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Incline Colony Ship RELEASE THREAD


Dec 28, 2011
Core City
Also to jackofshadows, yes Atom is better. Atom sold 1 million copies and Colony ship barely sold 100k. Cope about that the next time your ugly lonely ass pays for sex!!! Lmao!!!

Ah yes, finally Codex acknowledges that the true list of best RPGs already exists:


Skyrim at #6 seems a bit low, is it really adding up all the ports? After all, we all know it's the real number one.
EDIT: And to be fair, I like Witcher in 3rd place.
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Aug 27, 2008
Also to jackofshadows, yes Atom is better. Atom sold 1 million copies and Colony ship barely sold 100k. Cope about that the next time your ugly lonely ass pays for sex!!! Lmao!!!

Ah yes, finally Codex acknowledges that the true list of best RPGs already exists:

This isn't comparing small dev teams to giant corporations. CS and ATOM are made by comparable teams with comparable budgets.

Also I would unironically rock pokemon yellow or crystal or blue over CS any day of the week.
Apr 10, 2018
Mouse Utopia
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
I suppose The Wall and BING XI LAO think themselves brilliant provocateurs who only pretend to be retarded for the lols, but the truth is, they have long ago became so proficient in this regard their act is practically indistinguishable from the real thing. They gazed into the abbyss of imbecilism so long it finally gazed back on them.
This is gaslighting. We aren't trolling at all. We've merely broken free from the fake consensus of westoids. You know what the real trolling is? NIGGERS.
There is no reason, no excuse for a game dev to wake up and say to themselves, "Today I will put NIGGERS in my videogame." No-one wants to see that.
NIGGERS are inexcusable. NIGGERS are unjustified. Iron Towers Studio trolled with NIGGERS

Darth Roxor

Royal Dongsmith
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Also to jackofshadows, yes Atom is better. Atom sold 1 million copies and Colony ship barely sold 100k. Cope about that the next time your ugly lonely ass pays for sex!!! Lmao!!!

Ah yes, finally Codex acknowledges that the true list of best RPGs already exists:

everyone knows RPG stands for 'really profitable game'


Jun 6, 2020
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In
All that is meaningless fluff. Compare to jagged alliance 2 where using a sniper rifle means engaging enemies halfway across the map. There is no functional difference between using an assault rifle, smg, pistol or shotgun in Colony ship.
The only variable that matters is damage because the arena's are so small range makes no difference. I literally can't recall a single fight where range was a factor in my weapon choice. I feel if you're making this argument you're simply ignoring the lack of tactical depth because you had fun with the game. Which if you enjoyed it fair enough I'm not trying to shit on your experience.
I also say this because I switched weapons constantly, upgrading whenever I found something that did more damage. I did not notice a single difference in any of the gun types actually affecting my play style.

I never used cleave because I never used any melee weapons. I'm sure you will use this as a 'ha gotcha' moment as if using melee weapons would fundamentally change the encounter design. I generally don't use melee weapons if guns/range is available and viable. Personal preference.

I did first law of robotics, although there was a much harder robot fight at the bottom of mission control(which could be bypassed although i did it).
I did not fight Azrael since I sided with the monks
Rival faction fight(if you're referring to having to fight one of the factions in the armoury?) was not difficult.
I did rescue smiles, not particularly hard? I'm actually surprised you even mentioned that fight
I didn't fight ol 'bub, by the time I got to him I was sick of the game. I started the fight he threw some status effects on me and realized I had absolutely no motivation to kill him since the only reward was 2000 credits in a game where money is completely meaningless. I'm sure you will use this as a 'ha gotcha' moment, and I could just lie and say I killed it but that would be dishonest.
So, when you say that "all weapons types feel the same", you really mean that they feel the same because their different effective range isn't important in this game? If so, why are you so hyper-focussed on range? You're correct that range doesn't matter all that much in Colony Ship (the only instance I can remember is the fight in "first law of robotics" which is why I brought it up). It's similar to Fallout in that regard: the only instance where range matters in Fallout which I can think of is the assault on Sierra Army Depot because you could snipe the turrets. Otherwise, I never worried about range in Fallout. I guess you can use high range weapons to start combat from far away in Fallout, but I think this will make the game far too easy.

Also, I don't think that comparing Colony Ship to Jagged Alliance is a good idea because the two games are so different. Colony Ship strongly reminded me of Fallout when I played it. As we both are clearly familar with Fallout, how would you rate Fallout's combat compared to Colony Ship's? What ranged weapons in Fallout require a different play style?

The rival faction fight is completed by less than half of the players which completed the game. I'm surprised that you found it so easy. During my first play-through, I just picked one of the pre-made characters and rescuing Smiles was quite difficult which is why I brought it up. Regarding tactical depth: I suspect that you had a very strong build where diving deep into the combat just wasn't all that important. Colony Ship is very bad at explaining itself and this includes the combat system. I learned a lot about the nuances of the combat during my third playthrough where I was playing a lone wolf melee character with the "Juggernaught" feat.

The best way to play Colony Ship, and the same applies to Age of Decadence, is to go 100% non-combat. The combat in both games just isn't that good.
As someone who actually completed the game this way, I have to disagree. This playstyle becomes very boring very quickly. I think you need to achieve a good balance between combat and speech to enjoy the game the most.


Oct 21, 2019
the only instance where range matters in Fallout which I can think of is the assault on Sierra Army Depot because you could snipe the turrets. Otherwise, I never worried about range in Fallout. I guess you can use high range weapons to start combat from far away in Fallout, but I think this will make the game far too easy.
It does. Especially when you have sneak. Last time I was having fun by sniping Enclave guys in Navarro with laser rifle while they were standing still, basically. Don't remember about ATOM by the way, I believe sneak isn't working in combat there otherwise it's the same situation (rifles are op there either way). So ITS guys decided to restrict that and overdone it (although rifles are still the best imo). But the real problem with CSG it's impossible to balance encounters for both solo and full parties so it's too easy for full party no matter what. Beany has played on hero in addition to that I'm pretty sure by the way.


Jun 6, 2020
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In
(...) But the real problem with CSG it's impossible to balance encounters for both solo and full parties so it's too easy for full party no matter what. Beany has played on hero in addition to that I'm pretty sure by the way.
Yes, that's a good point: Colony Ship is a different beast when played solo. For example, only in my lone wolf melee run did I have to worry about aggro stim duration. These stims are super useful for a melee fighter, but the moment they wear off you get hit with a rather severe stat debuff. As combat takes a lot longer when you play solo, you have to time the stim usage correctly. If you mess this up, you will have a hard time hitting your enemies in the later secion of the fight. As this also affects enemies, it can be a good idea to ignore any enemies with active aggro stims until these wear off if you have other targets. This will not matter in a full party build as combat will be over too quickly. Maybe the maximum party size is too high.

I've only played on "Underdog", but combining a full party with "Hero" mode will certainly make the game way too easy. Beans00 did you really play on game-journalist-mode?


the determinator
Jan 15, 2015
Tavar you can go around with regen and recover lost effectiveness over time. This way you dont have to fear those stims, but rather overdose as much as needed, especially if you want to resolve some threads early to reach a treshold when your regen is over enemy dmg output, or at least manageable


Jun 6, 2020
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In
Tavar you can go around with regen and recover lost effectiveness over time. This way you dont have to fear those stims, but rather overdose as much as needed, especially if you want to resolve some threads early to reach a treshold when your regen is over enemy dmg output, or at least manageable
True, I remember doing both during my playthrough. Sometimes I popped the stim early to get rid of some threat and relied on my regeneration for the rest of the fight, more rarely I delayed the stim.


Aug 27, 2008
So, when you say that "all weapons types feel the same", you really mean that they feel the same because their different effective range isn't important in this game? If so, why are you so hyper-focussed on range? You're correct that range doesn't matter all that much in Colony Ship (the only instance I can remember is the fight in "first law of robotics" which is why I brought it up). It's similar to Fallout in that regard: the only instance where range matters in Fallout which I can think of is the assault on Sierra Army Depot because you could snipe the turrets. Otherwise, I never worried about range in Fallout. I guess you can use high range weapons to start combat from far away in Fallout, but I think this will make the game far too easy.

Also, I don't think that comparing Colony Ship to Jagged Alliance is a good idea because the two games are so different. Colony Ship strongly reminded me of Fallout when I played it. As we both are clearly familar with Fallout, how would you rate Fallout's combat compared to Colony Ship's? What ranged weapons in Fallout require a different play style?

The rival faction fight is completed by less than half of the players which completed the game. I'm surprised that you found it so easy. During my first play-through, I just picked one of the pre-made characters and rescuing Smiles was quite difficult which is why I brought it up. Regarding tactical depth: I suspect that you had a very strong build where diving deep into the combat just wasn't all that important. Colony Ship is very bad at explaining itself and this includes the combat system. I learned a lot about the nuances of the combat during my third playthrough where I was playing a lone wolf melee character with the "Juggernaught" feat.

I'm saying they feel the same because there is effectively no difference between bursting with an SMG, AR or shooting a shotgun. Or shooting a shotgun, or shooting a pistol. My opinion after playing the game and many like it, the differences between guns are almost purely cosmetic. Even something as trivial as ammo has less depth. In fallout we all know the economy is relatively easy, but the first time you get a minigun in fallout 1/2 you generally can't use it all the time. You will burn through your ammo and all your money. I primarily used burst weapons in CS(unless I had a really good pistol or shotgun or sniper) and not once in the game was I ever in danger of running out of 5.56 or 9mm.
I'm not comparing CS to JA2, I'm comparing it to Atom and Fallout. I'm only using JA2 as an example.
Also yes range, distance and cover are the biggest influences in tactical decisions. How you don't understand this is beyond me. Cover never seemed to matter much in CS, I was always able to flank or just outright shoot through cover.
Being completely honest, for around half the game I didn't know you could upgrade shields and cloaking devices ect. Really once I realized you could do that the game became a complete cakewalk. The shields combined with drugs combined with perks gave me too much survivability. The orange combat drugs also made fights easier, those drugs were super cheap and common. My biggest annoyance was enemies also constantly have shields and regen, making every fight take much longer then it should have.

Colony ship is on a similar level for tactical options to Fallout(like Atom). The major difference is that colony ship has a primitive cover system and obviously full party control. Fallout on the other hand doesn't have combat arena's and you're able to use locations for advantages and win fights you normally couldn't. In fallout, and Atom you can use range to start fights for your own advantage, it's possible for enemies to snipe you from far distances. CS may have more options but it's completely negated by using tiny battle arena's for all combat encounters. In fallout I could win fights earlier then normally possible using bottlenecks(bad ai to be fair) or range initiating fights and thinning out enemies before they reach me.

I used custom difficulty settings. My first playthrough(which lasted like 3 hours) I had it on hero and found it too easy.


Again I could lie and say I played it on underdog, there's essentially no difference from the settings I used aside from coping.

Crits are gay, if I had the option I would disable them completely for myself and the AI. Cope about this being a 'hard experience' if you need to. If I had the option I would have given myself even more skills points, given how retarded the skill system in this game is. How easy most fights in the game were I could have easily beaten it on underdog, and if I knew how easy the late game was I would have just played it on underdog. Doing a solo run is obviously harder, this game to put it bluntly is not good enough for me to ever replay.


Aug 27, 2008
It does. Especially when you have sneak. Last time I was having fun by sniping Enclave guys in Navarro with laser rifle while they were standing still, basically. Don't remember about ATOM by the way, I believe sneak isn't working in combat there otherwise it's the same situation (rifles are op there either way). So ITS guys decided to restrict that and overdone it (although rifles are still the best imo). But the real problem with CSG it's impossible to balance encounters for both solo and full parties so it's too easy for full party no matter what. Beany has played on hero in addition to that I'm pretty sure by the way.

I'm just pointing this out. The whole overcompensation you have with 'this game was difficult for me so it has to be difficult for everyone' is why you need to pay for sex, and also why you're bald at 36(lmao).

RPG's generally aren't difficult by design unless they have an autism setting that severely gimps the player, and severely buffs the ai. CS underdog doesn't even throw in crazy penalties like the autism difficulty settings in underrail for ex.


Oct 21, 2019
So, when you say that "all weapons types feel the same", you really mean that they feel the same because their different effective range isn't important in this game? If so, why are you so hyper-focussed on range? You're correct that range doesn't matter all that much in Colony Ship (the only instance I can remember is the fight in "first law of robotics" which is why I brought it up). It's similar to Fallout in that regard: the only instance where range matters in Fallout which I can think of is the assault on Sierra Army Depot because you could snipe the turrets. Otherwise, I never worried about range in Fallout. I guess you can use high range weapons to start combat from far away in Fallout, but I think this will make the game far too easy.

Also, I don't think that comparing Colony Ship to Jagged Alliance is a good idea because the two games are so different. Colony Ship strongly reminded me of Fallout when I played it. As we both are clearly familar with Fallout, how would you rate Fallout's combat compared to Colony Ship's? What ranged weapons in Fallout require a different play style?

The rival faction fight is completed by less than half of the players which completed the game. I'm surprised that you found it so easy. During my first play-through, I just picked one of the pre-made characters and rescuing Smiles was quite difficult which is why I brought it up. Regarding tactical depth: I suspect that you had a very strong build where diving deep into the combat just wasn't all that important. Colony Ship is very bad at explaining itself and this includes the combat system. I learned a lot about the nuances of the combat during my third playthrough where I was playing a lone wolf melee character with the "Juggernaught" feat.

I'm saying they feel the same because there is effectively no difference between bursting with an SMG, AR or shooting a shotgun. Or shooting a shotgun, or shooting a pistol. My opinion after playing the game and many like it, the differences between guns are almost purely cosmetic. Even something as trivial as ammo has less depth. In fallout we all know the economy is relatively easy, but the first time you get a minigun in fallout 1/2 you generally can't use it all the time. You will burn through your ammo and all your money. I primarily used burst weapons in CS(unless I had a really good pistol or shotgun or sniper) and not once in the game was I ever in danger of running out of 5.56 or 9mm.
I'm not comparing CS to JA2, I'm comparing it to Atom and Fallout. I'm only using JA2 as an example.
Also yes range, distance and cover are the biggest influences in tactical decisions. How you don't understand this is beyond me. Cover never seemed to matter much in CS, I was always able to flank or just outright shoot through cover.
Being completely honest, for around half the game I didn't know you could upgrade shields and cloaking devices ect. Really once I realized you could do that the game became a complete cakewalk. The shields combined with drugs combined with perks gave me too much survivability. The orange combat drugs also made fights easier, those drugs were super cheap and common. My biggest annoyance was enemies also constantly have shields and regen, making every fight take much longer then it should have.

Colony ship is on a similar level for tactical options to Fallout(like Atom). The major difference is that colony ship has a primitive cover system and obviously full party control. Fallout on the other hand doesn't have combat arena's and you're able to use locations for advantages and win fights you normally couldn't. In fallout, and Atom you can use range to start fights for your own advantage, it's possible for enemies to snipe you from far distances. CS may have more options but it's completely negated by using tiny battle arena's for all combat encounters. In fallout I could win fights earlier then normally possible using bottlenecks(bad ai to be fair) or range initiating fights and thinning out enemies before they reach me.

I used custom difficulty settings. My first playthrough(which lasted like 3 hours) I had it on hero and found it too easy.


Again I could lie and say I played it on underdog, there's essentially no difference from the settings I used aside from coping.

Crits are gay, if I had the option I would disable them completely for myself and the AI. Cope about this being a 'hard experience' if you need to. If I had the option I would have given myself even more skills points, given how retarded the skill system in this game is. How easy most fights in the game were I could have easily beaten it on underdog, and if I knew how easy the late game was I would have just played it on underdog. Doing a solo run is obviously harder, this game to put it bluntly is not good enough for me to ever replay.
QED. The thing is, "Underdog" basically is a normal difficulty, for RPG enthusiasts like me, like in Dungeon Rats by the way. The game itself is primarily about managing skills and use them in and outside of combat. Getting a 100% skill gain bonus essentially is playing with cheats. Some like it sure but personally I see no point in doing so. You say you completed the game while in fact you didn't. All your talking points about combat, overall difficulty etc are 100% irrelevant.
RPG's generally aren't difficult by design unless they have an autism setting that severely gimps the player, and severely buffs the ai. CS underdog doesn't even throw in crazy penalties like the autism difficulty settings in underrail for ex.
Yes, the whole major design point of ITS games is that everyone is playing by the same rules but unlike in piss-easy ATOM games they tried to provide some challenge in all their three games. "RPG's generally aren't difficult by design" but somehow you're still too retarded to play them normally, got it.


Aug 27, 2008
Yes, the whole major design point of ITS games is that everyone is playing by the same rules but unlike in piss-easy ATOM games they tried to provide some challenge in all their three games. "RPG's generally aren't difficult by design" but somehow you're still too retarded to play them normally, got it.

Yet I still beat colony ship, aod and DR fairly easily. You're definitely mad that you're a bald ugly autist that needs to pay for sex lmao!!!

Honestly I have the impression now that you just suck at games and rpg's. I can picture it now, some lonely bald ugly retard sitting in his apartment alone dying over and over to fights I beat in 5 minutes 'men this is such a tactics rpg I have to using my thought to playing it'.

That's you in my mind right now. You literally just suck at games and are coping hard as fuck, lmao.


Aug 6, 2003
Tokyo, Japan
As someone who actually completed the game this way, I have to disagree. This playstyle becomes very boring very quickly. I think you need to achieve a good balance between combat and speech to enjoy the game the most.
You might be right in terms of more broad appeal and sake of gameplay variety. Also avoiding combat means never engaging with several of the games systems. I think achieving that balance might be tricky, as combat and non-combat solutions are in competition with each other? I for one greatly enjoyed trying to avoid combat throughout at all costs. Becoming the great meditator. Although I'll say it's done way better in Age of Decadence, and makes a lot more sense in-world (with the Loremaster background).

The low point of Colony Ship is definitely Act 2 when you finally reach the habitats. Three habitats all alike separated by a mere hub area. Feels like the same shit, different color.
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May 30, 2023
The best way to play Colony Ship, and the same applies to Age of Decadence, is to go 100% non-combat. The combat in both games just isn't that good.
I couldn't disagree more! AoD and CS have great combat. The only issue is that all encounters are scripted and I can't start any battle on my own, plus AoD been solo only was very disappointing, but we have Dungeon Rats to fix that. I hope Iron Tower will give us something like Dungeon Rats for CS despite it financial troubles.


Aug 6, 2003
Tokyo, Japan
Single character turn-based RPGs like AoD and even Fallout have what I would call serviceable combat. And that is being charitable. Calling it great is just silly. Colony Ship combat is just okay. It might in fact be even more fun in Hero mode. (yawn!)

"Great combat" though I would reserve for games where that is the prime focus. Jagged Alliance, X-COM, ToEE, Solasta, etc. Games with super slick combat engines.


Aug 28, 2013
Not appeasing the drooling retards expecting to black-white racial tension 700 years after was the correct choice, it'd be like expecting western steppe herders still having tensions with early european farmers who looked different from each other and their mixture makes up modern european population, since there was no racial caste like in colonial world, such looks based class and pseudo racialism didnt persist, but leave it to idiots expecting racial tension in year 2700 for no grounded reason.
It is kinda weird though. After 500 years together on the colony ship, it's weird that everyone doesn't have basically the same (pale) skin color due to genetic mixing (and low uv exposure?).
You just put more thought into the setting than VD did.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
The low point of Colony Ship is definitely Act 2 when you finally reach the habitats. Three habitats all alike separated by a mere hub area. Feels like the same shit, different color.
This is exacerbated by all factions basically feeling the same: they're all dickheads in their own right. Different flavors of dickheads, but all of them just want to manipulate you into serving their shitty cause.


Jun 30, 2019
They are clearly all deliberately made the same, the message being "everyone is a power-hungry faggot only using ideology as a tool to bamboozle fools with." Unfortunately, the message is trite, and something carrying a message doesn't automatically make it good.


Jun 6, 2020
RPG Wokedex Strap Yourselves In
I'm saying they feel the same because there is effectively no difference between bursting with an SMG, AR or shooting a shotgun. Or shooting a shotgun, or shooting a pistol. My opinion after playing the game and many like it, the differences between guns are almost purely cosmetic.
Also yes range, distance and cover are the biggest influences in tactical decisions. How you don't understand this is beyond me. Cover never seemed to matter much in CS, I was always able to flank or just outright shoot through cover.
Colony ship is on a similar level for tactical options to Fallout(like Atom). The major difference is that colony ship has a primitive cover system and obviously full party control. Fallout on the other hand doesn't have combat arena's and you're able to use locations for advantages and win fights you normally couldn't. In fallout, and Atom you can use range to start fights for your own advantage, it's possible for enemies to snipe you from far distances. CS may have more options but it's completely negated by using tiny battle arena's for all combat encounters. In fallout I could win fights earlier then normally possible using bottlenecks(bad ai to be fair) or range initiating fights and thinning out enemies before they reach me.
OK, I think I get it now. Nevertheless, I think it is an absurd oversimplification to call Colony Ship's combat shit just because it uses small arenas for its fights. In Fallout, starting fights when you want is an easy way to completely trivialize the game, especially if you rely on high range weapons. I have refrained from doing that in Fallout for that very reason. If Colony Ship had the same option, I'd not use it there as well. If ITS released a patch which made arenas bigger, then I doubt that my enjoyment of the combat would change at all.

And to be very clear: I'm only having this discussion with you because I think you treat the game unfairly in this regard. Colony Ship's combat is perfectly servicable and on par with games like Fallout. There are plenty of other things one can attack the game for like the bad itemization, the mediocre at best writing, the habitat and the end game and I think you should stick to these points if you want to call the game shit.


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
> In Fallout, starting fights when you want is an easy way to completely trivialize the game, especially if you rely on high range weapons

Yeah this is true in FNV also, when you can snipe things from halfway across the map, the game loses all challenge

If you play with short range weaponry or melee weapons the game is completely different


Aug 27, 2008
And to be very clear: I'm only having this discussion with you because I think you treat the game unfairly in this regard. Colony Ship's combat is perfectly servicable and on par with games like Fallout. There are plenty of other things one can attack the game for like the bad itemization, the mediocre at best writing, the habitat and the end game and I think you should stick to these points if you want to call the game shit.

I'm as big of a fallout fanboy as you will ever find but even I will admit the combat isn't the games strong suit.

I am not arguing CS is below fallout or atom definitively, I am saying it is roughly on the same level in terms of tactical depth. Lots of CS fanboys seem to be treating the game like it's JA2 or Silent Storm. As if they 'get it' and the rest of us simply don't.

Also I did attack the game for all those problems. The combat however in my opinion was completely unfun while being for the most part trivial.

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