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Why Oblivion will be the greatest RPG, based on facts


Mar 9, 2006
Hi all,

I've been reading around your website and i've noticed that your statistically unimportant niche you have going here has a large amount of disdane for anything new and overrated praise for anything made before 1985.

This was quite puzzling, since I find no logic in trying to support a cause that no developer, publisher or corporation would give any sort of care to. It would be suicide trying to cater to your demands and it's not like your demands are popular at all.

Trying to see it from your view point, I went out and purchased some games that people around here were praising in various threads (such as the Greatest Games You've Never Played thread) and spent about 30 minutes with them, to get a rough idea of your tastes. I played Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 (I heard ALOT of praise for BG2), Fallout: Tactics (I couldn't find the originals and from all the praise the lacklustre Jagged Alliance 2 got, I figured this would be even more popular among you) and got the demo for Ultima 9: Armageddon.

To contrast your viewpoints against mine, I got one of my friends 'in the know' to get me in on an Oblivion preview stint. After playing it for 4 hours, I can safely say that Oblivion will be the greatest RPG, if not one of the greatest games, ever made and totally blows your favorites right out of the water.

Let's run down the facts and cram cold and hard truth down your gullets:

Graphics -

Without a doubt, graphics are the most important element of games today. Sure, you can have all sorts of fun little minigames and dice rolls, but they wont even exsist if nothing is there to represent them on the screen. The better the graphics, the stronger their presence in the game.

In my four hours of playing Oblivion, I was witness to some of the greatest graphics to grace a viewing device of any kind. I was instantly sucked in to the world of Oblivion and stats were as strong as the colors of the bloomed tavern I was standing in. The immersion level was so high, I almost forgot I was playing a videogame!

Now, as we know, stats are a core pillar of RPGs. Without stats, you're not an RPG (or else D&D would've never exsisted, the great grand-daddy of RPGs). Now, Oblivion's engine brings forth its stats stronger than any game i've ever played, due largely in part to the ability of the engine.

I compare this to my time with Fallout: Tactics, a supposedly stat-heavy "great" RPG. Fallout: Tactics might as well been an Amiga game for how horrible it looked and just as I suspected, the stats had less of an impact. While my character in Oblivion had numbers written all over his sheet, I only saw about 10 stats in FO:T. Not surprisingly, the gameplay of FO:T suffered from this and it was a mindless click-fest.

It was one of the least immersive gaming experiences i've ever had (and let me tell you, i've had some stinkers - I'm looking at you, Europa Univeralis 3: Hearts of Iron), the ackward and disjointed 3rd person viewpoint and grimy and dirty looking graphics consisting of only browns and blacks, ugh. It was unbearable.

So right there, bam, facts. Oblivion will be on a level of immersion and gameplay that no game in the Fallout series could reach. Much stronger stat, much stronger immersion, much stronger gameplay resulting from both.

Also, I think it could go without saying that Graphics influence sales so strongly. No wonder you guys are so hostile against graphics: They make games sell more than your dinky little 100,000 sale games, and sales are a great measure of how good a game is. Nobody buys a bad game!

With Oblivion's graphical quality influencing gameplay and sales so heavily, it is a surefire 7,000,000+ seller and will more than likely make the Xbox360 rise over the competition.

You guys can stick with your Atari graphics and horrible gameplay, i'll be out playing Oblivion and having the experience of a life-time, an experience a true RPG player would kill for.

Next up: Voice Acting -

Voice Acting is another core component of RPGs and video-games in general. How can you enjoy a game if all you hear is a bunch of faceless nobodies hacking out forgettable lines? Isn't the point of games to be enjoyable? Exactly. Exceptional Voice Acting improves the game considerably.

Oblivion has got Wonder Woman and Captain Picard and if you don't know who they are, you bunch are more anti-social and sad than I previously thought.

Let's see what Fallout and Troika's "masterpiece" game Bloodlines had: Forgettable Acting School kids. Sheesh, thats even worse than Jagged Bore-lliance 2's Canadian Acting School kids! No wonder Sir-Tech and Troika went out of business... they thought they could record any regular ol Tom and Pete and think the game won't suffer because of that. Turns out it didn't only make the game suffer, but their business too! LOL.

There's a reason Bethesda has stayed in buisness for so long and i'd like to give a tip of the hat to Mrs. Wonder Woman for being there to make Morrowind a success and then coming back for more in Oblivion. Without her, Bethesda might even exsist today! With the aquisition of Patrick Stewart, I put a safe wager that Bethesda is going to be around even longer.

Sorry guys, but it's the truth.

Oblivion - 2, You Guys - 0

Horseback Mounts -

I read often a time about Mount and Blade's 'superiority' over Oblivion in this department. I thought to myself: How in the world is having mounted combat a considerably better thing?

Face it: It isn't. Mounted Combat doesn't change a thing and just adds more needless complexity to an already complex game that Oblivion is. The weight of having to try to ride AND attack has been lifted off my shoulders and it feels great, I've already got plenty enough to worry about in Oblivion.

I played Mount and Blade for all of 30 minutes before I almost did a digital barf over the lack of voice acting and the incredibly sub-sub-par graphics. Not to mention that the mounted combat was incredibly confusing and way too complex. Yeah, if I wanted to be in school I would've been a teacher.

Not to mention that Mount and Blade is ONLY mount combat. It's basically a doorknob and Oblivion is a marvellous and majestic door, and Oblivion not having that cumbersome doorknob present makes it even more fluid and accessable.

Thanks, but no thanks, guys, you can keep your ugly doorknobs and ugly doorstops of games with you in your parents basements. I'm ready to play a real RPG and real progression of video games over-all.

-R McFrants


Jan 23, 2006
rfrants said:
I was instantly sucked in to the world of Oblivion and stats were as strong as the colors of the bloomed tavern I was standing in.
Hang on, you're saying they figured out how to give your -stats- the HDR Blooom too??? Ye gods!


Feb 21, 2006
If you answer well, this thread could be a popular success thread (maybe 300+posts...).

So here are my advice :
1 : each time you can answer, answer.
2 : each time you can flame, flame.
3 : answer with good enough arguments in order to fuel the debate. but not too good arguments otherwise there won't be any debate (your arguments in your first post were not too good, so this topic could be a success)


Jul 19, 2003
rfrants said:
I played Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 (I heard ALOT of praise for BG2)

There's a big difference between Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 and Baldur's Gate 2. We're talking two totally different games made by two different developers.

Fallout: Tactics (I couldn't find the originals and from all the praise the lacklustre Jagged Alliance 2 got, I figured this would be even more popular among you)

You thought wrong. Fallout: Tactics is very unpopular among most Fallout and strategy game fans. We're again talking about totally different games made by different developers.

and got the demo for Ultima 9: Armageddon.

Why? Ultimas 4-7 are the ones to check out.


Oct 27, 2004
Lulea, Sweden
Sounds like a troll or alt since the poster in question have no clue whatsoever in what people around here think or like.

Not to forget going by the notion that graphics is the most important part of a game.


May 27, 2005
Seriously i don't know if that is joke or no try plaing Fallout, Fallout:Tactics is NOTHING like Fallout. It is like saying that warcraft sucks because you don't like world of warcraft. Same whit Dark Alliance and BG:2 throught Fallout>BG2.

Ok i've readed it all it is a joke

Voice Acting is another core component of RPGs and video-games in general. How can you enjoy a game if all you hear is a bunch of faceless nobodies hacking out forgettable lines? Isn't the point of games to be enjoyable? Exactly. Exceptional Voice Acting improves the game considerably.

Let's see what Fallout and Troika's "masterpiece" game Bloodlines had: Forgettable Acting School kids.

Nobody can be that dumb.


Oct 15, 2005
Bristol, England
Kraszu said:
Nobody can be that dumb.

I always think that, and yet someone always proves me wrong.

I actually believe that good voice acting, and decent graphics can add something to games, beyond simply looking nicer, and sounding more expensive – but arguing that “old games suck, because they have awful graphics: FACT!” is not going to get anybody, anywhere.


Feb 17, 2006
I personally like good graphics. I can't understand people who play the really old sub-640*480 games. People who enjoy 'roguelikes' are an alien species.

And no I'm not some ritalin-enhanced teenager new to games. I played games on a ZX Spectrum, I spent hours on Civilization I, Monkey Island and Prince of Persia.

(I do agree with the majority on the Codex re: that older games usually have better gameplay. And that's an objective fact not a personal opinion)

OK. So certain level of graphics are good. What you're missing is that past a certain point better graphics add less and less to the game. That's logical.

It's the same with audio. You want to listen to music, 128 kbps is the most you need. Unless you're a musician or listening to some classical masterpiece encoding for more is simply filling up your hard drive. Guys who encode at 192 or 200+ and tell you they can tell the difference are having delusions.

So graphics-wise Mount&Blade or Morrowind are the most you really need. You can figure out what is what and stuff looks pretty much like it does in reality. I am not going rate a game more highly, or more to the point spend more money to get anything better than that. Because yes I'll have to spend more money. I'd need a new computer to play Oblivion - $1000 at least.

(And I know a lot of dudes are doing that right now. They are spending $1000's... for the most part just so they can play one game. Sorry but that is insane)

So graphics do not make a difference. What does? Gameplay does. You write like gameplay is some logical product of graphics * voice-acting or whatever. You're wrong. Graphics (UI, user interface in general) can add to gameplay - but gameplay is something in itself. Gameplay means good game mechanics (how shit is done in the game). It means good quests (ie stuff to do in the game). Gameplay also means a good story.

Judging from Morrowind, Oblivion is going to totally suck in that department.

Game mechanics - combat sucked (eg clickfest). Character development sucked (moronic levelling system). PC-NPC interaction sucked (wiki-text). Etc.

Quests - nobody played the Morrowind quests. They were the most boring, ludicrous, pointless shit ever. If I was in solitary confinement in prison and nothing else to do I would not play Morrowind quests. Sleeping would be more fun.

Story/Background - the Elderscrolls universe is boring. A fantasy book based on it would never find a publisher. Nothing makes sense... it's a load of crap stuck on to another load of crap. The whole thing is compressed and served out to the gamers as one of the selling points of the game.

(One of the Bethesda devs - can't remember which - has even admitted that the 'lore' is garbage)

To add to the insult they expect people to run around their completely insane 'world' collecting books of recycled rubbish and read it. 14 year old me could and did design a better world.

So that's why I can't take your post seriously.


Sep 3, 2005
A superb trolling sir :) The doorknob analogy deserves particular praise.


Aug 20, 2005
rfrants said:
I've been reading around your website and i've noticed that your statistically unimportant niche you have going here has a large amount of disdane for anything new and overrated praise for anything made before 1985.
Most (actually, all) games praised here are post 1990, so don't lie about "reading website". Don't forget to throw in some more stereotypes as "bunch of fat nerds rolling 20-sided dice" and "playing only DOS isometric TB games" while you're at it.

I played Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 (I heard ALOT of praise for BG2), Fallout: Tactics (I couldn't find the originals and from all the praise the lacklustre Jagged Alliance 2 got, I figured this would be even more popular among you) and got the demo for Ultima 9: Armageddon.

To contrast your viewpoints against mine, I got one of my friends 'in the know' to get me in on an Oblivion preview stint. After playing it for 4 hours, I can safely say that Oblivion will be the greatest RPG, if not one of the greatest games, ever made and totally blows your favorites right out of the water.

Now, as we know, stats are a core pillar of RPGs. Without stats, you're not an RPG (or else D&D would've never exsisted, the great grand-daddy of RPGs). Now, Oblivion's engine brings forth its stats stronger than any game i've ever played, due largely in part to the ability of the engine.
You played some really crappy games and now you claim Oblivion will be the best RPG ever. For everyone. :roll:

I compare this to my time with Fallout: Tactics, a supposedly stat-heavy "great" RPG. Fallout: Tactics might as well been an Amiga game for how horrible it looked and just as I suspected, the stats had less of an impact. While my character in Oblivion had numbers written all over his sheet, I only saw about 10 stats in FO:T. Not surprisingly, the gameplay of FO:T suffered from this and it was a mindless click-fest.
What a hell are you talking about!? Fallout: Tactics is a tactical combat game and not an RPG. Never was.
It's merely a spin-off of RP games Fallout/Fallout 2 (PC).
Besides, FO:T had a lot more than 10 stats and sure wasn't click-fest. So stop making shit up.

There's a reason Bethesda has stayed in buisness for so long and i'd like to give a tip of the hat to Mrs. Wonder Woman for being there to make Morrowind a success and then coming back for more in Oblivion. Without her, Bethesda might even exsist today! With the aquisition of Patrick Stewart, I put a safe wager that Bethesda is going to be around even longer.
Are you THAT stupid? What the hell are you talking about? Most people who played Morrowind never knew who voice acted it nor cared about it. :shock:
I put a safe wager that you're just trolling.

I played Mount and Blade for all of 30 minutes before I almost did a digital barf over the lack of voice acting and the incredibly sub-sub-par graphics.
Well guess what, it's an indie game made by few (2) hobby developers and not an AAA title with 100+ developers / 4 years. Even 12 year old kid can understand the obvious difference.

Thanks, but no thanks, guys, you can keep your ugly doorknobs and ugly doorstops of games with you in your parents basements. I'm ready to play a real RPG and real progression of video games over-all.
If you want to be some "Oblivion Defender" or something, get your facts straight first. Throwing in some crap you made up in anger does no good.

You're just trolling out of boredom, aren't you? :lol:


Sep 16, 2005
Bethesda is hiring trolls now?
We had some TES fanbois here lately, but now is getting pathetic. They're trying to promote the game on taleworlds forums too now... :roll:


Jan 23, 2006
sheek said:
So graphics do not make a difference. What does? Gameplay does.
Didn't you hear him? His character had numbers written all over the sheet and stuff! Without numbers you taint got no RPG, right? Numbers everywhere, falling outa the sky and shit!! Numbers with MOTHERFUCKING BLOOM!!!

Nog Robbin

Jan 24, 2006
Ah my - and it's not even April 1st yet. Still - no oscars for this shoddy acting. I mean, it's too dumb to even be possibily considered as real.

1. Graphics don't make a great game at all. They can make a crap one look good though. They do also suck in the crowds, which tends to mean the game gets targetted at the crowds more as well. Which isn't really great in a complex game as it inevitably leads to the reduction of complexity to make it simple to follow.
2. Voice acting. You're having a laugh, right? There's no reason not use unknown voice actors, as long as the quality of the sounds (and more importantly the script!) is good. Having a known name doing it adds nothing to the game. I'd rather here an unknown voice as the emperor than Captain Picard, which the voice is automatically going to bring to mind. Besides, if the script is a corny and cliched as the little I've seen/heard sounds, quality voice acting isn't going to save it.
3. Horseback combat? Why bring this up? It just rubs salt into the raw wound that is oblivion. Why put horses in the game other than for the "cool" feature if they don't add anything to the game? I'd have rather had no horses but maybe crossbows or thrown weaopns, or spears or staff combat in their place - seeing as horses don't really add anything but obviously took animation/integration time (and time wasted with the problems they had with mounted combat - something M&B does remarkably well, and yet amazingly not unbalancingly.)
4. Stats. Well apart from the fact the games you compared OB to aren't really the games touted as being good here, at least you tried. So now go back and look at OB and work out why there are less stats and skills than in MW. Obviously the stats aren't so important to Bethesda anymore. Sure - you could argue that the stats/skills removed weren't used much - or you could argue that the skills could have been developed more. And accept that not all skills *need* an equal basis in the game.

So - fess up - who are you really?


Oct 17, 2005
Dead State Wasteland 2
Have you considored a job at Bethesda's PR deptartment? With your obvious understanding of the industry and ninja like use of 'logic' you'd fit right in. You could do with more liberal usage of words like 'epic', 'immersive' and 'redefined' though.


Aug 20, 2005
Now c'mon. That post was way too silly for an advertisement. :)
He even deliberately chose the worst "RPG" examples ever imaginable (BG:DA, FO:T and U IX.)


Oct 17, 2005
Dead State Wasteland 2
That post was way too silly for an advertisement.
He even deliberately chose the worst "RPG" examples ever imaginable (BG:DA, FO:T and U IX.)

I find myself thinking that quite often when I see an advert, seems like most advertising/PR gurus don't agree with me, though.
Also didn't someone from Bethesda say they hadn't played FO1 or 2, but had played FO:T (or was it BOS?) when quizzed about their FO 'credentials'? Perhaps he's overqualified?

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Bravo! Great writing!

Trying to see it from your view point, I went out and purchased some games that people around here were praising in various threads (such as the Greatest Games You've Never Played thread) and spent about 30 minutes with them, to get a rough idea of your tastes. I played Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 (I heard ALOT of praise for BG2), Fallout: Tactics (I couldn't find the originals and from all the praise the lacklustre Jagged Alliance 2 got, I figured this would be even more popular among you) and got the demo for Ultima 9: Armageddon.
That part was brilliant!

While my character in Oblivion had numbers written all over his sheet, I only saw about 10 stats in FO:T. Not surprisingly, the gameplay of FO:T suffered from this and it was a mindless click-fest.
Absolutely hilarious. More, please, and welcome to the Codex!


Dec 27, 2004
rfrants said:
Trying to see it from your view point, I went out and purchased some games that people around here were praising in various threads (such as the Greatest Games You've Never Played thread) and spent about 30 minutes with them, to get a rough idea of your tastes. I played Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2 (I heard ALOT of praise for BG2), Fallout: Tactics (I couldn't find the originals and from all the praise the lacklustre Jagged Alliance 2 got, I figured this would be even more popular among you) and got the demo for Ultima 9: Armageddon.
Troll. You couldn’t have been this stupid to buy the worst games of each franchise.

rfrants said:
To contrast your viewpoints against mine, I got one of my friends 'in the know' to get me in on an Oblivion preview stint. After playing it for 4 hours, I can safely say that Oblivion will be the greatest RPG, if not one of the greatest games, ever made and totally blows your favorites right out of the water.
That was the problem with Morrowind. I thought it was the best game ever, until about 20 hours in I realized it sucked. Nothing changed; NPC’s were as dull in the fifth city as the first. The combat was lacking at first, but it never got better as you grew in levels, in fact it got worse because it became so easy. Every quest was the same Fed Ex quest. It was fun the first couple of times, but then it just got monotonous. And it didn’t help that there are only about 25 different types of monsters to the whole game.

I have a feeling Oblivion will be the same. It will be cool for a while but then it will get boring and monotonous, and I’ll quit.

But I hope I’m wrong I would like Oblivion to be good, even though it sounds like they are dumbing down the game. I like the fact they use a huge world. I just hope there will be some substance to playing in the big sandbox.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
with the examples of games you compared oblivion to, i take none of the writing u did seriously.

FO Tactics didn't survive 1 hr of my RP expectation. I was fooled into thinking it would be. BG: Dark Alliance? I don't even see it on PC. Ultima 9? Did any Ultima fans mention how great 9th is? seriously?

u pick up a lot of poor materials to present ur case. and now ur just hoping u can somehow pull crap out of your ass, or maybe just stop posting altogether. ignorance is bliss aint it?


Aug 7, 2004
The center of my world.
Project: Eternity Divinity: Original Sin 2
I don't get why you guys even "honour" this troll with replies to his idiocy.

It is also a well known fact that drug dealers, rapists and Hitler consider good graphics important in a video game. Draw your own conclusions.

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