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Turn-Based Tactics Ultimate Jagged Alliance 2 + 1.13 Mods TOPIC


Mar 16, 2015

Since there is no such in this subforum it is time we made one. In General RPG there are a lot of small stupid ones but this game is not really a RPG. No need for decline like JA3 to have a topic here alone.

Some useful links:
If you want to play vanilla: https://af.gog.com/en/game/jagged_alliance_2?as=1649904300

If you want to play Ja2 stracciatella: https://ja2-stracciatella.github.io/download/

If you want to play 1.13.: http://thepit.ja-galaxy-forum.com/index.php?t=msg&th=24648&start=0&

All 1.13 item list and stats with nice UI: http://ja2.furlo.sk/

If you want me add more links here post below.


Mar 16, 2015
Finally I got enough money to hire B team but I could only afford two good soldiers and order them good gear from Bobby. So I took two night ops soldiers and variety of cheap/free support team.
First mission (slaughter) accomplished, SAM site next to Drassen liberated again:


May 5, 2012
He's on his best behavior he doesn't want to get SDG'ed.


Oct 21, 2019
Enjoy the Revolution! Another revolution around the sun that is.
Really enjoy your posts on tactical games.

On my part, still haven't found a rifle in JA1 but I have figured out how to crouch.


Mar 16, 2015
Damn. Sniper fantasy in this mod is so awesome:

And this is with scavenged gear. I need to spend some more time in Bobby's shop and outfit one sniper and one spotter with full camouflage kits. 1.13 lets you give one character binoculars and set him as spotter that gives a bonus to your sniper in range. Only thing game is lacking it some breaching gear. When they set up in buildings, it is no longer easy to get in without getting shot. It would be cool if you could throw grenades in while standing next to doors.


Mar 16, 2015
1.13 sends like 60 soldiers at you once you conquer all sectors of cities but luckily game is not forcing your to fight them all at same time. It seems they attack 15 guys at a time. They probably depend on reinforcement mechanics but I turned that off because it provides me with more advantage then other side. In these city battles my militia will be coming from neighbouring sectors to join the fight while I can have a radio operator in my team (and this is a must if you play with reinforcement mechanic) that can block enemy calling for reinforcements.
Better if I just turn it off and remove one irritating mechanic and remove advantage I get in the end.


Mar 16, 2015
Fucking google and youtube.. now it has offered me this video:

Now you might ask how is this connected? This is one of the rare (and best) assault rifles in JA2 (or 1.13)... I didn't google the name specifically but I did a bunch of all kinds of JA2 googles in last week.. I guess other people googled this weapon in the past in connection with JA2..


Sep 8, 2008
Is there a better walkthrough on how to install Ja2 Stracciatella over a clean 1.07 install?

I tried using the one on their website and hit a wall. It won't load.

I'm trying to install it on an old Windows XP Hewlitt Packard box.


Mar 16, 2015
Is there a better walkthrough on how to install Ja2 Stracciatella over a clean 1.07 install?

I tried using the one on their website and hit a wall. It won't load.

I'm trying to install it on an old Windows XP Hewlitt Packard box.
I think you are supposed to use 1.12 version before applying mods. That is one I linked on GoG site. I also use that one for 1.13


Sep 8, 2008
Is there a better walkthrough on how to install Ja2 Stracciatella over a clean 1.07 install?

I tried using the one on their website and hit a wall. It won't load.

I'm trying to install it on an old Windows XP Hewlitt Packard box.
I think you are supposed to use 1.12 version before applying mods. That is one I linked on GoG site. I also use that one for 1.13
That might be the problem. Thanks. I guess I'm buying another copy.


Mar 16, 2015
I am sure it will be OK:

Edit: Ok, I had to retreat once they started throwing grenades at my guys.. I also learned that if you do that before bandaging your guys they will die while travelling :(
EDIT2: I need better Nightvision goggles for hit and run tactics.
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Apr 2, 2012
Played through JA3 and had to force myself to finish it like 3 times. Reinstalled JA2 with 1.13 mod and have to force myself to stop playing each time because its so much fun but unfortunately i have other stuff to do.

Created an ambidextrous gunslinger IMP dude who is a nightmare at close range, hired Lynx, but my IMP dudes sexism is even more extreme than Lynx's lol. Really love the choice of starting gear for IMP, i picked two beretas with laser sights and had to overpay a few grands. Had no money for mercs other than Lynx because of it, but Lynx is a pretty good sharpshooter (99 marksmanship) with decent starting rifle. Took Ira with us, because we need a whore to treat wounds and warm the bedroll. She hates sexism in my team and thinks IMP guy likes combat too much after he blew someones head off in front of her and joked about it. And she despises Lynx because he killed that child laboring bitch in Drassen. Apparently it counts as killing innocent. Also one of Deidranna's men yelled at Ira that she should "go back in the kitchen where she belongs". Maybe we should join her army instead...

So far it crashes way less than last time. I'm really happy.
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Mar 16, 2015
Played through JA3 and had to force myself to finish it like 3 times. Reinstalled JA2 with 1.13 mod and have to force myself to stop playing each time because its so much fun but unfortunately i have other stuff to do.

Created an ambidextrous gunslinger IMP dude who is a nightmare at close range, hired Lynx, but my IMP dudes sexism is even more extreme than Lynx's lol. Really love the choice of starting gear for IMP, i picked two beretas with laser sights and had to overpay a few grands. Had no money for mercs other than Lynx because of it, but Lynx is a pretty good sharpshooter (99 marksmanship) with decent starting rifle. Took Ira with us, because we need a whore to treat wounds and warm the bedroll. She hates sexism in my team and thinks IMP guy likes combat too much after he blew someones head off in front of her and joked about it. And she despises Lynx because he killed that child laboring bitch in Drassen. Apparently it counts as killing innocent. Also one of Deidranna's men yelled at Ira that she should "go back in the kitchen where she belongs". Maybe we should join her army instead...

So far it crashes way less than last time. I'm really happy.
Why did you finish it 3 times if you had to force yourself ?!

And I do understand this about JA2 1.13, for last two weeks since I started playing it a lot I go to bed each time at 3+ AM and needed to force myself to go to bed.. too bad I need to go back to work tomorrow and cannot live in JA2 world anymore until weekends :(

In above battle I tried again and on second try after 10 ingame minutes of intense exchange of fire I made a killing field and now there are only 29 enemies left :D


Apr 2, 2012
Played through JA3 and had to force myself to finish it like 3 times. Reinstalled JA2 with 1.13 mod and have to force myself to stop playing each time because its so much fun but unfortunately i have other stuff to do.

Created an ambidextrous gunslinger IMP dude who is a nightmare at close range, hired Lynx, but my IMP dudes sexism is even more extreme than Lynx's lol. Really love the choice of starting gear for IMP, i picked two beretas with laser sights and had to overpay a few grands. Had no money for mercs other than Lynx because of it, but Lynx is a pretty good sharpshooter (99 marksmanship) with decent starting rifle. Took Ira with us, because we need a whore to treat wounds and warm the bedroll. She hates sexism in my team and thinks IMP guy likes combat too much after he blew someones head off in front of her and joked about it. And she despises Lynx because he killed that child laboring bitch in Drassen. Apparently it counts as killing innocent. Also one of Deidranna's men yelled at Ira that she should "go back in the kitchen where she belongs". Maybe we should join her army instead...

So far it crashes way less than last time. I'm really happy.
Why did you finish it 3 times if you had to force yourself ?!

No, only once. Just my poor ESL wording i guess. I meant that i took a break at least 3 three times because it just wasn't that fun compared to ja2. But i dont like leaving stuff unfinished.

And I do understand this about JA2 1.13, for last two weeks since I started playing it a lot I go to bed each time at 3+ AM and needed to force myself to go to bed.. too bad I need to go back to work tomorrow and cannot live in JA2 world anymore until weekends :(

In above battle I tried again and on second try I made a killing field and now there are only 29 enemies left :D

Its like narcotic. I was going to go to bed early yesterday but ended in a large Drassen fight involving Deidrannas army and my militia. When i finished it was like 2 am lol.


Mar 16, 2015
OK, I managed to kill all 59 enemies with my 8 guys.. this only worked because of night. 2nd group of 29 was tougher to kill, it seems they had some Nightvision gear and kept throwing glowsticks at my group. I had to retreat backwards and use a bit of smoke grenades and my GL guy spent almost all his useful grenades (HE and Stun), I guess for next battle he will bring his Mortar instead.
Some of my guys got shot and at end of the battle with only 3 enemy guys left one shot a rocket at my guys but missed everyone.. I must say my heart skipped a beat.. I didn't expect that :D

S. Vohaul

Aug 29, 2022
Is there a better walkthrough on how to install Ja2 Stracciatella over a clean 1.07 install?

I tried using the one on their website and hit a wall. It won't load.

I'm trying to install it on an old Windows XP Hewlitt Packard box.
I think you are supposed to use 1.12 version before applying mods. That is one I linked on GoG site. I also use that one for 1.13
That might be the problem. Thanks. I guess I'm buying another copy.
Did you try to launch it via Stracciatella launcher? If you run ja2.exe directly it won't use Stracciatella.


Dec 22, 2018
Fuck, this thread made me want to install JA2 again, and I'll end up nolifing it for the next month instead of being ready to hate on Space Skyrim when it gets released, what did you do?


Mar 16, 2015
Fuck, this thread made me want to install JA2 again, and I'll end up nolifing it for the next month instead of being ready to hate on Space Skyrim when it gets released, what did you do?
We got you to have lots of fun for the next month. You are welcome.


Apr 2, 2012

Chitzena anal action.

After we captured the town Deidranna's army counter attacked Chitzena mines from multiple directions with 30 fighters including many elites, so we had to retreat to the upper Chitzena sector and train the militia for our own summer counter-offensive. 0 militia survivors out of 20 because they took the most heat while we were struggling with a group of army and multiple elites. There were civilians caught in the crossfire too. Luckly Wolf had a grenade launcher he bought from Tony some time ago and a few grenades, one termobaric grenade made a difference when he destroyed half a dozen soldiers in one turn. Very lucky.

Serpent took three cheap shot bullets from a jumpy backstabbing elite whore, went unconscious and almost died. Ira was close thankfully. After Ira stabilized Seprent the elite whore jumped out again and he blew her head off.

Lynx sniped lots of people, really great merc. Would have been impossible without him.

It was so fun to watch, because both militia and few surviving army men and elites ran out of ammunition and so they started beathing the shit out of each other. And the leftovers charged at us in a suicidal melee attack so we finished them off easily. One injured elite retard desperately threw a mustard gas grenade at us in close range but was utilized promptly. Corpses were scattered around the map. And of course all the loot was disappointing shit, only one ak 103 and armored pants, the rest was ww2 tier garbage lol.
Feb 19, 2005
Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming!
The scattered remains of enemies being permanent (well, until they are picked apart by crows) is such a satisfying sight after a firefight, JA2 really got so many of those details right. Same with the sound effect when you hit an enemy or he drops dead from bullets.


Mar 16, 2015

Chitzena anal action.

After we captured the town Deidranna's army counter attacked Chitzena mines from multiple directions with 30 fighters including many elites, so we had to retreat to the upper Chitzena sector and train the militia for our own summer counter-offensive. 0 militia survivors out of 20 because they took the most heat while we were struggling with a group of army and multiple elites. There were civilians caught in the crossfire too. Luckly Wolf had a grenade launcher he bought from Tony some time ago and a few grenades, one termobaric grenade made a difference when he destroyed half a dozen soldiers in one turn. Very lucky.

Serpent took three cheap shot bullets from a jumpy backstabbing elite whore, went unconscious and almost died. Ira was close thankfully. After Ira stabilized Seprent the elite whore jumped out again and he blew her head off.

Lynx sniped lots of people, really great merc. Would have been impossible without him.

It was so fun to watch, because both militia and few surviving army men and elites ran out of ammunition and so they started beathing the shit out of each other. And the leftovers charged at us in a suicidal melee attack so we finished them off easily. One injured elite retard desperately threw a mustard gas grenade at us in close range but was utilized promptly. Corpses were scattered around the map. And of course all the loot was disappointing shit, only one ak 103 and armored pants, the rest was ww2 tier garbage lol.
This is about how my battlefields around Grumm look :D
I fought over 100 enemy soldiers now in 2 sectors to break their siege.


Sep 8, 2008
Is there a better walkthrough on how to install Ja2 Stracciatella over a clean 1.07 install?

I tried using the one on their website and hit a wall. It won't load.

I'm trying to install it on an old Windows XP Hewlitt Packard box.
I think you are supposed to use 1.12 version before applying mods. That is one I linked on GoG site. I also use that one for 1.13
That might be the problem. Thanks. I guess I'm buying another copy.
Did you try to launch it via Stracciatella launcher? If you run ja2.exe directly it won't use Stracciatella.
I think my problem is that I put the download directly into the folder I had Ja2 Installed and it might also be because it's a 1.07version rather than a 1.12. Haven't had a chance to mess around with it all week because of work and other things at home.

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