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I can't get into Divinity OS games and i can't figure why.


Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
Feb 20, 2019
Insert Title Here
“I could lick your arm and tell you how you spent the night before last. Shall I?”

*She gives your arm a vigorous stroke of the tongue, efficient, like a cat grooming.*

“I don’t lick and tell.”

This writing is so gay, I couldn’t force myself to play even if I tried.


Aug 13, 2019
Probably because the only decent aspect of the game is the combat, while the setting/plot/writing is all painfully retarded nonsense.

Which is why Larian decided the player should spend the first five hours of the game running around the town listening to dialogue so you can solve a fucking murder mystery. Really playing to their strengths.


Oct 21, 2019
Don't push yourself, the game obviously has been designed for coop mode. If you have appropriate friend/gf(s) - give another try, it could be fun, really. Otherwise - don't bother, it's just not worth the time.

All the best stuff game has to offer located in the very first act. Few demanding encounters, some puzzles (pixel hunting mostly tho), all that enviromental shit
certain fights become laughable easy during the rain, for example
- it's all there, in the beginning.

I mean, it's not the kind of game where you suppose to struggle through some in order to enjoy later. It's the opposite.
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Jan 5, 2009
Bubbles In Memoria
In addition to all the other issues mentioned I have real issues with the combat, more precisely the speed of it.

I have no trouble with TB combat, even with a lot of combatants (I have over 200h in BB) but the combat in DivOS1-2 is just unbearably slow with animations that take forever.

I recently tried DivOs2 again and ran with a single character and found the game more bearable this way, less retarded dialogue and much faster combat. The game is so easy that it doesn't really matter either way.


Mar 8, 2015
Rome, IT
Well, any suggestions about Turn based fantasy games that aren't too old like ToEE? I already have Battle Bros and looking toward Realms Beyond, but can't find anything else at the moment. My dream game is Xcom \ Jagged Alliance 2 but with swords and magic.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Well, any suggestions about Turn based fantasy games that aren't too old like ToEE? I already have Battle Bros and looking toward Realms Beyond, but can't find anything else at the moment.
kingmaker with turn-based mod
My dream game is Xcom \ Jagged Alliance 2 but with swords and magic.

I haven't gotten around to playing it yet but it seems like what you're asking for. It's on my backlog.

Baron Tahn

Aug 1, 2018
+1 for Kingmaker. It really is a great throwback to rpgs of old and TB option just makes it better.

You might also try Banner Saga. Its not the greatest but its solid for what you seem to be looking for.

Darth Canoli

Jun 8, 2018
Perched on a tree
Well, any suggestions about Turn based fantasy games that aren't too old like ToEE? I already have Battle Bros and looking toward Realms Beyond, but can't find anything else at the moment. My dream game is Xcom \ Jagged Alliance 2 but with swords and magic.

You should check Urtuk, there's a thread on this forum and it's on steam/itchi.o

Also Warbanners.

And most of all, Knights of the chalice if you didn't already.

Kingmaker TB mod is a cheap placebo and forged of blood isn't as good as i wanted it to be, i stopped my playthrough after 2/3 fights.


Dumbfuck Bethestard
Jun 3, 2016
inside ur mom ᕦ( ▀̿ Ĺ̯ ▀̿ )ᕤ
1) The writing/world-building is godawful shit catered towards redditors and people who think pickle rick is the funniest thing ever
2) Art style is like league of legends
3) Combat and interactions are, from what I can gather at least, what most people here who enjoy the game actually play it for. If you're not into the combat mechanics/character building the game has nothing to offer.

Strange Fellow

Jun 21, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Well, any suggestions about Turn based fantasy games that aren't too old like ToEE? I already have Battle Bros and looking toward Realms Beyond, but can't find anything else at the moment. My dream game is Xcom \ Jagged Alliance 2 but with swords and magic.
Mordheim is another cool fantasy tictacs game you might enjoy. Very modern presentation. It's on GOG these days with a good discount.


Mar 7, 2008
Well, any suggestions about Turn based fantasy games that aren't too old like ToEE? I already have Battle Bros and looking toward Realms Beyond, but can't find anything else at the moment. My dream game is Xcom \ Jagged Alliance 2 but with swords and magic.

Well, there's one that's still pretty old, but most people haven't played it because it came out on the PSP: Dungeons & Dragons: Tactics.


Silly Germans

Part of this comes from their reluctance to just cut their "humor." I cannot believe nobody has told them this yet but the Dutch/Flemish/Germans have no sense of humor. None. They are some of the most unfunny people alive. And worse, when they do try to be funny they deteriorate into a cringe-worthy web of scatological humor, childish sex-based "jokes," and an absurd reliance on unfunny gag humor ("Cheese!"). None of it lands. Ever. I mean, I've met Swen once or twice at industry shows and he is a very nice dude in person, easy to talk to, etc. It's not about his personality, or that of his team. But when they start writing jokes? They have me looking for the exit because good Christ, it is unbearable.

Finally, randomized loot is almost always shit for games like these.

I am afraid parts of this are true. Germany never brought forth comedic geniuses like Adam Sandler, Martin Lawrence or Rob Scheinder. But we make the
best instructive motion pictures in combination with subtle humor,



May 8, 2013
The DOS games' biggest hook is the environmental interactivity and at first blush you think, "That's great! Think of all the out of the box things you can do with that sort of thing." The problem for me was that almost every encounter featured this kind of shit, so the novelty wears pretty thin somewhere about 10-20 hours into either -- you're no longer thinking outside of a box, you're just in a weirdly shaped one that repeats itself ad nauseam.

Throw in the incomprehensible cosmic stakes, the flat uninteresting people you meet along the way and the "item fever" loot system and it makes it really tough to stick with it for the long haul. I did manage finish the non EE version of the first one out of sheer bloody mindedness, but the EE was not enough to hook me and three attempts at DOS2 have stalled right when I get off of the first island.

The need a better hook for BG3 aside from the environmental bullshit; for sure it should be the dash of salt and pepper on top, but it can't be the whole meal. Maybe being constrained by WotC helps a bit this time, and using a system that isn't as shitty, and maybe they've got some better writing talent now ... or maybe not. I guess we'll see.


Jul 23, 2015
The Khanate
One word: co-op. Are you playing this on co-op? Because that is one of its greatest strengths and one that very few RPGs replicate. Fucking around with your buddy, building your characters to compliment (or screw with) each other, the shenanigans that follow. If you're playing it solo and like a classic CRPG I can see why you'd have trouble getting into the game.
Like any game you have to approach them in the right mind set. If I approach the Temple of Elemental Evil with the view I am going on a gripping existential puzzlebox adventure like Planescape: Torment then every part of the experience is going to underwhelm me; the key to enjoying any form of entertainment is to appreciate it on its own terms, which takes patience, an open mind, and a lot of effort, traits that most people and especially most gamers do not cultivate (and also don't have any incentive to cultivate, because there are a lot of games in the world and replaying old favorites is always an option, especially with mods).

In the case of D:OS, you need to approach it as a lol-zy exploration game where you run around clicking on things and see what happens, what you find, or what you can do.

As it happens, the main plot in both games often put you in the role of an investigator (Source Hunters, Godwoken looking for teachers to help you use your powers) that involve running around clicking on things and seeing what happens.

If you are absolutely and fundamentally opposed to a game that is about running around, clicking on things, and discovering lol-zy characters and situations, then it is going to be difficult to appreciate D:OS on its own terms -- the whole point of the game is how reactive the environment is, how comically absurd a setting Rivellon is, and how you can go so far as to kill everyone in sight and still win the game.

Divinity: Original Sin are games that appeal to gamers purely in terms of what you can do and find in a fantasy world-- sort of like a programmer's idea of a good fantasy RPG (like Tim Cain's notion that it would be fun to turn people into blood sausage with a giant machine gun -- no real storytelling or characterization at work here, but you can do something awesome in an awesome setting). It's about doing things as a wizard (like finding a teleportation crystal and experimenting with it until you accidentally appear in a woman's bath) rather than going on a wizard's journey (destroy the Horcruxes and fight Voldemort to win the war).

Hey, it would be cool if Harry could actually become a great wizard, kill Dumbledore, ditch Ron + Hermione, throw the Horcruxes in a lake, and still beat Voldemort at the end. That's Divinity: Original Sin.

Seconding this.


Aug 23, 2005
Well, any suggestions about Turn based fantasy games that aren't too old like ToEE? I already have Battle Bros and looking toward Realms Beyond, but can't find anything else at the moment. My dream game is Xcom \ Jagged Alliance 2 but with swords and magic.

Knights Of The Chalice. Best 3.5 d&d combat-focused cRPG ever made. Sequel's coming out soon too so there is that to look foward to as well.


Jul 10, 2014
Because they are bad. Like, fanmade-level bad, with the possible exception of combat.


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Part of this comes from their reluctance to just cut their "humor." I cannot believe nobody has told them this yet but the Dutch/Flemish/Germans have no sense of humor. None. They are some of the most unfunny people alive. And worse, when they do try to be funny they deteriorate into a cringe-worthy web of scatological humor, childish sex-based "jokes," and an absurd reliance on unfunny gag humor ("Cheese!"). None of it lands. Ever. I mean, I've met Swen once or twice at industry shows and he is a very nice dude in person, easy to talk to, etc. It's not about his personality, or that of his team. But when they start writing jokes? They have me looking for the exit because good Christ, it is unbearable.

Finally, randomized loot is almost always shit for games like these.

I am afraid parts of this are true. Germany never brought forth comedic geniuses like Adam Sandler, Martin Lawrence or Rob Scheinder. But we make the
best instructive motion pictures in combination with subtle humor,

I'll listen to Volker Pispers, Urban Priol and Georg Schramm over any of those guys any day of the week though technically they are not "comedians" but cabaret artist. The only American comedians I like better are George Carlin (R.I.P) and Robin Williams (R.I.P).
Also Adam Sandler is a comedian? There is not a single Adam Sandler movie that made me laugh, at most a mild chuckle but by and large they are boring. Never got the appeal about him.


Dec 7, 2016
Some games need to cool it with introducing new quests. It's not the biggest problem with D:OS, but if my immediate response to a plot hook is "fuck off, I'm busy" then I'm not going to follow that quest-line, it's just going to be reading the quest markers.


RPG Codex Dragon Lady
Feb 13, 2013
Imagine having played shit like Divinity OS, but not having played ToEE, JA2, X-COM or Silent Storm.


Mar 8, 2015
Rome, IT
Imagine having played shit like Divinity OS, but not having played ToEE, JA2, X-COM or Silent Storm.

JA2 and Xcom are the only masterpieces that have a meaningful strategic layer, and it is so sad that they are only 2 titles over 20 years of gaming.


Apr 20, 2019
I doubt you're alone with DOS2. I got hoodwinked. Bunch of fucking tards raving about rpg flavor of the month and i got just far enough in to realize it wasnt going to get any better and yet i also passed the point of no return for a steam refund. Fuck, iirc I got it at full price too.

Silly Germans

Part of this comes from their reluctance to just cut their "humor." I cannot believe nobody has told them this yet but the Dutch/Flemish/Germans have no sense of humor. None. They are some of the most unfunny people alive. And worse, when they do try to be funny they deteriorate into a cringe-worthy web of scatological humor, childish sex-based "jokes," and an absurd reliance on unfunny gag humor ("Cheese!"). None of it lands. Ever. I mean, I've met Swen once or twice at industry shows and he is a very nice dude in person, easy to talk to, etc. It's not about his personality, or that of his team. But when they start writing jokes? They have me looking for the exit because good Christ, it is unbearable.

Finally, randomized loot is almost always shit for games like these.

I am afraid parts of this are true. Germany never brought forth comedic geniuses like Adam Sandler, Martin Lawrence or Rob Scheinder. But we make the
best instructive motion pictures in combination with subtle humor,

I'll listen to Volker Pispers, Urban Priol and Georg Schramm over any of those guys any day of the week though technically they are not "comedians" but cabaret artist. The only American comedians I like better are George Carlin (R.I.P) and Robin Williams (R.I.P).
Also Adam Sandler is a comedian? There is not a single Adam Sandler movie that made me laugh, at most a mild chuckle but by and large they are boring. Never got the appeal about him.

Well, now I am glad that i didn't claim Germans knew about Irony .


Jan 6, 2015
They're garbage is why. They also are going to fuck up BG3 by making it Divinity-lite.

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