put a stamina bar if it adds nothing restrictive to the actual player. There are tons of potions and oils to make in this game but most of them are absolutely useless to make because the game isn't challenging enough to make them interesting. Why the food restore HP?it should restores stamina and only potions should restore health.Why so many different types of food if everyone of them have the same effect ?
Why leveling loot and leveling monsters? Please remove levels. Why making a repair system if it's a system that doesn't really matters? Make swords and armors breakable forever(tiny chance 5% to happen) and unusable if the percentage reaches 0%. Add more durability for them in exchange. Why making different skills if none of them change the actual game play ? Add advantages and disadvantages for every skills, it will improves the role playing element even further.

I will stop as for now, please feel free to threat me in the commentaries.

Duralux for Durabux

-Choices: Why none of them impact the witcher dramasticly? Why the choices don't restrict a full arc of quests?Each choice should have PROS and CONS that affect the WORLD AND THE WITCHER (stats,how he becomes,etc...).

-Difficulty: Same retarded design like Skyrim. Adding more health and damage to ennemies don't increase the difficulty on the contrary, it makes the combat even more tedious. Please add more movesets and improve the AI of the ennemies with each difficulty level .

-NPC: adding tons of NPC to cities and towns is worthless if none of them give something usefull to listen for the player.(i don't expect a quest for every npc but i do expect differents lines coming from the npc then you will understand as a player what does it feels to be a witcher in cities.

-UI: consolized, too many clicks to navigate with. I espect a different UI for the PC version.

Duralux for Durabux

Wait, there are people who think Witcher 3 has great gameplay?
In fact, the major problem is that ennemies have too few move sets and other things (like i said werewolves have 2 differents types of attacks). It doesn't make combat enjoyable and chalenging.And thus the gameplay.
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Duralux for Durabux

Were there ways the Witcher 3 could have been better? Absolutely!

Was it disappointing? No.
In my opinion , it was dissapointing.
Medias and CDPR have promised a pure masterpiece which isn't unfortunatly.
Hell! i can't even say this game is very good in one part (important for the player)except graphics and landscapes(optionals like i said). It does so many things wrong.
Edit : The game is between decent and good at best.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
1. Remove the MMO interface
2. Restore color palette back to the 2014 build

These are my two first steps. Both are doable with mods as far as I know.

Silly Germans

I'm tired of everyone praising this game even on this forum for being the "MASTAPIECE 10/10 BEST STORY EVER CREATED" which is obviously untrue.
First thing off, i will try to do my best of what the ideal Witcher 3 could have been because i want this series to be on par with the best rpg series listed on the codex.I hope CDPR will stop doing the same mistakes in Witcher 4. As it's state, Witcher 3 is good at everything but excel in nothing worth playing except graphics and landscapes(which are optionals).Unfortunately, This game doesn't deserve the #15 position because all the flaws i will quote below.
I will point out all of the issues of the game and try to solve it for each domain of the game:...

Which game is more deserving and should take the spot then ?

Duralux for Durabux

Which game is more deserving and should take the spot then ?
Fallout 1 and Planetscape Torment only.
What they did well are masterfully well done.
Edit :Locations design copy Fallout 1 every Locations tied to the main quest for at least something usefull for the player or a detail. Or planetscape Torment idea with the memories
side Quests: Planetscape Torment, Each quests are really unique in Torment.
Main quest : Fallout 1 because it has the boss with the best personnality and work put into it.
Gameplay:Well fallout 1 obviously
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Jan 8, 2009
Not sure anyone here would rate TW3 story above those two.

I never expected anything other than "Bioware done Better" from TW2/3 and I was reasonably pleased with what I got.

Silly Germans

They are already ranked above the Witcher 3, so why complain about its spot ?

Duralux for Durabux

Witcher 3 is ranked #15 which is too much ,it should be ranked with dragon age Origins or even below. Good in everything but excel in nothing.
Edit : Because of how bad quality in rpg is nowadays.
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Duralux for Durabux

Just a quick reminder that witcher 3 is ranked above gothic 1,Kotor 2, Baldur's gate, underrail, Wizardry 8, System shock 2. IT IS FAR TOO HIGH.
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Duralux for Durabux

I'm not sure I've ever seen such a personal crusade against a game like the one the OP is on.
You and your friends on codex don't hesitate to go on crusade against Bethesda games,Bioware games,Naughty dog games because it's easy mode. Me personnally, i prefer playing in hardcore mode and attacking the so-called CDPR and his so-called overrated Witcher 3.

Duralux for Durabux

If we give you a witcher doll, can you show us where Geralt touched you?
Can you try to prove me that i'm actually wrong instead of constantly attacking me or saying that i'm traumatized by the witcher ? Clear sign of someone who doesn't have any argument to respond.
Edit: And to answer your question, i'm extremely salty because everyone here and outside advertise something which don't exist in reality.I feel robbed.


Nov 28, 2008
Land of Danes
Codex 2013 Codex 2014
... Planetscape Torment ...

For Fucks Sake, you can at least pronounce 20 year old game correctly.

It is PLANETSCAPE TOURNAMENT you illiterate! :x

Other than that, TW3 itemization and its scalling (and amount of useless rubish swords, armor, gauntlets etc. level 5,6,8...) is the worst crime of the game. Person thinking it is good idea should be locked in mental care.


Single handedly funding SMTVI
Nov 6, 2011
Which game is more deserving and should take the spot then ?
Fallout 1 and Planetscape Torment only.

Why do you think that Planescape Torment should be any higher than Witcher 3 on the list? Both games exceed most other games when it comes to the story and presentation, but Witcher 3, and Planescape Torment fail heavily gameplay-wise. At the end of the day, it's all about your preference, eg, do you prefer a more alien, or a low-key fantasy setting.

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